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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Official Un-CessPudlian Activities Committee. This committee will be composed of concerned and informed members of the CessPool who will be charged with the awesome duty of rooting out subversives of every stripe within the CessPool.


It is with deep sorrow that I find a certain amount of 'wisdom' in the otherwise 'mumbled over a paper bag filled with a bottle of white port' remarks of the Justicar.

Noba's involvement with Gunny Bunny must be investigated, lest it bring deep discredit to the Cesspool. I am deeply perturbed by Noba's failure to address the several requests we've made after information. In fact, his remarks to date would seem to indicate to a merely suspicious man (as opposed to a deeply, almost pathologically paranoid one such as our Joe), that he does, indeed, have something to hide.

Something more shameful than merely 'playing' in a Gunny Bunny sponsored tournament (although the gods know there's enough shame in that to paint three normal people, although it only covers one Australian by spreading it very thin). It is this deeper and darker shame, hinted at by Noba's swings between defiance, avoidance, and denial, that convinces me that the full power of the Justicar must be turned loose on Noba.

Also, it's unbearably hot and humid here in Minnesota, I have no air-conditioning, and I don't see why I should be the only one on this planet that's completely miserable. Knowing that others, and especially Noba, are suffering horribly under the almost psychotic attentions of the Justicar will bring a happy smile to my face as I sit sweating in the 'suit' I've created by wiring together four window fans and suspending them from shoulder straps.</font>

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Guest PondScum
Official Un-CessPudlian Activities Committee. This committee will be composed of concerned and informed members of the CessPool who will be charged with the awesome duty of rooting out subversives of every stripe within the CessPool.
Are the committee's proceedings televised? I feel the need coming on to hunker down and watch with... pizza. Yes, pizza. Pizza.. and... beer. Mmmm. Pizza, beer, and... stenographers...

[Also, not to nit-pick or anything, but isn't setting the bar at "informed members of the Cesspool" aiming just a little too high?]

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Originally posted by PondScum:

[QB[Also, not to nit-pick or anything,...[/QB]

NITPICKER!!! A FECKIN' NITPICKER!!!! Tae tha smithy's fer tha Glowin' Tongs o' Redempshun® !!

Wae'll sae hoo tha stankin' NITPICKER laks tha sizzlin' Glowin' Tongs o' Redempshun® ferretin' aboot haes swampy bits!!


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Go get em' Gyrene. I just love it when the 5200s go after the 7300s (you have all become so insignificant that I will hence forth refer to you only by your decade in te BTS scheme of things).

So how do you reckon he isn't a marine? If he's gone to Harvard, he's obviously already admitted to being a moron. They come in rich too, you know?

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by OGSF:

Wae'll sae hoo tha stankin' NITPICKER laks tha sizzlin' Glowin' Tongs o' Redempshun® ferretin' aboot haes swampy bits!!

Would that be a CHALLENGE, Sir Haggis-Breath? I think it's time to ask that little spaniel of yours to put together a QB. Something swampy. Bring yer tongs.
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On behalf of morons, sorry, I mean Marine's everywhere, I would hereby like to propose to the Pool that we ban CombatGeneral to Coventry in absentia for his pathetic display in the OuterBoards. Oh, and tack on some penance for myself for even admitting being there.

[ July 02, 2002, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Would that be a CHALLENGE, Sir Haggis-Breath?

Aye, ye're a cunning wee devil fer all tha'! Ah've gi aboot a thoosand gams gwin ain at tha moment. Hoowever, wun o' thaim is agin Joe Shaw an' mah wee span'l as dealin' wi' haim quite handily. Sae Ah'll indulge ye desire tae bae chased aboot tha field o' battle lak a bare bummed Sassanach prancin' through a bramble bush, ye bare bummed Sassanach.

Setoop as on at's wha tae ye bah tamorra ev'nin', 1250 points QB, ye're tha stankin' Hun attackin wi' armour, agin mah stout Heeland infantry chappies. Ev'rythun' ailse default.

An' use a deoderant, ye smelly bugger!

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I once read a book called the "Fan Man" about a weirdo who had an obsession with fans and choirs. It was given to me by a weirdo named George Head. Is that a weird name or what??

Anyway, anyone ever heard of that freaky novel? Seanachai could very well be the man upon which book that was based.

It was by William Kotzwinkle. The main character, the 'Fan Man's' name was Horse Badorties. It's on the middle shelf of the bookcase by the door, which I usually reserve for lesser works.

