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Yes Argie, there is a Peng Challenge!

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:


<SMALL>[Not edited out of pure spite]<BIG>[/QB]

Has anyone else noticed a huge lack of content coming from our friends "down under"? Maybe it's because they spend all day upside down where seasons are reversed and dingos steal babies. It must be like living in the Bizarro universe of Superman comics, that's all I can say.

And speaking of Ozztralians, The battle begun not so long ago with Ossified Jeff is down to it's last few moves. This is the battle where we were both forced to fight with Green troops and if there more than 5 individuals on that battlefield who aren't either panicked or routed, they must be up in the trees. I see a draw in the offing.

As for SNoball, we finally made contact in the center of the map where he, in a most gamey manuver, destroyed one of my squads down to the penultimate man by having twice the number of troops in the area. I hates him already. On the upside, for some reason he's been shelling an unoccupied stretch of land for the last three turns, I don't know why. Some new strategy that will make me believe that if he's shelling it, it must be valuable...?

Out of time right now, will report on others later.

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There, now I'm done.
You won't be done 'til you shut up. See, you don't need to waffle on in your posts. Be precise. Just shut your trap a lot quicker.

(And keep sending lone squads to the Gerbil meat grinder, we like it that way. 26 lost men...to THREE !)Even Seanachai, (who owes a turn this way) was not that pillockey.


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I hate that!

I nick off to the ablution block, and two peanuts slip in posts before you can wash yer 'ands.

....he's been shelling an unoccupied stretch of land for the last three turns, I don't know why.
We shell 'cos we see sneaking enemies to kill. It's only empty now because you ordered your troops into the barrage thinking the dirt flying around would make good cover ! They died !


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Originally posted by Noba:

I hate that!

I nick off to the ablution block, and two peanuts slip in posts before you can wash yer 'ands.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />....he's been shelling an unoccupied stretch of land for the last three turns, I don't know why.

We shell 'cos we see sneaking enemies to kill. It's only empty now because you ordered your troops into the barrage thinking the dirt flying around would make good cover ! They died !


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Anybody want to buy a Bassboat? The marina lost the starter motor. Pillocks. At least they didn't lose the powerhead.

Fortunately, I've just bought another boat. That makes four. I've got to stop doing this or I'll be playing naval simulations soon. This one's a square stern canoe with motor.

Now I can drink Aussie beer close to water.

Game Updates:

Agua Perdido: Still thinking about Rees-am-Rhein. Tap, tap, tap...

MrSpkr: As he sits in his rent controlled apartment complex in the middle of wide open fields, MrSpkr wonders why I decided to run instead of stroll nonchalantly across the aforementioned fields. And did he mention that his German architects had a thing for stone walls immediately around apartments? Noooo.

Iskander: Is getting a extra helping of 'splody things in various forms. Send a turn when things settle down.

OGSF: Haven't looked at his latest setup, but I'm sure it's full of more squirrels. Have I mentioned I like shooting squirrels? After our last match I'm sure his wee little spaniel is giving him that disgusted look that hunting dogs do when you miss.

CMplayer: We have really speeded things up this time around. A massive infantry rush by both sides to see who could get to the Flags first. Fortunately, my tank shells run faster than his Airborne squads. The pummeling of his "Infantry?" markers also continues.

Noba: I'm still hiding in the woods, he's still wondering what to do about it. Hint: shooting mortar crews that are out of ammo and not on the VL's will not help.

AussieJeff: It's getting close. He charged, I shot back. He still might have enough left to overrun my position. Magic Eight Ball says "Outlook Uncertain". Had to beg the idjit not to send a ceasefire. Buck up and grow a spine, laddie. Don't take your example from all the units I've captured.

Hanns: Needs to quit working 80 hours a week and send a turn. Or somfink.

Sock Monkey: Send a turn. I'm almost into the town and I want to finish you off.

Simon: Is really starting to wonder what Shaw was thinking when he came up with "Jabos!". Quick, somebody challenge him to a game of "Crodaburg"

If I have forgotten anyone, you know what to do.

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Originally posted by Noba:

(And keep sending lone squads to the Gerbil meat grinder, we like it that way. 26 lost men...to THREE !)Even Seanachai, (who owes a turn this way) was not that pillockey.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you won that little encounter. You're great, I stink. You rule all. I guess that makes you the Bossa-Noba. I've been waiting to use that.

On to other bits of mayhem:

Crodaburg the CrapFest is grinding on and on. After softening it up with tons of arty fire, I'm starting to gain the top of the hill. R_Leete asked me "Are we almost there yet?" We're on like move 15 of a 50 move game. I predict much pain in the future. Soon we'll have to call him D_Leete

The game that Berli-esque and Goannabannana devised for Yeggnogg and I is totally confusing. Are we even on the same map? Are his men disguised as trees?

As for the other game I'm playing with his Equinness, he keeps dropping little tiny mortar shells on me head. I hates it.

Shocked Monkey is on vacation for the next week, so I won't be able to mop up the country side with him for awhile.

And that's it, boys and girls.

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