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M17s get possessed/suicidal

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I had an interesting experience in my last QB when I (as the soviets) had two M17 halftracks (with their yummy MGs) attempt to kill themselves. One of them even pulled it off.

VehicleA was sitting out of LOS of two King Tigers (I love a challenge) and just keeping the German infantry at bay. I hadn't moved him for several turns. For the turn when he killed himself, he wasn't targetting or targetted at all. At the 30sec mark, he just sped forward about 50m where the King Tigers made short work of him. He wasn't escaping from any threat and I certainly didn't give him that order. What gives?

VehicleB gave itself some inexplicable commands the same turn, also without any visible threat. Thankfully it wasn't neighbors with the German tank platoon at the time, and I directed it back to safety the next turn.

Anyone had similar experiences? Suggestions on how to prevent it? (I just upgraded to 1.01 if that makes a difference.)


Dr. Rosenrosen

[ November 22, 2002, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Dr. Rosenrosen ]

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I think you saw the result of fanaticism. I had an SU-76 do the very same thing in an overcast night scenario in 1944. It charged into a group of German infantry. Fortunately, it fared much better than your vehicles, unnerving the German infantry so much that all their AT weapons missed before I regained control and got it back to safety.

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He wasn't escaping from any threat and I certainly didn't give him that order. What gives?

The "Fantastic Rout Wagon" fears nothing! That's what happened! You just can't keep a good AAA system down. :D

On a more serious note, is there anything in the Tac-AI that would made perhaps chase after the infantry it was shooting as?

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Put me on the list for "Arty Spotting Round" syndrome. Units DO NOT move of there own accord without some sort of outside stimulus (or at least I believe that to be true.)

I have seen this happen twice myself. Both times in the same game against the AI.

I had 2 jeeps sitting behing a large bunch of trees, thick enough to obscure LOS through them. They were several hundered meters from any enemy unit. On 2 seperate occasions they plotted fast move orders on their own out of behind the trees and straight toward the enemy lines. Fortunately I was able to cancel the orders before they got too far, but at no time were they under fire of artillery or in LOS of an enemy unit.

This was in 1.00.

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"Follow" is a command that can be issues to infantry and other footsoldiers by ordering them to "Move" onto an enemy vehicle. The soldiers will then attempt to close on the tank and destroy it as best they can. But that doesn't seem related to possessed vehicles self-initiating "Fast" move orders.

Dr. Rosenrosen

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I've seen this very thing happen with an M17, v1.0 at least. No LOS no incoming arty (that I remember anyway), and the M17 just revved up and headed over the ridgeline, where it was promptly taken under fire by a couple of PzIVs and knocked out. QB vs. AI.

Haven't used the 17 yet in 1.01.

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