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One Challenge in the Life of Peng, De Son of a Vich....

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Seanachai dropped the level of discourse to that of your average counterstrike board when he said(in a different outerboard thread):

Think, ultimately... Alexander Dumas (Pere, please, and almost never Fils), and a true delight in the game.

Gibberish to be sure but one can detect the nugget of insanity. Sure we all love the Three Musketeers (or whatever) but how could he (O' I'm choking) how could this bag of noxious beaver-parts mention any of the peres and fils's without that shining star of them all that is Camille?? She was only the most beautiful trollope in the world, so winsome, fair, desultory. Her cold rebuff could make a man's heart quail with despair while just a single glance and upturned eyebrow would give him a skipped beat.

From Camille was begotten Les Bohemes (and indirectly Moulin Rouge ) as well as, in more modern terms, Rent. Camille is the archetype for love stories. After all, who doesn't like a story about how a rich and beautiful whore falls in love with a geeky fool (any one of us) and after some great, passionate love-making, gets ill and dies before, well you know, we suffer the fall-out of our turgid affair.

Camille is life itself, who cares what else that Oscar Wilde lovin' wastrel wrote. Hell, I bet even Malikovsky has some uncomfortably stifled idea of what I'm talking about.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Seanachai dropped the level of discourse to that of your average counterstrike board when he said(in a different outerboard thread):

Think, ultimately... Alexander Dumas (Pere, please, and almost never Fils), and a true delight in the game.

Gibberish to be sure but one can detect the nugget of insanity. Sure we all love the Three Musketeers (or whatever) but how could he (O' I'm choking) how could this bag of noxious beaver-parts mention any of the peres and fils's without that shining star of them all that is Camille?? She was only the most beautiful trollope in the world, so winsome, fair, desultory. Her cold rebuff could make a man's heart quail with despair while just a single glance and upturned eyebrow would give him a skipped beat.

From Camille was begotten Les Bohemes (and indirectly Moulin Rouge ) as well as, in more modern terms, Rent. Camille is the archetype for love stories. After all, who doesn't like a story about how a rich and beautiful whore falls in love with a geeky fool (any one of us) and after some great, passionate love-making, gets ill and dies before, well you know, we suffer the fall-out of our turgid affair.

Camille is life itself, who cares what else that Oscar Wilde lovin' wastrel wrote. Hell, I bet even Malikovsky has some uncomfortably stifled idea of what I'm talking about.</font>

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*For Immediate Release*

Legaltruppen Hq (Reuters) The Grand High Command of the NW Legaltruppen take great pleasure in announcing that the conclusion of the There Can be only One series of battles betweent he glorious Barraity Commandos and the nefarious and wimpy evil doing not-so über- Gnome has resulted in his defeat and we all soon be subjected to his whining that it was all Lawyer 's fault for designing the scenario. Bloody 5th columnists. This series of sister kissing draws dates back to before Berli vanqusihed Beowulf. The strain of these debacles no doubt explain the gnomes erratic behavior and refusal to be seen in the light.

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Gamey Updates time, children!

Flossie Jeff still has about a million panzers and I don't. Why is it then taking him so long to overrun my positions? Maybe cuz he sucks? Could be.

Berli is down to a handfull of panicky troops while my armor closes in. Maybe I'll win back the exclusive rights to my soul! Then I can turn it over to B. Gates.

Papa Kahn finally got his men out of the landing crafts and right into a 120mm mortar barrage. Timing is everything.

Seanachai still sends a move a week...usually. I can see this game going on for months, not unlike Crodaburg.

Malandroitski has his tanks high tailing it for the exit zone in "Gozlow"...or somefink like that. Will he beat me there. Of course not.

Nidan1 and I are going back and forth on "Byzantium Diet Plan" or whatever it's called (who comes up with these names, anyhoo?) One minute it looks like his armor has me in a route, the next minute his tanks are reversing for safer territory. It could still go either way.

MrSprnkl...are you related to "Little Annie Sprinkles"? Just curious. He and I are playing for the unworthy squire Nidan1 in a little piece of vomitus spewed out of Ker Dessel, called "Kursk you, Red Baron" It stinks on ice, let me tell you. If I pull this off it'll be a miracle.

