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Wine, Women And Sing songs, Long Live The Peng Challenge Thread

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

How about you just send me your home address and I'll start packing for the trip after I finish cleaning the .30-06?

I guess my challenge was too good, mabe if i tone it down next time you'll ask for a setup?</font>
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Dear Boo

After hearing your plaintiff cry for help, I have whipped up a doozy of a battle for you to assault Mouse's sensibilities with.

It has a distinctively Oddstraylian flavour, as you so eloquently wished.

I look forward to reading *THE HORROR* implicit in both you's guys gamey updates, as the slaughter progresses willy-nilly... *MU-HA-HA-HA-AAAAH!*

Please run along now and Die-A-Lot<SUP>tm</SUP>. Especially in our current historically accurate and force-balanced to-do.



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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Hey Marlow......pssst over here....oops dont step in that....

Where is the FECKN" Battle for Lurkur and I!!!!!

Good Fred, Boo, is this one always such an idiot? I can see why you fought to pawn him off.

Nitwit, try reading the posts on the previous page.

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Originally posted by Lars:

I've been quaking in me fox urine soaked boots for weeks, wondering if I'm game to re-take on that tactically superior genius Sir Aussiejeff. Oh, the thought of LOSING to him AGAIN is almost TOO MUCH TO BARE!!

Idjit! Send the frickin' setup and stop prefabricatin'!! It's your Time-To-Die<SUP>tm</SUP>.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Gamey Updates! woot woot *poot*! (Oh excuse me)

Snarker (who is he? A squire, kanigget? SSN, outerboarder?) Anyhow, my Soviet youths laugh with abandon as they pick off a mighty mechanized division piece-by-piece from afar with their tungsten darts.

G) A map of his own design. Open steppe for the attacker, with an oasis of cover for the defender.

A) The sole house on the main approach is aflame, as well as some of the edge of the wood, further limiting avenues of approach. Wind blowing the fire away from his men.

M) Gave me a Mech force mix 1000 pts, no points for tanks. Perfect for the above terrain.

E) Feckin' trenches.

Y) It's an armored mech company attacking, ya nong. Dismounted the infantry because I'm not.

G) Seems like a division because I've outwitted you. Berli's summary of your mental prowess is eerily on target.

I) You've destroyed transport as empty as the span 'twixt yer ears, laddie. I've finished your Maxim Cha-Cha with my infantry intact.

T) SMG troops in the trenches and wood.

But I'll not whine or call names, as I'm a better SSN than that.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

I have another scenario titled -- let me see -- "Fish in a Barrel" -- It hasn't been playtested yet -- frankly, it hasn't been completed yet -- OKAY -- IT'S STILL JUST A CONCEPT, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? .


MrSpkr, MrSpkr, MrSpkr...now I forget what I was going to say.

Oh, right! Sorry, but as your scenario is still fermenting in that cobwebby place between your ears, I'll have to pass. I want this finished as quickly as possible for the honor of the House! And to that end, I have accepted something of Ozztralian vintage entitled, "Art Carney's Abcess" or somefink...I tried not to look too closely, you understand.

I may be fearless, but I'm not an idiot.

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Mising in action report:

Since Happypeer Triplamne has skived off on his current commitments I proclaim a victory over him by de-fault.

He's obviously a chicken, so I thought I'd see if I coudl figure out what breed, and y'know it didn't take long at all!

He's a pure blue Appenzell Pointed Hood Hen. They exist only in very few, numerically small and heavily inbreeding-damaged lines.

A perfect fit for our boy.

I see teh pet Alky is back!!

Hey Alka - have you learned to play the game yet?? Wannanother thrashing for free, or are you still enjoying paying for them down at the local dungeon too much?

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

How about you just send me your home address and I'll start packing for the trip after I finish cleaning the .30-06?

I guess my challenge was too good, mabe if i tone it down next time you'll ask for a setup?</font>
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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah just beat the AI ain "Cemetary Hill", go' a 'tactical victory'. Bae afraid laddies, bae vurry afrrraid...!

Oh yeah. And you had the Axis balance set to +200% and the FOW set to none. How MANLY of you! How very scary.... *snicker*

Mah <BIG><BIG>*P00t*</BIG></BIG> ah's moorrr sceery then tha' spineless ****e ye hae joost poosted. Ye haeggis-fondlin' pallock!

Oooh. An b'forrre ah ferget... whae's yer feckin' turrrrn, ye poxie butt-ocked laddie?


Fear This!!


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah just beat the AI ain "Cemetary Hill", go' a 'tactical victory'. Bae afraid laddies, bae vurry afrrraid...!

Oh yeah. And you had the Axis balance set to +200% and the FOW set to none. How MANLY of you! How very scary.... *snicker*

Mah <BIG><BIG>*P00t*</BIG></BIG> ah's moorrr sceery then tha' spineless ****e ye hae joost poosted. Ye haeggis-fondlin' pallock!

Oooh. An b'forrre ah ferget... whae's yer feckin' turrrrn, ye poxie butt-ocked laddie?


Fear This!!


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Originally posted by dalem:

Through the fog I will mention that I am going out of town from 11/27 to 12/5...

Why? No one loves you more than we do. You might as well stay here.

