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OSX Compatibility Date for CMBO and beyond

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So, OSX is now out. 9.1 as classic and OSX will soon be the only choice on new Macs.

Could we get a date for when CMBO and CM Barbarrosa to Berlin (CM2) will run under the new OS?

Would it be possible to have only BTS respond to this please? Do not post here until after BTS has responded. I will TTT this to the top until it has been answered. MMany thanks to all posters and of course to our fine hosts.

Karl Mead

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  • 3 years later...

This is probably long overdue for a bump.

<Elitist Mac Attitude>

Just in case it got missed, here's the Apple press release - from two years ago - that OSX is the default OS shipping on every new Mac.

Apple Makes Mac OS X the Default Operating System on All Macs

Oh, and after that announcement two years ago, Macs began being built OSX ONLY. No current Mac model sold by Apple today, except for three special-order G4 models, run OS9.

Just in case you missed that news ...

</Elitist Mac Attitude>

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I suppose then, that all the BFC replies over the years to this issue should also be bumped.

Short version: OS X will be supported in the next engine, not before. The only way the current games could work would be if the Classic RAVE implementation were improved to work as well as the last shipping version of RAVE natively supported by OS 9.

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Because Apple decided pretty much at the last minute of developing OS X to pull full Rave 3D (which is the API the CM games were coded to run under) support we will not be able to natively support it until we completely rewrite the game from the ground up. We expect that to take about 2 years of development time.

We are not thrilled by this either but Apple is the one that decided to no longer support Rave 3D properly with no prior warning to us, a registered Apple Software Developer.

Unfortunately since Apple no longer fully supports Rave3D in OS-X and they support it very poorly in Classic mode none of the CM games *officially* supported at all in OS-X. Right now the best solution is to create a separate boot partition on your Mac with OS 9.2 installed.

With the new Macs coming out it may no longer be possibe to play CM at all if they do not permit dual booting or if Apple does not upgrade their level of Rave3D support, which isn't likely.

With our next major engine rebuild (code named CMX2) we will natively support OS-X via OpenGl, but that will not be out until 2005 at the earliest.

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I think asking Mac customers to wait at least three years after OSX became standard-issue on every new Mac before their favourite game catches up is asking for a lot. I've read, repeatedly, the finger-pointing explainations that Apple's dropping of Rave3D support was a surprise. That was three years ago when OS X was announced. It's not an acceptable excuse any longer. It doesn't take three years to get over a surprise by Apple.

Macs that can run OS9 and therefore play CM games are getting old and their owners are looking to replace them. New Macs will not boot into OS9, which means Battlefront.com customers will have to shelve their favourite games and move on to something else.

What will you do in when CMX2 is finally done and the Mac game community doesn't care anymore because they've moved on to newer Macs, newer games and forgotten about Battlefront.com's finger-pointing at Apple?

May I suggest that priority to CMX2 needs to be raised to "critical" importance and that Battlefront.com should stop trying to blame Apple for why they are three years behind in Mac technology.

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you apple people crack me up. bfc worries about selling enough pc games to stay alive. to demand that a garage game company kiss your apple is beyond my comprehension. when apple sells half the home computers in the world, they might take a chance that those owners will buy a game.

you probably write to the guys doing dos based games too.

back in the 80's when i had an apple IIe i waited forever for the apple version of a game. you made a choice to buy an mac, deal with it.

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Whatever the justice of BFC's claim about being blind-sided and not being able to do anything about it since, that is the decision that they made and they have stuck with it throughout a three year storm of criticism. Carping and whining about it now isn't going to change the past, nor will it hasten the advent of CMx2 so far as I can tell.

BFC has said that CMx2 will support OS X. What more do you want them to say? Would you feel better if they swore on a stack of Bibles, crossed their hearts and hoped to die? Either they are telling us the truth in which case there is nothing more they need to say, or they are lying and will continue to do so as long as it suits them. What possible reason would they have to lie? I can't think of a rational one, and I truly doubt that they are so bent that they would do it for kicks.

As a Mac user myself, I can sympathize with your frustration, but merely to vent in this manner is silly, counterproductive, and juvenile. Grow up. If you can find a game that you genuinely prefer to CM, have at it and more bliss to you. If I find one, you can believe I will take off for it in a hot minute. BFC never asked us to sign contracts committing us to only buy their products for the rest of our lives and that's a freedom I fully intend to exercise. But you also better believe that if I like CMx2 whenever it comes out, I'm getting a copy. And if I don't like it, I won't. That's the same attitude I have toward all games for the Mac, whether they support OS X or not.