SpeedBump, anybody remember him? Well, he and I are playing "Battle of Minors"and he chose to defend. It's not working out to well for him either. Sad, really.

Leeeeo is just trashing me in "Plan 9 from Outer Space"...or whatever the scenario is called. He has tanks galore and I had two armored cars that showed up on turn three, right out in the open where they were promptly blown to tiny pieces. It doesn't look good. But then nothing associated with Leeeeo ever does, now does it?

Oops, I know there's more, but I must run for now.

See you soon.

Same Bat -time.

Same Bat-channel.

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Originally posted by Pack Kuma:


Boku wa "Member" des!

Please don't regale us with tales of how beaucoup your member is. It's a direct violation of the Rules.

Or, as they say in the rougher parts of Chiba, kinjiyagaru, zo!

Now, since you have refused to do what is right and proper for an SSN, to whit, sodding off, I am forced to use harsher methods. Since you are of that reviled sub-human species known as a Yalie (or Eli), there is one sure way to get rid of you:


He must be a Yale man, I can tell by his skull and bones!


Thank you and goodnight!

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Originally posted by Lars:

For the luv of Berli, Stalin's Organ is back.

And here I thought he had re-registered as Mike in order to seem more intelligent.

Lardo I've always known your stupidity knew no bounds, but this is awesome!!

Have a look at the member numbers you dork, and see who re-registered as whom!

I'm sure Lenin's Length is only here to ensure that the record is set straight about newcomers to teh outerboards who are even more dense than you - difficult tho that is to imagine!

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Speedy I saw those posts! I'm sending the game you're loosing tonight.

Mace you are only drawing out the agony, surrender son and we'll move on to the Eastern front.

Marlow call in some more of that arty I truely enjoyed watching it land amoungst your stumbling "die a lot" formations.

Leeo send a turn.

[ November 11, 2002, 04:16 PM: Message edited by: DekeFentle ]

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originally posted by Dumbo

So you re-registered as Stalin's Organ to seem more intelligent?
No - I got lost in one of the great crashes, but then at some indeterminate time all was restored and I was found again!

Isn't that sweet!


Please don't stop - choking yourself to death would at least give you some purpose in life - providing entertainment to others!

[ November 11, 2002, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

For the luv of Berli, Stalin's Organ is back.

And here I thought he had re-registered as Mike in order to seem more intelligent.

Lardo I've always known your stupidity knew no bounds, but this is awesome!!

Have a look at the member numbers you dork, and see who re-registered as whom!

I'm sure Lenin's Length is only here to ensure that the record is set straight about newcomers to teh outerboards who are even more dense than you - difficult tho that is to imagine!</font>

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You know Jo things have really gone downhill since you were a fresh-faced kanigget haven't they? Who the heck is in charge of maintaining order in this place, insuring justice, that sort of tripe, anyway? Why, he should be shot.

No drawn and quartered.

No, given to a whiskey-besotted Dalem. Yeah, that's the ticket.

[i knew 'be-smotted' didn't sound right.]

[ November 11, 2002, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

In the third place though, he's decided he has the right to berate a KNIGHT OF THE CESSPOOL ... and a charter member of the Shavian House at that.

some moron elevated Lardo to the kay-nig-hit-hood??

Well there goes the neighbourhood!

Y'know once upon a time I used to giggle at the kay-nig-hits - now I have good cause to laugh out loud!!

Good joke guys - well done - Lesbo as a k-ng-it....bwahhh haa hhah....

And you still have the nerve to compalin about the poor qulaity of the SSN's....roflmao.......oh dear - I gotta go get a tissue to wipe away the tears...priceless<small> more laughs than a Billy Connelly show 'round here....and cheaper....</small>

[ November 11, 2002, 04:07 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Mike:

Originally posted by Joe Shaw: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

In the third place though, he's decided he has the right to berate a KNIGHT OF THE CESSPOOL ... and a charter member of the Shavian House at that.

some moron elevated Lardo to the kay-nig-hit-hood??

