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Me Mortars Won't Shoot

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What's up wit mortars. Their hidden ofcourse, using indirect with 50mm and 81mm (Russian and German) and linked to a HQ units. The HQ units both have LOS to a target, neither force fires on the target. They just SIT THERE!!! Arrrggg :mad:

[ September 30, 2002, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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Nope, their done setting up. It is like they only want to fire direct sight? What am I not getting? In CMBO, on a rare occasion the same thing would happen, where when hidden but linked to a HQ unit with an LOS, they would not fire. Sometimes if I gave the HQ unit a better LOS (brighter light blue line), then they would go ahead and fire. But in these instances the HQ units have a very clear LOS?

[ September 30, 2002, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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I was playing a game last night and the German 60mm mortars were performing their job very nicely. Were the HQ units hiding? Perhaps they were firing but you didn't notice. CMBB mortars have no muzzle flash like in CMBO. That's something that might be getting addressed in the upcoming patches (don't quote me on that).

One thing about mortars - for the first time I actually managed to get an infantry commander to spot for a hidden mortar vehicle! Can't do that in CMBO. I was very pleased!

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Grrr, it's the ten thousand guesses...

The HQ units are hiding and spotting (good LOS), to targets and linked to mortars who are not hiding, but are in hidden (locations), using indirect fire, who have yet to fire a shot, who are not hiding, and are finished setting up and, who after the turn have the same amount of shells they had at the beginning of the turn.

[ September 30, 2002, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Okay, now we're getting somewhere's. HQ units can no longer hide and spot?

Nope, if the HQ is hiding then they can't spot. I think the rationale is "they are hiding, not spotting falling rounds".

If you want the HQ to have a better chance of staying unspotted (silly firing on visible targets), plot a small cover arc for him.

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Huh? Now that's a big change from BO. Can't they peek out from under their helmut? Geeeze.

"Okay, now using this here arc gizmo." In CMBO you could sneak into a position, hide, and spot. So you can't do that in CMBB, but your saying for example, you could sneak into a position, use the arc, and if a target presents itself then the HQ would see it and what...remain hidden and spot, or unhide at that point to spot? :confused:

But if you did that, then there's no guarantee you would spot the right target if more than one was there, or appeared, or you wanted to just pinpoint one in a target rich environment, nor could you pinpoint spot for smoke that way.

[ September 30, 2002, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Huh? Now that's a big change from BO. Can't they peek out from under there helmut? Geeeze.

The FIRST thing you should reach in the CMBB manual is the bit explaining what's changed from CMBO!
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Well if that's the case then I can see where this will force a more centric use of mortars into battery locations than individual crews attached to infantry platoons. Cause if HQ units cannot hide and spot, then the presumption would be that to guarantee a hidden mortar position's ability to fire, one would need two HQ units. (Once an HQ unit pops up on the field, every ones wants a piece of em). Or you could only spot briefly then move the HQ unit to another nearby location. Like a sniper or something. But who would want to risk losing an infantry platoon HQ unit spotting for an attached mortar? Hmmmm.

I kin see where this will lower the survival rate of FO's for sure...

[ September 30, 2002, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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PondScum wrote:

The FIRST thing you should reach in the CMBB manual is the bit explaining what's changed from CMBO!
I did, but I ain't memorized it yet. All them grass mods when I was younger... Asides it ain't got no pitchures.

[ September 30, 2002, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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I done sent it you old sod and so, been waiting all day for you to get up the nerve to send it back. tongue.gif

Sides, I got one of gyrene251's Commie bastages in me sights and the cotton pickin mortar is just SITTING THERE!

Now I gotta unhide the HQ unit (have him jump up and down giving the Scottish moon salute), and hope to get off a round or two before the whole of Russia starts shootin at him. :rolleyes:

[ September 30, 2002, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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Freakin' noobies. :rolleyes: As you have no doubt read in the manual, units that start in decent cover will have a very good chance of staying hidden as long as they don't fire or move from their starting point. They also are presumed to be camouflaged. During setup pick a spot with good LOS, if you can, and stay there. However, with EFOW (extreme fog of war in case you haven't noticed this new feature in CMBB) your HQ units should stay unspotted if they are just spotting for mortars and not running all over the place.

[ September 30, 2002, 03:38 PM: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]

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Bruno, keep in mind that, because of EFOW, as long as you give the HQ a short cover arc so he won't fire, even though he isn't hidden, he won't be spotted except by someone who's too close anyway.

I didn't like the change at first, but after playing the game a while, and thinking about it, it makes sense, and, more importantly, it works. I have yet to have an unhidden HQ get shot at by a unit that wasn't really close.

Edited to say: Damn, Pvt Ryan beat me to it.

[ September 30, 2002, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Vergeltungswaffe ]

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

I done sent it you old sod and so, been waiting all day for you to get up the nerve to send it back. tongue.gif

Sides, I got one of gyrene251's Commie bastages in me sights and the cotton pickin mortar is just SITTING THERE!

Now I gotta unhide the HQ unit (have him jump up and down giving the Scottish moon salute), and hope to get off a round or two before the whole of Russia starts shootin at him. :rolleyes:

Some of us still work for a meager living, I'll have that turn out to you before 1800.

Interesting dilema with the mortars, something to note in our upcoming East Front meeting. ;)

By the way check page 129 of the manual it splains everything.

[ September 30, 2002, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Pvt. Ryan wrote:

Freakin' noobies. As you have no doubt read in the manual, units that start in decent cover will have a very good chance of staying hidden as long as they don't fire or move from their starting point. They also are presumed to be camouflaged.
Noobies...! Young whipper snapper, I was wupping em with CM when you was still a vitamin. :D

Now, how is the HQ/FO gonna be camouflaged in a building? Hold a pitchure up to the window and look out from behind two holes poked in it?


Vergeltungswaffe wrote:

keep in mind that, because of EFOW, as long as you give the HQ a short cover arc so he won't fire, even though he isn't hidden, he won't be spotted except by someone who's too close anyway.
What if it's FOW and not EFOW? Now this short arc gizmo, does that mean the HQ/FO see's out at range, but just don't fire unless it (target) is within the arc?


Frenchy wrote:

Unlike you, I have nothing to shoot at!
Hehehe, bummer. :D


Nidan1 wrote:

Some of us still work for a meager living...
You ortta get a job wit da gumment, then you ain't gotta do dat. :D

[ September 30, 2002, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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