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That Olde Peng Challenge Has Me In It's Spell

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Originally posted by athkatla:

Anyway, you liken me to the kind of device that David used to slay Goliath huh?

No, I liken you to a bent stick with a hole in it. (Ooohhh, 'e thinks quite a bit of 'imself, don't 'e?)

Well you may like to start quivering in your oderous boots, and prepare several pairs of new boxer shorts, or should that be Y fronts? You may be a Champion of CMBO but I am British and we don't know the word surrender,

or dental hygiene

we also don't dress up like pansies when playing contact sports, like your so-called "football players", with their big shoulder pads etc. what a load of big girls blouses they are!! :rolleyes:

Big talk from a guy whose country invented Cricket. I mean, come on!

So if you dare to challenge me, don't expect me to knuckle under and offer up my butt to be kicked, as I understand it, this is an action strictly reserved to those of you who serve under the Star Spangled Banner, or whatever name you give that bit of rag at the top of your flagpoles! tongue.gif And if a bit of name calling is in order, sir you are a Rotter, a Bounder a Cad and a utterly revolting, hamburger eating, baseball cap wearing, YANK!!

Oh, this is going to be good. This is going to be...delicious. Tie on the bib Martha, we're gonna have lunch!

OK, Anklebiter. You're on. I've already told you my conditions and I eagerly await your set up (He doesn't know how eagerly, doessss he, My Preciousssss. No, he doesn't. But we will teach him, won't we? WON'T WE!).

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'll never believe he's Gunny Bunny's little boy toy until I read it from his own tap-tapping fingers.

He lost to someone named "Buff".</font>
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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

Loads of useless twaddle.......

Hell!! Not another would-be Australian .......

There's been more "dropping" of the world acclaimed "Aussie" word in the last 50 posts by NON and most certainly NEVER-WILL-BE-AUSTRALIANS than a QLD Maroons front rower in a State of Origin match... I really feel for you guys, who are wishing with all your hearts that you could be with us down under, right here, right now... in a land of plenty.

Mace old chap, best prepare the Home Defence to repel all boarders ...... Baa-aa!!

Unca Stuky - man the Storey Bridge!! I wouldn't put it past that damned Ozzified Untergnome to try his hand at snorkelling in via the Brissy River.....

Comrade Noba - we'd better head for the International Airport, for I suspect the Just-a-Carrot himself is already on his way, disguised as a merchant banker and bearing false papers in the hope of settling here and joining the other 3,000,000 Mormon Brethren who doorknock evry ruddy Sunday! We just don't NEED another one of those, thank you very much but <U>NOSIRREE</U>!!

Oh, we best apprehend his less than trusty sidekick {unbolded}Can't Poop{/unbolded} while we're at it. Throw the tiddler back into the briny as it were.....

I think a stirring rendition of our battle cry is in order, men:

<BIG><BIG>Aussie, Aussie, Aussie,


There ....... that should keep them at bay for a bit longer......


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Papa Smurf:

Suddenly the sun is blotted out from the sky...

Where the h*ll did all these d*mn Jabos come from!?!

I likes this one, yes I does. New blood for the House du Persiflage is always good. Especially when it means I'm no longer the one who gets to muck out the giraffes every morning.

Here, my little blue SSN, take this snorkel - you'll be needing it when dalem slips the giraffes the laxative.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Quick update of ongoing game.


- Jabos!

Force Allotments:

- The glorious forces of the Fatherland, arrayed in all their power and splendor, Me.

- The pathetic alliance of wayward Yankees, refugees, and the Coalition of Wal-Mart Greeters, Joe Shaw.

Turn 1: I disperse.

Where the h*ll is he? Bang-Spattla!! Oh, there he is.

His Jabo kills a 20mm armored car. No great loss. That crew was on probation for stealing some of Reichsführer Khann's Schnapps from the company stores anyway.

My dowdy young Huns spot a light AT gun in some woods on my flank. I decide to dismount a couple nearby infantry squads from their 251/1's to rush it next turn.

Turn 2: My infantry shoots up his gun crew. We shall search the bodies and strip them of their dog tags, so as to deny them any hope of proper burial. What the h*ll... no dogtags, just little buttons that all read Welcome to Wal-Mart.

Suddenly the sun is blotted out from the sky...

Where the h*ll did all these d*mn Jabos come from!?!


{large sigh of pure satisfaction} I love it when a plan comes together. It's my tactical genius at work again of course. I'd like to point out that he is GROSSLY exaggerating the number of Jabos actually flying around ... I'll bet there aren't more than 15 or 16 airstrikes IN ALL! Typical Serf sniffling and whining, he just can't admit that he's being bettered by a superior player.


