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CMBB: Is There An End-Turn Randomizer?

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Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

Battles will only last longer, not shorter though. It's much more convenient and useful than a simple random turn game ender too. I believe the proximity of forces to a flag has a major impact on the lengthening of the game.

But not just proximity to a flag. If I recall correctly, in my case there were no flags on the board.


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Originally posted by MikeyD:

NO flags on the board?

Are you sure they weren't just turned off in the menu? Even Quickbattles drops a few flags on the map, that's how the AI know where to direct the troops.

Yes, it was an exit scenario.
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Sorry you guys didnt like the BADCO deal that BradleyH and I made. But hey, at least it was free (and worked well for us, but then again we made it). And hey, if it in some small way influenced BTS to incorporate such a thing into CMBB, great. But since there insnt a way to do that in CMBO unless you use this then...

I don't play much CM without our BADCO BER but that's just me. Thanks again to those of you who donated a few bucks to us here and there.

Now, back to staring at the calendar waiting for CMBB's release.

[ August 15, 2002, 10:11 PM: Message edited by: TeAcH ]

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TeAcH -

Yeah, just to make sure you know your (and BradleyH's) effort was appreciated - the End Randomizer for CMBO wasn't perfect, but it was a the best available solution to what IMHO was a pretty serious problem with the CMBO game system - at least no one else came up with a better one. The fact that BFC has picked up on what the Randomizer does as a good idea and made it an integrated feature of CMBB is a credit to you guys.



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Well that was awfully nice of you guys to say. I'm touched and I appreciate the kind words very, very much. After playing a bunch of games and fearing (and experiencing) the inevitable flag rush, Brad and I spent a bunch of hours cranking this thing out (testing, updating, etc). It's nice to know that it was appreciated. Sorry if I came off like I was upset. I wasn't at all. I knew some people wouldn't like it.

Although the BER site is down now, if anyone wants it, they can drop me an email and I'll send it to them in email or via ICQ.

Thanks again for the comments. It means a lot. And thanks to BTS for adding something like this to CMBB. BTS, not that you need or want it, but you can have our source code for the BER for free. No strings attached.


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Ah garsh TeAcH, din mean no harm er nuffin, harnest. Ya'll dun good. I jess get all carnfused wit all them lights and buttons an all. I weren't never no good at cypherin. At's all what kept me from bein a brain sturgeon. :D

[ August 16, 2002, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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