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In Memoriam CMBO ( or the funniest moments in CMBO )

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One I could remember... lol. The campaign 29 Let's Go, I am the Germans, after hurting my opponent badly in the first battle he adjust his tactics (starts using his Arty well) and has been pushing me back. It is Battle 5 and I am in trouble, have a hidden 75mm ATG. 5 Sherman's crest a hill about 230m away from gun. 5 shots, 4 dead Shermans in one turn! It was a beautiful thing.

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Other posts bring back more memories...

The cliffhanging PzIV

In the scenario that takes place in the foothills of the Alps (I forget the name) you can suspend a PzIV on a road leading up a steep incline. I was trying to get it into a hull down position from which to fire at 2 Shermans on a distant hilltop. During the movie I watched the buttoned Shermies blithely whacking away at my hapless Gebirgsjäger, waiting for the good old 75 to wreak its fiery revenge. But no shells ever came. In a replay I went to check on my PzIV and saw it hanging off the cliff, engine roaring at full tilt but not moving an inch. The terrain had not been shown as impassable and the tank was neither bogged nor immobilized...

The undead flamethrower

Posted before :


Winning without a shot being fired on-map

I once won a meeting engagement against the AI by guessing his route of advance and plastering it with 105 mm arty. I got a surrender without any other unit firing a shot.

Keep 'em coming.

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Knocking out my opponent's last tank with the very *last* round of artillery available to my 81mm spotter. It landed directly on top of the turret, brewing the vehicle instantly.

What made the moment sweeter was that it happened two seconds from the end of the very last turn of the game...

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The strangest thing I ever saw was a road going straight down a vertical cliff face in a QB. I'm sorry now that I never took a screen shot of that one. There were a bunch of other oddities concerning roads in that battle, but that was the most far out.


[ September 19, 2002, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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Originally posted by rum:

One time, as i was playing "The Valey of Trouble" as german, i've ordered my mortair to open fire at advancing Sherman. I just wanted to force him to button up. But - after the first shot - the Sherman went huge Kaaabooooom.

I've checked this moment in slowly motion, frame-by-frame, and realized what mortair shell hit directly into the opened hatch. Well, sometimes such things happening...

I had something like that happen to me while playing the "Wiltz" senario as the Americans.

About half way through the battle the Germans were pressing against the edge of town. I had lost My AT guns, the M-10, and one Sherman. The last remaining Sherman to busy else were on the map.

Suddenly a Hetzer shows up at the edge of town at the start of a turn. In a panic I start planning on how to take it out with my last few Zook teams, when suddenly it blows up for no reason at the end of the turn!

It took me 4 veiwings of the turn to figure out what killed it. I had left an 81mm mortor team hidden at the edge of town. The Hetzer had gotten close enough (about 80m) to panic them and make them fire at it. The only round they fired peirced the side armor of the Hetzer and "brewed" it real good.

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In a recent Tournament, one of my squads climbed on to the top of a one story building and happily fired away from the roof.

Same T.- "The Cloning of MG Squad T-12". An MG squad was torched when on the 2nd floor of a 2-story building. Instantly died and body icon sighted. He then instantly re-appeared on the 1st floor as crew, running out of the building for his life. Now, 2 T-12 units on the screen. How will CM score that?

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Guest SnarkerII

I was the Germans in a defensive battle. Managed to hold the high ground and decide to counter attack.

Scanned through a replay of a turn and saw an attritted infantry unit was "an ex-parrot". Couldn't figure it out; they were in a sunken road, no line of sight in or out. Put them there as a trip wire.

Rplayed the movie a few times (ten or fifteen times lol), and they suddenly ceased to be, no explanation - until I finally noticed a ricochet off a friendly AFV splatted directly into them.

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My tcp opponent, unaware of the need to give a Hummel a lot of breathing space to fire, tries to kill my last AFV while his Hummel sits three meters from a buliding directly to it's left side. Before the Hummel's gun even shows it's muzzel flash, there is a HUGE airburst from the 155mm gun to the front, and just above the crew compartment. KO'ed and all crew dead. Mt opponent responds with "WTF?!"

I laughed my ass off.

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Originally posted by Sgt_Kelly:

The countless worthless slobs who quit PBEM's on me. At least 3/4 of all PBEM's started were never finished.


I never quit a game. If things look bad for me, I offer a cease-fire (secret of course). If things look horrable, I surrender, and tell my opponent: "Hey, I surrendered this turn. You're kicking my tail! Don't bother to plot moves, just hit "GO" and send the last turn back."

If you ever need someone to beat up on (that'll finish), gimmie a ring. smile.gif

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Originally posted by ParaBellum:

A 150mm inf gun firing at a HT, missing it and knocking out an M10 TD, a jeep towing a 57mm gun (the gun was knocked out, too), a Bazooka team and an 81mm FO. 200m behind the HT that was on a ridge...

I cant let that one go by without a comment! Was that against someone, or was that the AI? Boy, if that happened to me, I would be so mad, it would take atleast a few minutes to get over it and get back to playing!


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The AI was the gamey bastiche! I had a cunning plan to lure the AI with my HT to open fire with any hidden guns, which I then planned to engage with arty.

I think I played that movie at least 20 times. I saw the targeting line to my HT, saw the round mising (phew!) and heard a load explosion and cries somewhere behind me. (??)

It was one of my first games ever, and I think that was the point I definately fell in love with CM.

I surrendered immediatly and looked at the 150mm's kill stats... :D

[ September 20, 2002, 02:48 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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