And that photo you sent around to the Minnesota Miscreants. Where did you get it?

I...I...I feel that I've known her. In a past life, that is. And I'm almost sure I need to make amends for something. So, if you actually have any idea who she is...

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Stand by for the next installment of "Aussiejeff Pillages The House Of Shavian". It shouldn't take very long this time either...


Exactly how does one go about losing to AussieJeff?

Are there special 'Re-Education Camps' the government has to send you to?

Of course, I only played the stuttering platypus in CMBO, but I can't remember ever not handing him his arse.

Mind, I was subjected to all sorts of hooting and wooting for the first 15 turns, while he imagined himself invincible, and then a sort of receding 'dying quack' noise for the final 15 turns, interspersed with a few blusterings about 'reading the mission briefing' (clearly a lie; the man cannot read), and 'the Tac AI doesn't recognize my true genius, and won't grant me full control of my routed troops!' type thing.

Now, AussieJeff, before you stumble on to center stage, spraying spittle and foam and demanding a setup, know that I've simply too many games now to show you your place. But that time shall come (again).

Before I could reasonably play you, I must play your obvious better, Noba, and before I allow Noba a game, Stuka has first right of refusal.

So go quiver in a corner, dear AussieJeff, until I've time for you. Fantasize about one day perhaps achieving a Draw against me.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Leeo keeps apologizing for the week-between-turn-itis he caught from Seanachai. No matter, my grizzled vets will teach his fresh-faced youths how to weep and mourn.

Ooh! That'd sting! That is, if you ever bothered to finish a game against me after that first one that you won by the narrowest possible margin, after doing every bloody thing wrong against a shattered force that still managed to hold you to what the AI, if I remember correctly, characterized, outside the parameteres of the engine, as 'that piddling little victory by Panzer Leader'.

My goodness, Panzer Leader! What a very large hat you have! Now, shall we go look at your herds...

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

All caught up now, Sunshine?

Stop using the term 'Sunshine'. It's giving me the red-ass.

Oh, and 'Cupcake', it's not any better.

Must be a sodding Ohio thing. Women from Northern Ohio insist on calling their 'Significant Other' Punkin. This is, of course, a corruption of 'Pumpkin', an Ohio term of endearment. One could wonder at why any woman would use 'Pumpkin' as a term of endearment....unless, of course, you'd hung out in the various Burger Kings, MacDonalds, and Roy Rogers that constitute Ohio's concept of 'fine dining'.

One look at the 'Xtra Large MotoCross/Drag Racing/Monster Truck Rally T-shirt' spreading out like a ballerina's tutu over the belly of the average Ohio male, and missing the belt by 3 inches, combined with their round-faced, side-burned, dim-as-a-pit-bull look of complacent stupidity, would quickly lead anyone to the conclusion that 'Pumpkin' is not only apt, but the very nicest thing that one could say about this most primitive of 'Midwestern States'.

[ November 28, 2002, 03:46 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Exactly how does one go about losing to AussieJeff?

Are there special 'Re-Education Camps' the government has to send you to?

Ask Joe. He is well experienced in the art of losing to a tactilely superiour Aussie. A veritable veteran of your so-called 'Re-Education Camps', in fact.

Of course, I only played the stuttering platypus in CMBO, but I can't remember ever not handing him his arse.
B-b-b-b-b-but y-y-y-you f-f-f-f-f-ailed t-t-t-t-to c-c-c-c-c-omplete t-t-t-t-two out of t-t-t-t-three of our g-g-g-g-games. R-r-r-r-r-emember?

And my m-m-m-m-m-ummy warned m-m-m-me about gnomes l-l-l-l-like you that have a l-l-l-l-iking f-f-f-f-for handling asses. *Ewww*

{SNIPPAGE of odious amounts of bluster}
De ja vu....

Now, AussieJeff, before you stumble on to center stage, spraying spittle and foam and demanding a setup, know that I've simply too many games now to show you your place. But that time shall come (again).

Before I could reasonably play you, I must play your obvious better, Noba, and before I allow Noba a game, Stuka has first right of refusal.

So, that means you will have been <U>hoist on yer own petard TWICE before you get to ME?</U> GREAT!They ARE Aussies, remember? And your gamey game record against the redoubtable Aussies is a pitiful sight... You will never win your 'Quest To Crush All Australians'. Like the Holy Grail, it is unachievable for your ilk.

So go quiver in a corner, dear AussieJeff, until I've time for you. Fantasize about one day perhaps achieving a Draw against me.

Ooo-er! Look! I'm all a-quiver with EXCITEMENT at the thought of exchanging ONE TURN PER CALENDAR YEAR with Ye Drunken Olde Sodde! Perhaps CMXVI will be released by BFC before we can get 1/2 way through the frickin' game!

Rip Van Winkle had NUTHIN' to complain about....


Official Gnome Stirring Fascist

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Happy Thanksgiving , up early preparing the feast, thought I'd stop by for a peek....usual suspects...usual drivel.

BTW Panzer Leader has learned the error of false pride...we are in the beginnings of a battle using a map of his design, somehow I have a feeling that this is cheating, but he claims to never have played a game on the map before now, right!! . How does sewer movement work on the steppe?? Oh well, expect updates, it is Total War!

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