Well there goes the neighbourhood!

Y'know once upon a time I used to giggle at the kay-nig-hits - now I have good cause to laugh out loud!!

Good joke guys - well done - Lesbo as a k-ng-it....bwahhh haa hhah....

And you still have the nerve to compalin about the poor qulaity of the SSN's....roflmao.......oh dear - I gotta go get a tissue to wipe away the tears...priceless<small> more laughs than a Billy Connelly show 'round here....and cheaper....</small></font>

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Originally posted by Mike:

And you still have the nerve to compalin about the poor qulaity of the SSN's....roflmao.......oh dear - I gotta go get a tissue to wipe away the

I for one still complain about the poor quality of SSNs on the MBT. They are obviously overmodeled, as in any realistic simulation they would not be able to post at all after a healthy volley of "shut the hell up" or "sod off." Yet, strangely they (you more specifically) continue to post. And don't give me the old worn out answer that SSNs have highly sloped and very thick skulls, and insults glance off this impressive armor. I am quite familier with the armor stats of the typical newbie pool wader. While there is some merit to this argument, and any penetration of said skull is not likely to cause any serious damage anyway (due to the lack of any brain to injure), what BTS fails to consider is that while impervious to most shots, the typical SSN has very low morale and is easily confused. In a realist simulation, the SSN would not be permitted to select the "post message" button. FIX OR DO SOMFINK BTS!!!
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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mike:

And you still have the nerve to compalin about the poor qulaity of the SSN's....roflmao.......oh dear - I gotta go get a tissue to wipe away the

I for one still complain about the poor quality of SSNs on the MBT. They are obviously overmodeled, as in any realistic simulation they would not be able to post at all after a healthy volley of "shut the hell up" or "sod off." Yet, strangely they (you more specifically) continue to post. And don't give me the old worn out answer that SSNs have highly sloped and very thick skulls, and insults glance off this impressive armor. I am quite familier with the armor stats of the typical newbie pool wader. While there is some merit to this argument, and any penetration of said skull is not likely to cause any serious damage anyway (due to the lack of any brain to injure), what BTS fails to consider is that while impervious to most shots, the typical SSN has very low morale and is easily confused. In a realist simulation, the SSN would not be permitted to select the "post message" button. FIX OR DO SOMFINK BTS!!!</font>
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What's poorly modeled is the availability of T(wit) ammo for the 1937 1/2 model 32.6 verst calibre old fart.

Everyone knows that without the proper ammo the old fart's performance is laughable - it isn't capable of penetrating a drunk slapper let alone a wet paper bag or zimmeret coated SSN.

The limited amount of T(wit) ammo actually issued was insufficient to affect teh overall result on its own, but it did forewarn the targets who built up immunity and added "who cares" plates to their foreheads to defeat it.

[ November 11, 2002, 05:31 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Marlow:

I for one still complain about the poor quality of SSNs on the MBT. They are obviously overmodeled, as in any realistic simulation they would not be able to post at all after a healthy volley of "shut the hell up" or "sod off." Yet, strangely they (you more specifically) continue to post. And don't give me the old worn out answer that SSNs have highly sloped and very thick skulls, and insults glance off this impressive armor. I am quite familier with the armor stats of the typical newbie pool wader. While there is some merit to this argument, and any penetration of said skull is not likely to cause any serious damage anyway (due to the lack of any brain to injure), what BTS fails to consider is that while impervious to most shots, the typical SSN has very low morale and is easily confused. In a realist simulation, the SSN would not be permitted to select the "post message" button. FIX OR DO SOMFINK BTS!!!

Idiot! SSN Newbie Pool Waders are .inf!! Added to that, their skulls are so thin that they are modelled as soft targets. It's no wonder your heavy AT rounds pass straight through their thought processes without exploding. Try using canister shot. That does the trick every time! They don't like THAT up 'em, lads!!! Muhahahahaha!

Oh, and further - STOP USING THE FRIGGIN' DEMO and purchase THE REAL THING cuz the Conscript SSN Pool Wader modelling is much more realistic per se.

Happy hunting....


