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For the Record, I Am the PENG CHALLENGE Thread

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lcm1947:

Stop wasteing your time here. Do something else with your crappy life.

Something you repeat every morning to yourself in the mirror?

That's very understandable.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

No doubt it'll be a drunken mish-mash of fumbling hands and sweaty groping and "where does this go?" while simultaneousely thinking about dead kittens in order to prolong the experience

Seanachai, Stuka in a mutual sweaty grope-fest.

No wonder I'm having difficulty keeping my dinner down.


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Morning everybody , its a lovely day today , I hope your all as happy as I am .

Some updatery for my special friends

A J He a got a little upset I had not sent him a turn , so I did and now he is upset because it shows a couple more of his tanks going to the scrapyards ho hum .

Harv Only early days here , I'm sure the action will hot up soon , it usually does .

Lurker This is some sort of tank battle , well it will be .

The Capt He's sent in a big infantry attack which will be dealt with like the first one .

Noba His setup will arrive I suppose , maybe he is sending it by carrier pidgeon .

Boo Probably has too many games on his hands to face another total defeat at my hands .

Lars He may be at his lake , he likes it there , when he gets home he may send me a turn .

Seanachai and Stuka together eh , well true love finds a way however improbable , Best Wishes to the both of you , one question for you both , after last night will the bride still wear white .

Keep Smiling .

[ July 30, 2002, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: Simon Elwen ]

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Originally posted by athkatla:

So says the typical aussie, full of crap and blowing his own trumpet, as in, "bloody great bloke and real stud". HaHaHaHa. Grow up you aussie ponce, the only thing you studded lately is a dirty looking, smelly sheep, probably the "black sheep" of the family. Although it's hard to say who is the black sheep of any aussie family as your all fecking ex-convicts!

We Aussies are fortunate. We can express all our disgust, despite, contempt, bile and venom in one word only ..... that word being POM!

By the way, 'Potential squire'. Quite the little sycophant, aren't we?


[ July 30, 2002, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by lcm1947:

I thought we had all agreed to shut this - Peng thing down? What part didn't you understand? Ok, I see some of us can't read the big words so let me go over it again - slowly. Stop wasteing your time here. Go home. Do something else with your crappy lifes. Ok I got it. Here's something you'll be able to associate with - SODD OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I hope this ends it here and now. Now if the last person leaving would so kindly turn off the lights. Thanks ever so much. smile.gif

Go away. Go far away. Go far, far away.

And when you've gone far, far away. Go away yet again. Hie thee from me. Begone from my presence. Vacate this area. From henceforth, be elsewhere. Occupy not this general space anymore. Annoy other people with your incessant bleating. Do everyone who's ever met you a great favor. Take a coal shovel and beat yourself into submission.


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Guys, guys! I know why Hirag Sedate and Boor Ragley have been in such a pissy mood lately.


They spent all that time planning and saving money to go worship at the feet of their Queen in the Sun City, and then she up and quit 20 minutes into the show.

To make matters worse, Hirag had already bought the ring and tickets to Hawaii, and was going to pop the question during the concert. Instead he had to get down on one knee in a rundown restaurante, dodging waiters and other patrons, and the romantic effect was ruined.

Guys, I'm very sorry this happened. You should've told us right away; we would've done everything in our power to help you. Instead you chose to express your anger and disappointment in the form of bile and venom directed at those who want only the very best for you in your life together.

I was going to save this until after you'd announced your engagement, but, well, I think it'll help more now. Boys, we all pitched in and bought you tickets to see Vanessa Carlton in concert. I'm sure her music will only strengthen the bonds between you.


[ July 30, 2002, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: Doug Beman ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

snippage of yet more blathering on

Mike is perfectly welcome to come in here and hate us. This is, after all, the place for it. Please note that although he's usually not very interesting, he isn't excessively abusive or vulgar, does not attempt to disrupt the Thread of threads, other than throwing pop bottles from the stands, and hasn't indulged in any sort of disgusting or vile behaviour, other than disliking us, and who could blame him.

"Disgusting and vile" could make him more interesting though. Then again, what wouldn't?


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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

Guys, guys! I know why Hirag Sedate and Boor Ragley have been in such a pissy mood lately.


No you don't. You don't even have a clue. As a matter of fact, Drugged, you are so unbelievably clueless that you make Alicia Silverstone appear to be a Rhodes scholar.

I look at what you post in here and I just have to shake my head and say, "This is why interspecies mating is frowned upon."

How long did it take you to come up with that Bratley Spears thing? Did you lie awake all night to suddenly shout "Eureka*", climb out of your crib, run across the room in your little Teletubbies pajamas (the ones with the feet and the emergency escape hatch in the rear) and pull that page from the thousands of similar ones you've bookmarked?

And you've probably spent all morning sitting by your computer just waiting for some kind of response. Well, here it is, so you can relax now...maybe get some lunch (Spaghetti-O's I'll bet). Later you can nap easily, filled with the warm realization that you were noticed.

* Literally, "I stink!"

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Oh and for the record, I'd just like

to dispell any doubts or misconceptions

that might still be remaining about this

issue... I DO NOT like wolves. Okay?

