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CMBB reviewed as...Something awful?!?!

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Oh pulll your head in - he talks like THAT about all games - and he rated CMBB a 10.

Actually I've read enough reviews of CMBB - I quite enjoyed the other 4 on the page - a whole page of warry game reviews - I quite liked the demo for Shogun but was only the battles appealed, so I never bought the whole thing - I wonder if the Medieval Warfare comes with a decent battle generator?

And a decent X-com follow-up could be heaps of fun too! smile.gif

so the reviewer gets 10/10 for choice of gmaes this week IMO.

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Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:


I warn any of our dedicated modders, that the writer of this review is umm, well I usually like these guys, but they have no business talking about wargames..

Just thought I would quote from that site:

(interesting style of writting there)

" GI Combat (PC only, NO Mac Version oh well)

A German tank hunter maneuvers next to a building where a squad waits in ambush.

Developer: Freedom Games

Concept: Sort of a cross between the Close Combat series and Combat Mission, GI Combat is a squad-based real time strategy game set during World War II. It's extremely good looking graphically and the developers claim to be modeling the individual soldiers on a level that surpasses even Close Combat. This translates to you having a squad pinned down by a machinegun and one guy charging forward with a grenade while another guy ****s his pants in a trench.

The Hype: There really isn't much hype for this game and I don't understand why. It looks really gorgeous and that usually suckers game magazines in a hurry. It also has secured big-name publishing through EA, which means that EA must not have much hope for it if they're not putting pressure on all these chuckle-heads to shill their game for them. The other possibility, probably the most likely one, is that the game's projected October release date is extremely optimistic and we'll actually see the game on shelves around the same time Israel and Palestine sit down for tea and cake.

What I Say: Who the living **** is "Freedom Games"? Obviously their name is something of a misnomer if they've shackled their first major title to the oppressive yoke of Electronic Arts. I'll admit that GI Combat looks promising as hell, I'll give it that, but having some pretty screenshots just shows you have a working editor fellas. On the up side, if I decide to buy this game I'll probably be able to find it at Best Buy instead of searching under a rock like I have to do with most strategy games.

Our Hype Rating: 7, the game looks pretty and looks to have even more depth than Combat Mission with Close Combat style gameplay. I've also never heard of Freedom Games, which means that this will probably end up being a sequel to Wacky Wheels that just happens to have a picture of General Patton on the box cover.

Copyright 2002 Something Awful Inc.



-tom w

[ July 29, 2002, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Oh, I agree, I was just really suprised to see it up over there. I actually went over there to read some other things.

I agree, they went pretty easy on us, but to dicount what mods have done for us? Someone should show them some of the original screenshots, or that classic pre-alpha pic...

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"Oh pulll your head in - he talks like THAT about all games - and he rated CMBB a 10."

-Yeah, but he says in the beginning that the rating is a measure for how much NOT to buy the game. All in all, I think the guy is semi-funny.

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