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Admiral Keth's Scenario Rating System

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Hello Everyone.. Not sure if you are all aware of this or not, but there is a fully function review system in place for Combat Mission scenarios! Surf over to the Admirals site!!!

Combat Mission Scenario Depot

This is a great resource for all of us! With so many scenarios now available for CM, who knows which one is good and with one is only average? Well if everyone uses this review system, we can all save a lot of time!!! Check it out... You won't be sorry!!!!


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I have just posted my 1st review. I strongly suggest you do the same as it is a great site and gives you the information to select a good game if you trust other peoples opinions.

And if you don't, play it anyway and then give yours...

Great Site and nice crisp and clean layout!!

Thanks to the designer.


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I've gotten to know the good "Admiral" pretty well over the past few months or so. I would encourage EVERYBODY to make it a habit to go to the site and leave constructive comments on EVERY scenario you play that is featured on his most excellent site!

GREAT WORK KEITH!. (Have i said that to you before? :D )

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The whole point behind the Scenario Depot is to:

1) encourage scenario developers to continue their efforts,

2) offer advice, suggestions, and constructive criticism on how they can improve existing scenarios, as well as develop new ones,

3) provide a forum by which players new to CM can see which scenarios are the best for their particular play style (TCP/IP, AI, Email), and

4) archive all of the wonderful scenarios that seem to be getting lost as time passes.

The Scenario Depot also exists simply because:

a) I have a passion (bordering on mania) for Combat Mission, and

B) I really enjoy helping other people (sappy, but true).

Plans are in progress for an interface face-lift, as well as many new enhancements based on everyone's suggestions.

Stop on by, review a scenario, and show your support and appreciation for each and every scenario designer that has worked hard for your enjoyment.

[ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Admiral Keth ]

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Hi Admiral!

I just checked some reviews at your site and there's one comment about score calculation:

In many cases reviewers gave 0 points to PBEM playability. I assume this means they haven't played the scenario by email. In such cases, shouldn't this zero excluded from the average? In Wiltz one reviewer gave nines and tens, yet the average is eight.

Ok, another one, actually this is a question. On the review page there's a link to RatingDefinitons. There are 9 graphical symbols with descriptions. But where are those symbols used? Do they mean scores from 1 to 10?

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I do look at the reviews at your site and see what people think of my scenarios. I would like to see, if you can do it and have time, that 0 is not counted in, it becomes a n/a type of thing. Make sure you state it it wasn't tested [AI or pbem] to use a 0 and then that number will not be able to be counted.

I would also like to see the option to reply from the scenario maker. Yes, I can post a review, but that wouldn't be fair either. For example, one of mine got marked down for briefing, yet the reviewer has no idea that is what done on purpose. I could then explain why I went that route.

Neither of these are critical. Just something from my viewpoint. I more then appreicate the work you are doing!


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Regarding the 0 calculations. You are right on the money. Ideally, the system should allow a "No Vote" or "No Opinion" value. That's one of the things on my "Giant List o' Things To Do". Once that's accomplished, I'll manually go back through and recalc the values to a more correct rating.

The Scenario Depot Panzerfaust Rating System is for me to go through and rate the scenarios as objectively as possible. I have played around 400 of the 896 battles and operations, so I have a pretty good idea of what works in a scenario and what doesn't. The rules regarding the various ratings need to be adjusted prior to my reviews, somehow incorporated it into the existing ratings, or even scrapped entirely. It was just an idea I had when I was putting this all together and plugged it in while I was building things. Don't know yet. Any suggestions?

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Oh, so those ratings would be a sort of Administrator Rating that has nothing to do with the possible reviews? Well, I can't say much more than IMO the current rating with 1-3 panzerfausts in three different colours is not as clear as, say 1-5 stars or those numeric values. The categories are good.

BTW: If we just get enough reviews, this system can be really valuable. Just tried Nachut! based on the Scenario Depot rating and it was indeed a good one.

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Actually I really like the designer coments idea. Do you mean an "overall scenario comment" or the ability to respond to each review? The overall comment would be fairly easy to do. Individual responses would take a little bit longer to implement. Consider both on my "To Do" list.

In addition, I'm already working on the idea of some value not counting towards the rating. Simply due to the fact that a particular reviewer may not have utilized some aspect of the scenario, such as PBEM, that reviewer may have no opinion/experience regarding that aspect, thus should not be counted against the rating. Fortunately, I only store the raw rating values, so the averages will recalc themselves once I code up this feature. I'll broadcast an email to those people who have already submitted reviews that they can advise me of any changes in the ratings they chose. I'll then make quick changes to individual records.

