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Wine, Women And Sing songs, Long Live The Peng Challenge Thread

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Gamey Updates! woot woot *poot*! (Oh excuse me)

We all know OGSF's Dirty Secret (he sux) so I won't go into that, but what of my other opponents?

I'm giving Dalem what he likes to think of as a "pity f**k" (Hey, whatever gets you though...) My over-priced, over-whelmed Pioneers are meeting his cheap-n-easy SMG squads in a factory. I have (had) 20 grizzled vets, he has 1,500 fresh-faced youths.

I'm preparing another stretch of factory for Malikovsky's assault. This time, my grizzled vets will put up a fight, no pity f**king here!

Snarker (who is he? A squire, kanigget? SSN, outerboarder?) Anyhow, my Soviet youths laugh with abandon as they pick off a mighty mechanized division piece-by-piece from afar with their tungsten darts.

Gaylord Focker (may he rest in peace) is enjoying mowing down my concerned-looking youths who watched their KV-2 explode about 3 days after I got this game in the mail, and have been pushing on ever since. Will it end? Thankfully yes.

Leeo keeps apologizing for the week-between-turn-itis he caught from Seanachai. No matter, my grizzled vets will teach his fresh-faced youths how to weep and mourn.

Marlow is a sabre-rattling republican.

Lars: I'm about to give up and send a surrender for this atrocity. Mental note: Be a little stricter with games I offer to 'play-test.'

Anyone else? Ahh, just the gits and pillocks, no reason to clog the bandwidth on their account (unless its by stuffing their corpses o'er the drain.)

Now then, Boo, you hoped for a little game, did you? You know who you remind me of? That character in 'Confederacy of Dunces' only the difference is, that character was interesting enough to get a book, while you are so plain boring it's lucky for you to get even a moment's glance from the check-out girl when you buy your cheezy-puffs. (Sigh...) Send a set-up and prepare to feel the boot o' my grizzled vets (or alternatively, listen to the murderous cackles of my fearsome youths) once again.

And you Nidan1, well, if I were a score-keeper, I'd have to gve you points for mosquito-like persistence. I have shoo-ed you away for many days now, but it seems your persistence will pay off. Send a set-up, make it one of my QB Maps (found here ) and prepare (yawn...) to feel the boot o' my grizzled vets (or alternatively, listen to the murderous cackles of my fearsome youths)


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Lars you dink, you've already given out that SSN hint.

Prove it.

If you can, maybe I'll surrender before your KV-1s show up.

As I've been saving them as I go, it might be best if you just sent your surrender now.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

OGSF's latest tactic: Sure that there must be SOME way to defeat me (what, is this like the fourth or fifth game I've given him a good scrubbing?) he has sent me another set-up. This time he doesn't even bother to list any parameters, it just SHOWS up, unannounced, an empty little letter with a small packet of fairy-dust inside.

Ah think Ah menshuned tha' yoo are defendin', an' tha feckin' gam taills ye wha' tha parameters are. An' at's tha thirrrd gam. Any other bleedin' obvious informashun ye've ignored??? Lak yoo bein' a sweat stain on Miss Cleo's jock strap fer instance?
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Now then, Boo, you hoped for a little game, did you? You know who you remind me of? That character in 'Confederacy of Dunces' only the difference is, that character was interesting enough to get a book, while you are so plain boring it's lucky for you to get even a moment's glance from the check-out girl when you buy your cheezy-puffs. (Sigh...) Send a set-up and prepare to feel the boot o' my grizzled vets (or alternatively, listen to the murderous cackles of my fearsome youths) once again.

You've got the retentive abilities of a hummingbird on dexadrine. The only reason that I was challenging you is because YOU blew off my squire Nidan1 when I ordered him to challenge YOU.

All caught up now, Sunshine?

But now that you've accepted his challenge, I no longer feel the need to make you dance to the music of my huge guns. But I will, if you're in that much need of a whuppin'.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

And you Nidan1, well, if I were a score-keeper, I'd have to gve you points for mosquito-like persistence. I have shoo-ed you away for many days now, but it seems your persistence will pay off. Send a set-up, make it one of my QB Maps (found here ) and prepare (yawn...) to feel the boot o' my grizzled vets (or alternatively, listen to the murderous cackles of my fearsome youths)


Ok PL I will even use your map, even though I know that you have every inch of it registered. I will let you think about it over Thanksgiving, and next week I will send it.

[ November 27, 2002, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Look at this! I finally get aound to confronting this Two-Stoogian pair of blow-hards, and what do I get - the Run-around! Unbelievable.

Boo, send me a set-up, scenario, QB, it matters not. Just get it to me.

And Nidan1 I expect a set-up within the hour! E'en though I'm at work, Fair Delaney will be watching for it. Hell, I might even have her pick my troops to give you a fair fight (not to say my wife woouldn't make intelligent, well-thought out choices, but it's just not her... forte.)

One hour, Boo-spawn (eewwww.)

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I'm giving Dalem what he likes to think of as a "pity f**k"

For most people this would be a slow advance with occasional skirmishes until about turn 10, followed by several minutes worth of action around the smaller flags before a final 5 turn assault on the primary victory location.

PL's variant: fire everything you've got on turn 1 and withdraw!