In reading about off-the-wall characters, I'd recommend John Kennedy Toole's "A Confederacy of Dunces", or Michael Malone's "Handling Sin", or T.R. Pearson's "Off For the Sweet Hereafter".

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Originally posted by Pupu The Jock Monkey:

Lord knows I'd love to stick it right up Joe here, but the bastiche owes me a turn. Plus, he is Joe after all and I should spare you all the embarrassment. But I just had to get it off my heaving bosom anyway....



Please keep your lackwit love fantasies to yourself, Mr Jock Monkey. Especially those involving the one-eyed, decrepit and criminally insane. Thank Berli I don't fall into either of those two categories!


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[ July 02, 2002, 01:44 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Gyrene:

I usually try to stay away from the cesspool, but this is an emergency that requires the attention of the Evil One

In this thread

Combat General has claimed to be a Marine (A "marine" no less, lower case and all)I thought Berli would like to know.


Gyrene, we thank you.

Whenever egregious half-wits lie, deny, and posture, we of the Cesspool wish to know.

In gratitude for your timely pointer to this bit of unbelievably stupid but entertaining behaviour, we shan't tell you to sod off (although you probably should).

How refreshing to find that there are people out there so far down the food chain that even our lowliest SSN looks like a Harvard Graduate (as it were).

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

In reading about off-the-wall characters, I'd recommend John Kennedy Toole's "A Confederacy of Dunces", or Michael Malone's "Handling Sin", or T.R. Pearson's "Off For the Sweet Hereafter".

Hm. Maybe you are Seanachai after all. "Dunces" is too fine a work to be bandied about casually by undead moonpeople from the Moon.
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A General Message To All

Without doubt, you are all a bunch of raving lunatics. This senseless drivel is the work of the Devil. It's garbage, it's the work of charlatans you old fools should all be gathered up from your wretched cess pits and disposed of in an oasis full of an indeterminate substance. One that smells something like a mix of Shoe Jaw's breath and Senileguy's droppings! tongue.gif

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Posted by SirScumbo

...and were INFLICTED on me as part of a squire's challenge. This was back in the days when being a squire MEANT something, like kicking your sorry corpse across the battlefield.

Only in rigged scenarios - Bucko. You can't beat me in a straight fight. Straight is not a word that applies to you....


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Posted by PK:

In short, Sir, you are a lout, a git, and worse yet, another blasted Australian!!

To arms! I shall stand for this poking at the hands of these Australians no more!!

Prepare yourself, Noba, for you have roused the ire of Panzer Armee Khann, and I shall exercise my superior tactical awareness upon your pathetic, mewling, dress wearing troops. You are CHALLENGED, Noba.

Not half as challenged as you. That pathetic attempt bears up not at all. Superior tactical awareness means you know when you are losing...right ?

Still, why would I send an SSN to do my work. Only Kanniggetts get to do that. Pillock.

I am presuming that you prefer Germans. So send something in the meeting engagement type, 1500pts, no snow or FRENCH, thankyou.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, if that's REALLY your name.

I admit to...how should I say, embellishing the facts a tiny bit. I did that because the reality of the situation was just too drab, too monochromatic, too...Utahian, for my tastes.

mass snippage of whacking Joe about a bit, which is well and good, but hey, I wanted to save a bit of space...

Now lord knows I'm not going to stick up for Joe here. The bastiche owes me a turn. Plus, he is Joe. But I just have to say it...

Now we have the guy from Akron calling the guy from Utah boring? Because of where he lives!?!

What's next? Cockroaches calling mosquitoes pests? Pots calling kettles black? Australians calling Canadians degenerates?



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Originally posted by athkatla:

A General Message To All

Without doubt, you are all a bunch of raving lunatics. This senseless drivel is the work of the Devil. It's garbage, it's the work of charlatans you old fools should all be gathered up from your wretched cess pits and disposed of in an oasis full of an indeterminate substance. One that smells something like a mix of Shoe Jaw's breath and Senileguy's droppings! tongue.gif

You goin' someplace with this, Sunshine?

What is it with this current crop of SSNs? Why can't they get it into their guord-like heads that general challenges, insults, comments are bush league?

I mean, look at Pelvis with his ubiquitous "Wankers" comment. No one takes him seriously.

[ July 02, 2002, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

So tell me Sean, do ya really want to go to war over Noba?

Don't think of it as a 'war', Berli. After all, he's only an Australian. Think of it as a Police Action.</font>
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