In addition, I'm considering implementing a messaging board on the Scenario Depot site, strictly for scenario discussions. If so, would this be a useful feature or are such discussions better left here? MadMatt - any comment on the appropriateness of site-related discussions? Is it more preferable to start our own, or would people feel as if it would be detracting or duplicating the efforts already here?

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Just a little comment - and compliment - from my side for the site and idea. Great stuff. As a scenario designer, any feedback is extremely valuable to actually improve what you're doing. I am thankful for any emails I get from people that played, but this site is even more valuable, since it contains also the "not so good stuff" which you rarely see in emails but is so important to learn to do better. Keep it up and folks, post reviews!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Admiral Keth:


In addition, I'm already working on the idea of some value not counting towards the rating. Simply due to the fact that a particular reviewer may not have utilized some aspect of the scenario, such as PBEM, that reviewer may have no opinion/experience regarding that aspect, thus should not be counted against the rating.


I think this sounds really good. Some aspects are more important than others, so it's nice if a reviewer can pick the aspects that were important in some scenario and thus produce the kind of overall score that he had in mind. IMO the briefing quality isn't nearly as important as map design and force selection, so I'd probably leave that one out if the scenario was good otherwise.

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Keth -

First let me say that I think this is a really invaluable resource. I have committed myself to providing a review for every scenario I play and to read all the reviews provided for my work. I would like to encourage everyone else to do the same.

Now, here's my thoughts on your ratings system. The first three criteria: Briefing, Map, and Force Balance are really the ones that should be averaged to get the score. Replayability is nice, but not as important, especially in a really great scenario with surprises that might not be as good the second time (e.g Move It Or Lose It!) PBEM rating and vs AI rating should really be stand alone scores for people trying to pick a game for a type of match.

The other thing I would do is provide a bit more guidance on the first three rating criteria. In my opinion, a briefing should set the background and get you "into" the game to be played without giving away intended surprises. It should lead you into toward the actions the designer wants you to take in order for the game to play out as designed and possibly punish you if you don't pick up the clues provided. Map design is pretty self explanatory, but Force Balance should be explained some. I wouldn't want to rate a scenario low in balance if it were historically based and was still playable (or even winnable) even if I was being over-run.

What I want to do as a scenario designer (and hope a rating system like yours tells me if I am doing) is to keep playing around with the options I have to work with to come up with scenarios that are "new", difficult and fun to play.

Hopefully enough people will play along so I can see if I am succeeding.

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I do agree that in some scenarios setting the background can be important. But I wouldn't want to rate a scenario low if the briefing of a fictional scenario isn't 4 pages, like some of the historical ones have.

I suppose most people use reviews to find certain kind of battles: say, a small infantry fight for TCP/IP or a huge historical tank battle against AI. I think it would be great if the reviews could help in finding those categories where a scenario is at its best.

Some scenarios are designed to play well in some way and play awfully in other way,

so it would be nice if scenario designers could mention this and other possible playing instructions in their briefing.

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Well, well, Admiral! What a great job you've done here. This is one of the finest sites on being able to see what is out there and how it works!

I offer my sincerest thanks for a lot of hard work to benefit gamers. Well done!

I like your scenario evaluation system, which also allows for comments as to the "why" of certain evaluations.

I wish you the best with this. I hope you will continue to update it.

Quite a number of mine are not listed and I would be greatful if I could send them and have them posted as a part of your prestigious site.

Thank you!

Wild Bill

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Wild Bill,

Thank you for your kind comments. Even now [sotto voce] actually I'm supposed to be working [/sotto voce] I'm improving the site. Everyone should look forward to both messaging, as well as real-time chat forums, revised rating calculations, and links to more scenario downloads.

Sir, I would be deeply honored to include your renowned scenarios.

[ 07-20-2001: Message edited by: Admiral Keth ]

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Well done Admiral.

I will surely add some reviews for those I played.

I like also the search the engine where you can specify the kind of scenario you're looking for. As more people will add their comments, it will become probably one of the most visited CMBO related sites

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Yes, just a small section so I can reply in general about the scenario. I am not worried about scores, but I do read the feedback.

How about a seperate section for CMBB for when the time comes?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:

...Yes, just a small section so I can reply in general about the scenario. I am not worried about scores, but I do read the feedback.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just to clarify, I think what you are asking for is the ability to respond to individual reviews? If so, let me look into that...that'll take a bit o' coding.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>How about a seperate section for CMBB for when the time comes?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Already built...just waiting for CMBB to be released.

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