Got it? Good. Now nobody ever mention

it again.

thanks and gud bles,

ure freind,


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Originally posted by a sick aussie git:<HR>

By the way, 'Potential squire'. Quite the little sycophant, aren't we?<HR>

Err no, I was claimed by the brave Sir "4 Legged" Knight, YEKNODATHON, and would be honoured to be his squire. Needless to say, I would rather gather sheep **** and put it in my breakfast cereal than worship anything Oz! But then, I gather that's what you eat for breakfast every morning, washed down by gallons of that revolting excuse for a beer, Fosters, that bears some resemblance to what you emptied into the toilet, or wherever you do it, last night.

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Oh, Athie, you silly Sod, time to put the boot in.

Never*Boot* mention Fosters *Boot* when taunting the *Boot* Oddzies. It just gives them a chance to tell us ONCE AGAIN how they never drink the stuff and it's only for export. And we don't want to hear it *Boot*. Now hurry up and send a turn. The suffering of your troops amuses me. *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* *Boot*

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Oh, Athie, you silly Sod, time to put the boot in.

Never*Boot* mention Fosters *Boot* when taunting the *Boot* Oddzies. It just gives them a chance to tell us ONCE AGAIN how they never drink the stuff and it's only for export. And we don't want to hear it *Boot*. Now hurry up and send a turn. The suffering of your troops amuses me. *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* *Boot*

Turns sent and I took a flag off you! So you get the *Boot* *Boot* *Boot* off the VL!

[ July 30, 2002, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: athkatla ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by CMplayer:

Oh and for the record, I'd just like

to dispell any doubts or misconceptions

that might still be remaining about this

issue... I DO NOT like wolves. Okay?

Got it? Good. Now nobody ever mention

it again.

Been dumped again, eh? Those wolves are so fickle...
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Originally posted by CMplayer:

That had to be one of the best timed 'wankers' I've ever seen Elvis put in.

Any time anyone calls you a wanker is well timed you dork!

[ July 30, 2002, 05:52 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Aww, man, for a second I skimmed the above post and thought mike called cmplayer a "DONK" and thought: "Hey, that's an improvement, and a funny word too. In fact, cmplayer sort of is a donk" but then I looked again and it was the same, tired old dork bit.

Oh well, cmplayer is a donk in my book.

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Romper Stomper and Billy Club were having a beer in the Black Stump the other night when a guy came in and ordered a gin 'n tonic.

being good Aussie blokes our 2 heroines figured this bloke must be a Pom and proceeded to give him what for.

"Whatsortadrinkyoucallthat?" slured William Baton

"'E's either a poofter or a Pom" gargled Stupor "hey wadayah do for a crust yah pommie gay-bar loiterer??"

Taken aback by the unusual levl of friendliness the object of this affection could only stammer in reply "I'm a Taxidermist - I stuff and mount animals".

Well this floored our 2 liquid titans and silenced their rude banter for all of half a millisecond.

"Strewth" said Quarter-wit Staff "He's one of us!"

And Penile Litter who cares what cmprowler is in your book - who cares about your book at all? Who cares about you even??

You're just another dork!

[ July 30, 2002, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by some repulsive creature calling itself "Moik The Oik":

Feel free to leave at any time!

We of the infamous MBT feel a mutual response towards your Snivelling, Scummy, Nancyboy self. So, without further ado -


Sir AJ

Keeping the Bastaarrds Honest!

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Originally posted by Mike:

Feel free to leave at any time!

Well here's another fine mess Panzer Leader has gotten us into. If his rules had been complete we could have pointed to the rule that requires that all SSNs have at least a general location and an email address in their profile in order for us to respond to them. As it is ... hey wait a minute ... he DID say that WE make the rules didn't he!

Super Double Secret Rule Addendum #14.9/a

All SSNs must have at least a general location and an email address in their profile in order for us to respond to them.

Say that works rather well ... no thanks to Panzer Leader of course.


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Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike. What did you say your name was again? Oh, that's right...can I call you Tyke? You remind me of the son I left out on the barren hillside for the buzzards and jackals to devour.

I forget, are you the one who keeps saying "dork" or is that the other Bozo? I keep getting you two confused...when I bother to think of you, that is.

Why am I bothering right now? Oh, that's right. Your last post. The one that went "Feel free to leave at any time."

Wow! That one drew blood. In the world of witty ripostes and caustic rejoinders, that was the Grail. I don't think anybody here could ever top that one, soooo I guess that makes you the winner. You can't do any better than that one, nossiree Bob. Guess there's nothing left for you to do here.

Well, thanks for dropping by. Take care. Buh-bye!

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:


Sir AJ

Ah....that feels better!

Now if Bo Didley could just shut the trapdoor behind him as he goes the pool could return to it's normal snivelling putrid self....

[ July 30, 2002, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Mike:

Hey dorks! The next person that points and laughs at me or throws unwanted bananas in my cage is going to be called a meatball!

Keep it up and we'll put you into a position(no pun intended, realy :D ) where we all find out if CmPlayer takes a liking to chimps as well.
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