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GameSpy Review of CMBB - 94%


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Actually, I did submit the Mac specs - I don't know why they didn't include them. Even though I'm a PC guy these days, I'm very aware of the Mac world - I even suggested that Gamespy employ my buddy Raphael for a Mac gaming column (which they did.)

I did have to fight for the 94 rating. They said that that would make it the highest rated PC game they had. My argument was that I review for Computer Gaming World, Computer Games Magazine, Gamespy, etc. and if they check my reviews I rarely give out such high scores - so when I do I mean it. ;) So, give them credit for keeping it.

As for the guy who wrote that note in the forum - well, I rarely read the forums over there. ;)


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Originally posted by Jeff Lackey:

Actually, I did submit the Mac specs - I don't know why they didn't include them. Even though I'm a PC guy these days, I'm very aware of the Mac world - I even suggested that Gamespy employ my buddy Raphael for a Mac gaming column (which they did.)

I did have to fight for the 94 rating. They said that that would make it the highest rated PC game they had. My argument was that I review for Computer Gaming World, Computer Games Magazine, Gamespy, etc. and if they check my reviews I rarely give out such high scores - so when I do I mean it. ;) So, give them credit for keeping it.

As for the guy who wrote that note in the forum - well, I rarely read the forums over there. ;)


Hey Jeff


Thanks for Posting here!

I hope you are enjoying CMBB and have time for a few PBEM with some of the dedicated fans over here.

It is a SPECIAL game to be sure! It DID indeed deserve a %94 because of all the attention to detail and the customer support and the v1.01 patch and of course the EVEN better upcoming v1.02 patch!

Thanks again!

-tom w

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Originally posted by CombinedArms:

Nice job, Jeff!

And, the Mac is mentioned twice near the top of the review, so I don't think we Mac users have much cause to beef. As a Mac fan who had trouble finding any wargames to play on my computer (hello, VirtualPC), it's great that the best wargame ever runs on a Mac.

You got that RIGHT!

Now the next big Challenge is Mac OSX and getting the BEST wargame of all time to run on that! :confused:

-tom w

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Originally posted by Soddball:

The chap has fewer brain cells than fingers. It's unlikely he could understand the long words we'd use.

I agree but unfortunately there are a lot of these morons. They're the reason so many "bad" games come out that look "good". These guys are used to playing "dumb" AI, hell they need dumb AI! LOL smile.gif IF they run into a game with real AI, or industry leading AI like in CMBB, they are in a world of hurt. So the knee jerk reaction is to diss something so they go for the graphics.

The great irony is that almost all video games that are considered classics rarely have fantastic graphics when they are released. The only exception I can think of would be the Doom/Quake series.

Now with that being said I must admit that one of hopes for CM3 is that the graphics are greatly improved. I know the AI, interface, sound and gameplay will be top-notch I just want to see more detail really. Tracks/wheels moving, realistic looking and moving smoke, exhaust, dirt flying everywhere, guys with more detailed movements, reactions, Guns with full crews loading, firing, reloading, etc. Oh, I was fantasizing the other night about actual planes strafing the battlefield and how cool it would look to be at ground level and look up and watch a plane come in on a strafing run!

If CM3 is visually stunning what will be people have to complain about?!?! ;)

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I think this this responce that someone else posted reflects my views rather well.

A game is like a girl. Visual beauty is only skin-deep. The REAL girl/game is what lies beneath.

...which in the case of Halo and RTCW resemble, Britney Spears. Beutiful b***h but no substance, destined to fade off into the trash heap of nothingness...

Not to Hijack the thread or anything, but the above is the exact reason my short foray into consol games was just that...short.

I plop down $50 for your average action game and it lasts maybe a week. I ploped down $50 for CM:BO and it stayed in my disc drive for over 6 months.

Now I have CM:BB which covers over 5 years of the war (If you pretend it's 1939/1940 when you play the Finns) with equipment from 1/2 a dozen nations, an easy to use QB generator and Mission Maker, and supported by an active MOD, Mission, and map making comminuty. I think I'll get my monies worth :D

CM has the longevity and replayibility that many games could only hope for.

On that note I would like to make the following honerable mentions:

ICO - Simplistic yet enjoyable gameplay? The hell you say! No wonder the brain dead teenagers of America only bought 40,000 copies (P.S. Yorda's mom is a babe, I don't care if she is and evil bizotch)

Dues Ex - 8 times through and I saw something new each time. Lets see any other FPS do that.

System Shock 2 - Not much replay, but you wussies can shove your copies of Resident Evil and Silent Hill where the sun don't shine.

Soldiers of Anarchy - Fallout meets OFP Resistance. This is the only RTS game I've found that rewards real world tactics. No wonder it's so unknown.

IL2 Sturmovik - Wonderful graphics, wonderful gameplay, wonderful QB generator with lots of options. Nippy likes!

OPF Series - CWC was a good start. Red Hammer sucked. Resistance finally got it right. Holy intense infanty combat batman! Now if the mission builder wasn't such a pain...

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Yeah!! :mad: That guy is a moron maggot-faced heap of dung-beatle piss!! God that made me angry! :mad: :mad: :mad:

There is now way he played the game or he is lying. If I knew where that maggot lived I'd turn his trash-covered yard into a crater-covered battlefield to show him just what kind of hell this game puts you through!!


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Take a meander over to the GIC forum where Jeff has been posting comments to rebut some serious slamming GIC fans were giving a few of the more reputable reviewers over bad GIC reviews.

Wait until they see this review of CMBB. The place will explode. He also posted a link to an article that talks about how to write good and bad reviews. He mentions CM as an example of people writing reviews who don't understand the goal of a game.

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