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Look at this! I finally get aound to confronting this Two-Stoogian pair of blow-hards, and what do I get - the Run-around! Unbelievable.

Boo, send me a set-up, scenario, QB, it matters not. Just get it to me.

And Nidan1 I expect a set-up within the hour! E'en though I'm at work, Fair Delaney will be watching for it. Hell, I might even have her pick my troops to give you a fair fight (not to say my wife woouldn't make intelligent, well-thought out choices, but it's just not her... forte.)

One hour, Boo-spawn (eewwww.)

You'll get it tonight, slack-jaw, how many points can your map support?
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Originally posted by Nestor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I'm giving Dalem what he likes to think of as a "pity f**k"

For most people this would be a slow advance with occasional skirmishes until about turn 10, followed by several minutes worth of action around the smaller flags before a final 5 turn assault on the primary victory location.

PL's variant: fire everything you've got on turn 1 and withdraw!</font>

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Look at this! I finally get aound to confronting this Two-Stoogian pair of blow-hards, and what do I get - the Run-around! Unbelievable.

Oh listen to you, Sally Sidestepper! "I don't wants to fight a squire! I'll palm it off illegally on some other poor sap! And then to top it off, you totally ignored MY challenge.

Boo, send me a set-up, scenario, QB, it matters not. Just get it to me.

Oh don't worry your pointy little head about that, Cupcake. I'll send you...something.

[threatening organ music] Something that will make you scream like the frail, little schoolgirl you are! Something that will cause your industrial sized Depends tho balloon out around your pallid, sickly body! Something that will cause you to cry out with heart rending terror, "My God, my God, is there no end to the horrors in the world???" Something...Australian, perhaps. [/threatening organ music]

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Boo Ominously Opines:

Oh don't worry your pointy little head about that, Cupcake. I'll send you...something.

[threatening organ music] Something that will make you scream like the frail, little schoolgirl you are! Something that will cause your industrial sized Depends tho balloon out around your pallid, sickly body! Something that will cause you to cry out with heart rending terror, "My God, my God, is there no end to the horrors in the world???" [/threatening organ music]

Please, not another 8-1/2 x 11 glossy, I already burned the first one you sent (but saved the frame, thanx!)

I'll send you...something.

[On the Good ship, Lollypop] Something...Australian, perhaps. [/Lollypop!]

OK, now THAT is ominous.
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They say bad news comes in threes. Well, shoot, why not make it complete House of Croda/whoever-the-heck-we-are (although lately I am leaning towards "The Lost Boys of the Cesspool") extravaganza.

Panzer Leader, I have not had the misfortune to address you directly before now, but since you are taking arms up against my liege and my bastard half-brother squire (no offence intended, Nidan), why not take on the whole house? If you win, then you will have defeated a whole house at once, a MBT first no doubt. Should you win some and lose some then it will give us fodder to argue and harangue over for weeks. Should you lose, well, actually I can't think of a worse fate than the one you currently endure, but it will be fun hearing you shriek and wail as your digital troops desert you in the face of white-hot death coming at them in large quantities.

Have at you, you squinty-eyed, eel-faced tactical hack! Your convoluted sentence structures and obtuse and impenetrable analogies cannot save you now!


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Oh don't worry your pointy little head about that, Cupcake. I'll send you...something.

[threatening organ music] Something that will make you scream like the frail, little schoolgirl you are! Something that will cause your industrial sized Depends tho balloon out around your pallid, sickly body! Something that will cause you to cry out with heart rending terror, "My God, my God, is there no end to the horrors in the world???"[/threatening organ music]

Boo, if I may, I might have a fun little scenario here . . . in fact, you may even be familiar with it . . . it's called, let me see here, Kursk You, Red Baron! I could email you a copy if you would like.

It's not Odztraylyun, but it is, err, ominous.

No need to thank me, just trying to help.


[ November 27, 2002, 12:41 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Ladies and Gerbils of the Cesspool,

For some reason, I wandered out to the outer boards, to argue the Crimea and ISU-122s. When sending an email to Berli, I realized I felt like....like....[hangs head in shame] a grog.

So, as penance....I am offering up two brand new Rune scenarios for two player play. Obviously to be used double blind.

First two cesspoolians, who reply, and I can stand without throwing up, will receive the scenarios.

They are medium in size, and quite enjoyable in a Rune sort of way.


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Originally posted by rune:

Ladies and Gerbils of the Cesspool,

For some reason, I wandered out to the outer boards, to argue the Crimea and ISU-122s. When sending an email to Berli, I realized I felt like....like....[hangs head in shame] a grog.

So, as penance....I am offering up two brand new Rune scenarios for two player play. Obviously to be used double blind.

First two cesspoolians, who reply, and I can stand without throwing up, will receive the scenarios.

They are medium in size, and quite enjoyable in a Rune sort of way.


Count me in.

Lurker, you pestilent pusbag, I call you out.


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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

You do realize, that if I do, he'll never make knight doncha?


And your problem with that is what?


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Originally posted by rune:

As soon as I get home I will send you one. Still one open for another pair. No, I don't care about YOUR pair, but two more Cesspoolians need a double blind scenario to beat each other to death with. [Well, we CAN hope]


I owe Aussie Jeff for his gamey use of flamethrowers.

Send me the unbalanced one.

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