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Captured T-34 BUG?

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Someone posted something about the german t-34 being better than the russian one in the game a while ago and he got the response that it was probarbly due to the difference command delays (russians in the early war count as being one exp. grade less ie. regulars have command delays as greens) but i decided to check up on this a little and it turns out that all the german t-34s have way better penetration values at longer ranges... now this could be explained by germans using better ammo, but didn´t the germans use captured ammo too?

I cant imagine that the germans devoted much of their already over-strained industry to make ammunition for captured guns, although it migth be so...

but that is not the end of the differances... i checked out the captured t-34 ´42 versus the russian t-34 ´42 and they have different armor values and slopes!!! now surely this cant be right???? right???

ok so im not a grog but i am interested in WWII and have read alot about the eastern front an i have never heard of the germans modifying any captured t-34 by changing the armor values and slopes... yes, yes i know they made AA-guns and all that, but i meant just changing the original a little...

oh... and one more thing... the armor quality is different... did the germans only capture the tanks with low quality? :confused: :confused:

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I'm that other guy and I just did a test using captured Panther VA early war tanks and the captured tanks also have different armor thicknesses. Specificaly, it's the upper and lower hull thicknesses for June 1944.

German Panther VA (early war)

Upper Hull: 83/55 Degrees

Lower Hull: 63/55 degrees

Captured German Panther VA (early war)

Upper Hull: 80/55 Degrees

Lower Hull: 60/55 degrees

Even the penetration values for the ammo are different. Somefink aint right. smile.gif

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I don't know about the captured German vehicles the Russians used, but the captured T-34's in German service had the barrels re-bored in order to use standard German 75mm. This was done in order to standardize ammo with other German vehicles. In fact, the Germans had at least one facility set up to do nothing but refurbish captured T-34's..

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I'm that other guy and I just did a test using captured Panther VA early war tanks and the captured tanks also have different armor thicknesses. Specificaly, it's the upper and lower hull thicknesses for June 1944. German Panther VA (early war) Upper Hull: 83/55 Degrees

Lower Hull: 63/55 degrees

Captured German Panther VA (early war)

Upper Hull: 80/55 Degrees

Lower Hull: 60/55 degrees

Even the penetration values for the ammo are different.

It must be all those tens of thousand of Sons Of Old Mother Russia cannon fodder guys who have nothing much to do after close order drill. Their NKVD commissars order them to polish up those caputred Panthers' armor with sandpaper and emerycloth. This causes a nice bright sheen on the armor. However, it causes thinner armor. :D:rolleyes:;)

Cheers, Richard tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

[ November 09, 2002, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: PiggDogg ]

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I'll bet that these errors in the unit info screen are just that... the AFV "platform" is probably same for the CM computation engine regardless of which flag it's flying.

OTOH, wasn't that not the case for the M17 quad .50cal...the max range was listed at 250m instead of 2500m in the info screen, but in reality it would only shoot out to 250m, making it useless in it's AA role?

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Originally posted by Sgt. Steiner:

I don't know about the captured German vehicles the Russians used, but the captured T-34's in German service had the barrels re-bored in order to use standard German 75mm. This was done in order to standardize ammo with other German vehicles. In fact, the Germans had at least one facility set up to do nothing but refurbish captured T-34's..

How could they rebore it to 75mm if it's already larger than 75mm?

I know that the Germans produced their own ammo for captured 76.2mm AT guns; the german produced ammo was better than the Sov. 76.2mm gun but not as good as the 75mm L/48. Maybe they used this ammo for their captured T-34s.

I don't understand why the armor should be different, though.

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I got that from an east front book, one of the Squadron/Signal titles, as I remember. The book says re-bored, perhaps the author meant re-barrelled? Unless possibly they did rebore them, and then put in a barrel insert.

OK Ostfront grogs, anything in your piles of dusty tomes concerning this?

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Originally posted by gunnergoz:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Madmatt:

I will have Charles take a look at these.


Matt, you have to get an appropriate sound effect to play when you do these interventions...lightning effects, thunder, deeeeep voice from a cave kind of thing. :D:D </font>
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Originally posted by Le Tondu:

---June 1943, Pz IIIJ captured and not captured have discrepancies too on the Unit Information windows. My feeling that they are typos and not representative of what is under the hood. (At least I hope not.) ;)

I would be surprived if the display wasn't straight out of the engine mechanics. What you see is most certainly what you get.
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I can't say whether the German did anything to the gun on the T-34, but they did play with the field guns. Perhaps the ammunition between the F-34 76.2mm gun on the T-34 was interchangeable with that of their field guns?

The F-34 was 42 calibers in length as compared to the 51 calibers (also seen as 51.5 calibers in some sources).

According to the Encyclopedia of German Tanks, The Germans produced both pzgr 39 and pzgr 40 for the 7.62mm PAK 36®.

wt.(kg) Vo pen at 100m

pzgr39 7.60 720 98

pzgr40 4.15 960 135

the pzgr40 is just a little better than the comparable ammo for the 75mm KWK 40 L/43 while the pzgr39 seems nearly the same except for a heavier cartridge:

wt.(kg) Vo pen at 100m

pzgr39 6.80 740 98

pzgr40 4.10 920 126

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Sgt. Steiner,

Right, after the recapture of Kharkov in Spring 1943, the Tankfactory there was used to "produce" german T-34, eg. Useable slight damaged T-34 were reworked to german standards. Have some pictures about it.

However this ended after Kharkov was captured by the Russians once and for all in Aug. 1943.

To my knowledge SS-PzGren. Totenkopf used this tanks in a special Company (14. ?) for the remaining 1943 (Kursk, Mius, Bogodhukov and the retreat to the Dnjepr river.

Detachment Kempf also used atleast one captured T-34 to fool the Russians and take an important Rivercrossing in the Kursk-campaign around 12/13. July.



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