BTW, just for clarification, Andreas, even though this post follows yours, it wasn't directed at you, whom I regard as possessing at least a modicum of sense. Once in a while.



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Originally posted by junk2drive:

you apple people crack me up. bfc worries about selling enough pc games to stay alive. to demand that a garage game company kiss your apple is beyond my comprehension. when apple sells half the home computers in the world, they might take a chance that those owners will buy a game.

you probably write to the guys doing dos based games too.

back in the 80's when i had an apple IIe i waited forever for the apple version of a game. you made a choice to buy an mac, deal with it.

Condiser yourself lucky that there is a PC version since CM was made on a Mac.


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As the original poster of this thread (wow really dredging one up) this is a long dead issue. Those of us who want a fine WW2 simulation will be around to buy all the CMII games that do run natively on OSX. I came to understand and accept this issue a long, long time ago. Although not before really ticking off Matt.

Knowing it would be quite some time until the native version was available, I bought a new Mac that will run OS9 over a year ago. I now have two different Macs that can run the current CM products. There are still G4s available new that will run CM, as well as a huge number of older G4s that are quite capable of running CM.

Despite the sky falling, BFC has soldiered on, Apple has managed a profit and I have CM in all its glorious versions.

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Originally posted by Toad:

Macs that can run OS9 and therefore play CM games are getting old and their owners are looking to replace them. New Macs will not boot into OS9, which means Battlefront.com customers will have to shelve their favourite games and move on to something else.

This is it

This is the WHOLE truth

I have played and Enjoyed the CM series since the CMBO beta days.

I have been a Loyal and patient customer

I have purchased the CMBB companion book and ALL three CM releases for my OS 9 Mac

BUT guess what?????

I don't have a mac that can run OS 9 any more Right now I am on a zippy 15 inch 1.25 Ghz G4 Mac laptop and it won't boot into OS 9

do I have any old computers?

SURE!! a Crappy old G3

it only has 8 megs of VRAM so it won't run CMAK!

BUT Did I buy CMAK?? ....

YES, because I am either Loyal or Stupid!! (pick one) :(

Here is the bottom line, I AM NOT PLAYING any CM series games anymore because I don't have a Mac with 16 Megs of VRAM running OS 9 to run CMAK and I never really liked CMBB which I can still play but don't bother anymore.

(I am NOT complaining about the 16 Meg VRAM limit that was the RIGHT thing to do for the design of the CMAK game for SURE, its just that this time 16 megs REALLY MEANT 16 Megs and 8 megs of VRAM on an old Mac Powerbook does not get you where you used to be able to go! My laptop now has 64 megs VRAM from ATI but it won't run ANY CM series games! :( )

But I am waiting and I am hoping something REALLY REALLY Amazing will be available 18- 24 months from now when they release the NEXT BIG THING!!!

and it better be good!!

(But I will wait and see what other folks HERE have to say before I order it this time!

I doubt I will preorder their next offering and to be honest it would be the first time I won't pre-order) :(

oh well.....

that's my story and I am sticking too it

grumpy and disenfranchised in toronto


-tom w

[ May 31, 2004, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Aka Tom,

I run CMAK on my ibook G3 with 8M vram - so it does run, just gotta turn off the fun eye candy like dust and detail for large battles (actually, I dont evn try the big battles any more as it was painful to watch it grind through the calcs).

just clarifying. I'm sure you've tried it on the G3..


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  • 3 weeks later...

;) I do have a Mac that will boot into OS 9, but haven't run CMAK more than two times since I bought it.

I am happy to have them, just haven't had the time to run what I know is a great simulation.

I am really looking forward to having a OSX native sim from BFC...

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Just to 'cool down' this flaming thread... redface.gif

Let me speak out as an old Amiga's hand: I've seen all this before! I mean, here he comes, the Billy-spammer, with his junky mind, selling diamonds on the streets: will you buy it?

I wouldn't ever surrender! :cool:

Now I run Unix and of course the brilliant OS X from a genius of our times, who has done a REAL JOBS :eek: , and surely enough I prey Battlefront wouldn't sign the infamous NDA selling their soul to the microsort, alike the atomic's children have done in a close combat encounter... tongue.gif

Yeah, I would love Battlefront to grow an OpenGL re-start of all our games: surely I will even buy some upgraded hardware to play with them all over again, and YES, I'm playing all episodes on my macs (G3, G4, all with overprized ATI mac edition pci 32 MB video card :rolleyes: ) and read all the books, and ride my byke on many mountain passes...

Incoherently Yours

Gen Von Television aka Grunt

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