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Jeff Lackey

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About Jeff Lackey

  • Birthday 10/12/1956

Jeff Lackey's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Playing the besieged mission in the campaign, I break through to the village (easy once you take out a gun) and then turn to fight off the invasion. I haven't seen any enemy enter the village, yet very quickly I get a message saying the mission is over and I've lost. When I look around in the post mission screen I don't see any enemy in the village, but I've had this happen 3 times. What's going on? Why does this mission end so fast while I'm just starting to fight?
  2. I have not been able to get tanks, etc. to follow orders in the mission screen (other than my own.) Also - is there a way to set separate waypoints for each tank in your group? It appears you can only set one waypoint.
  3. Actually, I did submit the Mac specs - I don't know why they didn't include them. Even though I'm a PC guy these days, I'm very aware of the Mac world - I even suggested that Gamespy employ my buddy Raphael for a Mac gaming column (which they did.) I did have to fight for the 94 rating. They said that that would make it the highest rated PC game they had. My argument was that I review for Computer Gaming World, Computer Games Magazine, Gamespy, etc. and if they check my reviews I rarely give out such high scores - so when I do I mean it. So, give them credit for keeping it. As for the guy who wrote that note in the forum - well, I rarely read the forums over there. Jeff
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