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Biltongs Campaign Rules for CMBB - 41 South ready for action

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Ok Guys – mailed them off.

Sorry about the delay – I’ve been sleeping… I’m on the other side of the world to most of you


…..and I may have a map for you coming down the pike in a few days.

Make my day


….if you are not going to send them out just as a matter of course as an update to the people who requested the campaign rules previously.

I thought about that, but I don’t want to spam guys who might not want updates… I’m looking for a suitable site to host the rules and this problem should be solved quite soon


I would like to partake in this. Please send me da rules.

Colonel, I think you might think that this is a human vs human campaign… not so: it’s you against the mighty AI – but with a bit of a difference

Cpl Steiner


Yes – one girl told me that..

Ughumm: Biltong - Afrikaans for piece of salted raw meat hung from the rafters for a couple of weeks. If you hang it too long it becomes dry and tough to chew...

”I too have been thinking about campaign rules and would love to see what you've come up with. I may also try my hand at a map soon.

Good – the more I get the more I can incorporate into the rules… the more variation for everyone…

One suggestion - why not have the end of the campaign be some time after D-Day, when your company is transferred to France. This would have been seen as a kind of victory to most Germans on the eastern front. You could even run another campaign immediately after using CMBO starting in Normandy for the same unit!

Not too sure how many guys would want to go back to CMBO…? However, it will be quite easy for anyone to do it themselves using Wreck’s original rules.


…You might consider zipping and uploading to the CM Mod database as well.

Thanx for the suggestion, GJK. Went and had a look, but I’m not sure if this is the right place…. Want to start looking for a host today/night.

Preferably a site where I can update it myself without bugging a webmaster.

Any suggestions anyone?

Will let you know where it goes.


Thanks Biltong for an exceptional document!

Thanx man – made my day… Quite easy though when you copy a great work (Wrecks rules) in the first place ;)

Satyr, couldn't find your e-mail address in your profile - pls post here and I'll sent it off

[ November 16, 2002, 05:22 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

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Please send me a copy next time you're in an emailing mood.

As for a website, bandwidth may be an issue with this group. Seems everyone here checks on everything! LOL

Geocities was fine for my ACW game club. There is also Homestead. If you can, just post the rules as a page - then ask visitors to "save page as". Since the page info is transferred on opening the page, it resides in the visitors cache. Using the "save as" command does not involve any further bandwidth use, and the visitor can view and print the page offline.

[ November 16, 2002, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Please send me a copy next time you're in an emailing mood.

As for a website, bandwidth may be an issue with this group. Seems everyone here checks on everything! LOL

Geocities was fine for my ACW game club. There is also Homestead. If you can, just post the rules as a page - then ask visitors to "save page as". Since the page info is transferred on opening the page, it resides in the visitors cache. Using the "save as" command does not involve any further bandwidth use, and the visitor can view and print the page offline.

Sounds good. How well does it handle Excel Sheets? I would imagine a single file with multiple sheets are out. I'll have to "post" each seperate sheet if it can handle Excel.

BTW Sent you (and the guys above) the rules. Let men know if you didn't get it.


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Some Q & A's

1. Scrounged Units

First thing, I'm allowed to have 3 scrounged units. What's a unit? Is an Inf platoon a unit? Or only things like MGs and guns?

Rule 6 "...extra inf/support units" an MG; a platoon or even a Company - anything in the Inf/Support categories (if you have enough points).

After my first battle I got 80 pts for scrounged units. I bought a 150mm InfGun, a MG34 HMG and a MG34 LMG. Do I get to keep these "forever"?

Yes - if you are very lucky - at the bottom of Note 6 - Scrounged Units: ".. in a Emergency Reorganization these units must be used as replacements first." This happens quite often and you tend to lose your Scrounged Units fast.

After the next battle I got 100 pts more for scrounged units. Is that correct? Do I still have the 80 pts from the previous battle or do I have to pay for the InfGun and the MGs again with the new 100 pts I got? Meaning if I didn't get any points, I would lose them? Reading the rules I got the feeling that I now have 180 pts to buy for, so I bought the infgun and the HMG, and upgraded the LMG to a AT gun.

Quite Right!

If this is the case, my scrounged units will soon be worth more than my core units...

:D - a possibility I imagine, but I'll be surprised.... If this keeps on happening (no Emergency Reorganization) then I might have to adjust the Rules, but for the moment enjoy your extra strength units.