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Oh, this is going to be good. This is going to be...delicious. Tie on the bib Martha, we're gonna have lunch!

OK, Anklebiter. You're on. I've already told you my conditions and I eagerly await your set up (He doesn't know how eagerly, doessss he, My Preciousssss. No, he doesn't. But we will teach him, won't we? WON'T WE!)

The French!! You want me to play as the bloody French! I wouldn't be seen dead in a French uniform, rumour has it no one has been. Those garlic eating poofters invented the word surrender and used it to good effect throughout their war :eek: . I will play as the Brits, a noble, warlike and valiant force who know nothing about showing the white flag and will proceed to pound you and your bratwurst eating squareheads into the ground.........so there!! smile.gif

Hurrah for the Brits, for we are fearless and magnificent warriors, we also like tea and toast too :D:D

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Originally posted by athkatla:

{snipped a significant volume ... mostly because I could} I will play as the Brits, a noble, warlike and valiant force who know nothing about showing the white flag. {continued to snip because it felt so good the first time}

Ummm, ever heard of Yorktown there bubba? Singapore? Come on gang, don't be shy, let's inform AthoverteaKettle of all the surrenders the Brits have been party to.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

{snipped a significant volume ... mostly because I could} I will play as the Brits, a noble, warlike and valiant force who know nothing about showing the white flag. {continued to snip because it felt so good the first time}

Ummm, ever heard of Yorktown there bubba? Singapore? Come on gang, don't be shy, let's inform AthoverteaKettle of all the surrenders the Brits have been party to.


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Originally posted by athkatla:

The French!! You want me to play as the bloody French!

{SNIP} Because I felt myself becoming overwhelmed by ennui. {/SNIP}

I will play as the Brits, .........so there!!

Interesting. I require that the SSN plays as the French and the SSN refuses.

Oooooh, 'e's a cheeky one, 'e is. Says 'e'll only play as the Brits, wiffout so much as a "by your leave"! 'E's askin' fr a canin', 'e is!

[ June 26, 2002, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Come on gang, don't be shy, let's inform AthoverteaKettle of all the surrenders the Brits have been party to.

Joe, the sun never sets... oh, wait a minute... the sun does set on the British Empire... fairly early too... I wonder if the sun actually shines on the Empire...
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Originally posted by athkatla:

Hmmmmm, I see I'm being ganged up on, and by the, "oh you've almost won the war, think we'll join in now" brigade. [DIE SMILIE BASTARD!]

Yep, that's us. We let the "Wonder how we'd fight the Jerries without those Liberty ships" crowd do all the fighting

[ June 26, 2002, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

mass snippage of mindless (and in AJs case, unintelligible) drivel

Oh, we best apprehend his less than trusty sidekick {unbolded}Can't Poop{/unbolded} while we're at it. Throw the tiddler back into the briny as it were.....

I think a stirring rendition of our battle cry is in order, men:

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie,


There ....... that should keep them at bay for a bit longer....

AussieJeff, it should please you no end to know that upon repeated viewings of "The Gods Must Be Crazy" and much late night study, I am now confident that I can decipher a portion (albeit small) of your gibberish.

For those Pengers who likely have been perplexed by your popping and clicking noises for lord knows how long, I offer this snippet of AussieJeffs latest diatribe, which I have attempted to decipher. It appears to read:

Me AussieJeff! Want to buy fish?

AussieJeff, with herculean effort, I have managed to use your natvie "tongue" to compose this response, which, if I understand the customs of your tribe correctly, is suitable when responding to the least esteemed member of your society (or pod, or hive, or whatever it is):

Click-click, pop. Poppety, poppety, click. Clickety pop... Pop clickety.



Now that I've done it, I find myself asking why on earth did I go to all that trouble for an Australian?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

Hmmmmm, I see I'm being ganged up on, and by the, "oh you've almost won the war, think we'll join in now" brigade. CENSORED

Yep, that's us. We let the "Wonder how we'd fight the Jerries without those Liberty ships" crowd do all the fighting[</font>
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

Hmmmmm, I see I'm being ganged up on, and by the, "oh you've almost won the war, think we'll join in now" brigade. {CENSORED}

Yep, that's us. We let the "Wonder how we'd fight the Jerries without those Liberty ships" crowd do all the fighting</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

Hmmmmm, I see I'm being ganged up on, and by the, "oh you've almost won the war, think we'll join in now" brigade. {CENSORED}

Yep, that's us. We let the "Wonder how we'd fight the Jerries without those Liberty ships" crowd do all the fighting</font>
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