[ November 11, 2002, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Mike:


What's poorly modeled is the availability of T(wit) ammo for the 1937 1/2 model 32.6 verst calibre old fart.

Everyone knows that without the proper ammo the old fart's performance is laughable - it isn't capable of penetrating a drunk slapper let alone a wet paper bag or zimmeret coated SSN.

The limited amount of T(wit) ammo actually issued was insufficient to affect teh overall result on its own, but it did forewarn the targets who built up immunity and added "who cares" plates to their foreheads to defeat it.

I'm forced at gun point to agree with you, Mike-The-Idiot. Even the S(AP) ammo has incorrectly adjusted phsyics modelling of the fall ratios, given the gravitational effect of heavier than-air swamp gas placing a tortional load on the outer casing, thereby misguiding the projectile to an inconclusive resting place.

Hopefully the patch from scratch will address not only this important issue but also the issue of MKII Quires failing to live up to their promised Anti-smurf capabilities. I tested this out on my custom made Smurf Range<SUP>tm</SUP> and came up with the scientifically proven conclusion that even as close as 3.7 metres in dense fog with a conductive moisture index of 13.33333, the MKII Quire was totally incapable of penetrating a '41 Model Smurf's outer glacis.

This is quite a disgusting omission IMHO. It is really detracting from my enjoyment of the game. :(

BFCTS, please fix or do somefink!!!


[ November 11, 2002, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Announcing the Old Squires Challenge....

To my former squires, piss boys, serf's and spittle ( you know who you are)....

Whereas, The lesser gnome known as Seanachai having been bested and,

Whereas, that gamey bastiche Dirty Water having proved that he can play CMBO longer than anyone, (his technique is to wait till you forget your password) and,

Whereas, I find myself with time available and,

Whereas, the lot of you, harboring a unhealthy thoughts about your Mum and murderous intent towards your progenitor, therefore,

I (before senility sets in) do establish and proclaim an open tournament for our particular and disreputed line of descent. I wish to gaze into your eyes before I rip the life from you for one last time. We are a disparate batch and I know that filial piety has no draw...

Therefore I offer, to the victor a choice bottle of wine. You beat me, you gets the bottle. I win, I drink it to your memory. Preferably at one sitting. (I might even send it with wine in the bottle)

What say you my progeny, have one at the source of your pain? You may email me if you wish to remain anonymous, or publish here at your pleasure.

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Originally posted by Marlow:

{snipped SSN drivel because it's SSN drivel}

I for one still complain about the poor quality of SSNs on the MBT. They are obviously overmodeled, as in any realistic simulation they would not be able to post at all after a healthy volley of "shut the hell up" or "sod off." Yet, strangely they (you more specifically) continue to post. And don't give me the old worn out answer that SSNs have highly sloped and very thick skulls, and insults glance off this impressive armor. I am quite familier with the armor stats of the typical newbie pool wader. While there is some merit to this argument, and any penetration of said skull is not likely to cause any serious damage anyway (due to the lack of any brain to injure), what BTS fails to consider is that while impervious to most shots, the typical SSN has very low morale and is easily confused. In a realist simulation, the SSN would not be permitted to select the "post message" button. FIX OR DO SOMFINK BTS!!!

I have to admit Marlow that it hadn't even occurred to me that BFC would have overlooked this imprortant aspect of the game. I suspect that it's been like this for some time but we simply assumed that BFC knows best as we usually do and went with the flow.

I propose that we institute a CessPool Rule of 76 to counter this deficiency in the modeling. Basically it would work like this ... ONLY SSNs with an IQ over 76 can be selected as Serf. That should thin the ranks a whole bunch.


[ November 11, 2002, 06:21 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I propose that we institute a CessPool Rule of 76 to counter this deficiency in the modeling. Basically it would work like this ... ONLY SSNs with an IQ over 76 can be selected as Serf. That should thin the ranks a whole bunch.

Make it retroactive.

That way we can start without any knights........except then you wouldn't be a member, so the rule wouldn't be valid any more.......bugga....well I gues I can live with the paradox - at least you'll be gone!

[ November 11, 2002, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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