2. Force Size

I'm still not clear how big my aux force should be. Take my current battle:

Axis Attack

Soviet Forces:

Combined Arms, Mech division, +25% Handicap

Axis Forces:

Force Mix: Inf

Division Type: Mountain

Core Force: 569

Scrounged: 180

Inf/Support: 25

Vehicle: 60

Armor: 125

Arty: 550

Total: 1509

So the Force size will be 2000. I do the Auto QB, and the AI buys me Mountain inf and some FO for 3000 pts (I attack so I get 1.5 * force size). Now for the Generating the Real Battle. What and how much should I buy?

Your Core: 569; Scrounged: 180; Inf/Support: 25; Vehicle: 60; Armor: 125; Arty: 550 - that's all. Only what was rolled for. So you will be spending max 1509 points. More than likely less, because you wont be able to spend the exact amount per category. You get screwed - that's war.

a) Am I only allowed to buy the things I rolled up in the table above, ie 25 pts mountain inf/support, 60 pts vehicle and so on?


B) Or should I buy ALL the things from the Auto QB?

No - You use the points rolled to buy from the list generated by the Auto QB - see Note 7 Generating the Real Battle: "If you have points left in an Auxiliary Category after buying all the units generated by the Auto QB (47) you can choose what you want to buy from the normal QB unit list until you have used up the Purchase Points for that Category."

If it's the first option that's correct, I will attack a soviet combined arms, mech division type worth 2500 pts with my 1509 pts.


Not too good odds. Which would be fine, but the soviets will ALWAYS have more points than me, that's not fun (or historical, I think). So I think I have made an error somewhere, can you tell me where?

Yep - you're playing a stupid machine programmed by one of the worst programmers in history. Got to load the odds a bit.

3. Rule 15 Casualties and Rule 23 Casualties How should this be handled? For the soviets, all it does is make their forces a bit messed up, they still get their points. Take the example above, 2000 pts Axis Attack, but with 50% casualties on both sides. Soviets get to buy for 4000 pts and then 2000 pts gets removed before the battle. But for me... The Auto QB will buy me 6000 pts Mountain inf, then remove 3000 pts. If the above 2a is correct, I will only get to buy 1509 pts, and then the battle starts, 754 pts will be removed!

Ummm - a quote: "...many men, while satisfying the calls of nature, died when their anuses froze." (Lt-Colonel E Bauer The History of World War 11, p197)

End Oct, Nov & Dec wasn't a good time for the Axis.

The Russians - well: they grew up there.

4. Rule 36 Handicap.

This isn't a question, more of a suggestion, that I will implement myself somehow, if need be smile.gif

I know I know, the AI need all the help it can get to give a tough battle, but I think it would be fun if *I* have superior numbers once in a while

Maybe something like

1 Axis +Handicap

2-3 None

4-10 Allied +Handicap

And then you roll up the actual handicap on a different table. I have no idea if it's historical or not, but like I said, I want to be superior sometimes

There you go! Now you're using the rules as they should be used... Anyone can adjust them to their own liking. When I started with Wrecks Rules (a Crack Player) I had 8 straight defeats in a row, before I said to hell with this and gave myself an extra 105mm FO and a Sherman. But - Note that with the month modifiers you should (on average) have a 0 handicap all the way through to Aug. Thereafter the Russian reserves started arriving and the numerical odds started to swing. From Oct on things got a bit difficult…. That’s when you start learning how and when to run.

5. Favor

Also a suggestion. You get no favor for causing a lot of casualties. Maybe there could be something like a Casualty ratio, allied casualties / axis casualties, and if you get a huge number, like 6 or so, you get some Favor. Hmm I think there also have to be some minimum limit of casualties, like over 100, so you don't get any Favor for killing 6 soviets and only losing 1 man

This is covered a bit by the "Result Favor", if you kill a lot of enemies you get a better score, but say you win a Tactical Victory (+5 Favor), lose one Burning Tank (-10 Favor) and kill 1000 men and lose only 100 (hey it could happen smile.gif you get -5 Favor. Wouldn't your commanding officer be pretty pleased with the exchange of one tank and 100 men for 1000 enemies?

I know I would What do you think?

I like this.... will have to think about how to implement it in a simple way

Sorry for this long email, hope I didn't bore you with all these questions

There's a lot of guys out there who are too scared that they might look stupid and just stumble along doing the wrong thing. This helps everyone - keep 'em coming.


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