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Sir, the Traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread are Rum, Sod-Off, and the Lash!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

OGSF, if upon the vote of the Olde Ones you are confirmed as Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread ... good luck, you'll need it.


Ah widnae bae tha stankin' Justicar af'n ye saint mae feeve poonds a week an' a fresh bottle tae boot! Ah didnae e'en knoo o' tha festerin' worrrd afore tha current infestation were appointaid!

Ah wid, hoowever, lak tae have a public haerin' tae investigate tha recent bizarre behaviour o' tha current Justicar, along wi' tha stenographers o' course. An' noo crrrap aboot "define "is"" either. Sae long as tha stenographers are there. At's nae a prroper hearin' withoot tha stenographers....


PS Ramaimber..tha stenographers...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

So if you think, if you REALLY think, that OGIcan'twriteanything withoutitlookinglikeI'vemarblesinmymouthSF would make a BETTER Justicar, one who VALUES and SUPPORTS the rules and traditions of the CessPool, one who upholds the values ruthlessly regardless of the cost, then by all means go right ahead. The CessPool will be the worse for it as you know.<hr></blockquote>

<font size="2">joe</font><font size="3">, yes I do think he would make a better Justicar. I doubt we'll see him spouting off about some airborne FPS. Come to think of it, when was the last time you actually played CMBO? You do remember what CMBO is, don't you?</font></p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

(tee-hee) SO tonight, after I get enough Black Russian in me, I will be on the board with a VENGEANCE, and Dee, if you've been around like you say you have, you will know what that means...<hr></blockquote>

Uh, Mouse, um... I just don't know what to say. What you do with your "friends" in the privacy of your own home is your own business, I guess. Thanks for sharing.

Have I been here long? Well, yeah. BFD. Never said anything, just sat around and looked awkward. 18 months and only 6 posts? If you actually paid anything but lip service to the Blessed Traditions you'd have told me to SOD OFF before I took a second step.

Frankly, I'm not looking forward to any version of the Rules that gets drafted by the likes of you. Yet if the Bald One has sanctioned it, what the hell can a SSN such as myself do? It's all due to Shaw's peccadillos with other games corrupting the whole of the Pool, no doubt.

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Yes, Sod Off Dee, but you do have a very valid point. The Justicar's trillings about his "great new Flight sim!" lately have been quite... embarrassing for all us CM players.

I keep looking around, with meaningful glances of pain and awkwardness as he SPOUTS off over and over and over and like the rest of us, just wishing he would SHUT UP. But does he catch on? No, he tries to set up a Cesspool club. Geesh...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah widnae bae tha stankin' Justicar af'n ye saint mae feeve poonds a week an' a fresh bottle tae boot! Ah didnae e'en knoo o' tha festerin' worrrd afore tha current infestation were appointaid! <hr></blockquote>

Who the Hell said anything about you having any say in the matter? You are a festering boil on a year old haggis, so shut the feck up

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


So, what do you think of joe our justicar and his trolling for new SSNs? At least you limited yourself to our own good board, while he goes out to the Makin' me IL/2 forum. Sad state of affairs<hr></blockquote>

I'm beginning to think we really don't know who this Joe character is anymore. I'm sensing we may have to call for a trial and his traitorous groggy ways. I say, flush him, flush, flush, flush!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Q: Is D in fact JOJO'S alter-ego?? Ergo, is JOE attempting to play with HIMSELF??

A: Hmmmmmm...........


[ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]<hr></blockquote>

Why are you back? And you had to edit this piss poor message? tsk....tsk.....now, go away, far far far away.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

D, you are hereby released from the honorable office of Squire to myself, best of luck lad.


Then stop with the bolding already. SSNs don't get bolded! Cripes doesn't ANYBODY care anymore?




Driven off by a SSN? My, you ARE a wuss. Good thing you're going since there is one thing worse than a no Justicar and that's a weak one. What would be here to stop the likes of AussieJeff from coming right in here while you're "indisposed" with your flight sim paramour?

If you cared a damn about the MBT you would put away that disc of damnation (or at least stop pratting on about it) and do your FECKING JOB! There would be no need for an Investigation, no need for a Trial, no need for Stenographers... er...


Go on, then. Tell us about this lovely new game, eh?

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Why do we need a Justicar anyhow?

Any decent Kiiniggit knows how to address SSNs, Serfs and Squires correctly. That is with vitriol, scorn and utter contempt, and I for one certainly don't need some future pompous Hitlerite riding my back just because I did A when I should have done B (I got married for that)!

Easy Squeezy - let's do away with the job, it's a wanky one anyhow.

We, however, do need a trial. I don't care what reason as long as I get to see the stenographers bend over to change their recording tape! *drools*


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I was appointed by the Olde Ones ....


So, does that mean that the sage and venerableOlde Ones also have the power to ....... [shudder] DISAPPOINT you?? [/shudder]

Cest la vie, Justameremortalafterall


[grumble..]Feckin' UBB[/grumble]

[ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by D.:

Driven off by a SSN? My, you ARE a wuss. Good thing you're going since there is one thing worse than a no Justicar and that's a weak one. What would be here to stop the likes of AussieJeff from coming right in here while you're "indisposed" with your flight sim paramour?


Roight then, D. That does it ...... consider yerself CHALLENGED, ye spotty-faced, paucity-posted, single-digit git. You'll be receiving a lethal byte-battle haste poste from this defender of the southern realm soon enough. Start digging in, worm.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Shandorf:

Damn you Slap and your Foo-Foo drinks. Be a man and just drink from the bottle. It's not like being a beligerant drunk would hurt your social life in any meaningful way.


Once in a blue moon, Geoffrey, you make me laugh, and I remember why I haven't driven up to your hell-hole northern suburb and set your place on fire.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Hooray, free at last! There will be debauchery in the streets! Liquor for all! Pass around the spleef and turn up the Kenny Loggins, for now we can DANCE!<hr></blockquote>

Christ on a Crutch, you listen to Kenny Loggins?!!

You're not fit to live. I can't believe I had you to Squire.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Christ on a Crutch, you listen to Kenny Loggins?!!

You're not fit to live. I can't believe I had you to Squire.<hr></blockquote>

For cryin' out loud, Seanachai! I am insulted that you would even suppose such a thing, I was simply drawing allusion to the feeling I get when I think of a justicariateless pool, e.g Kevin' Bacon's finest:Footloose! Sheesh...

No, give me Fairport Convention any day...

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Well, no problems, then. We'll just have some sort of constitutional crisis during an incarnation that I started, and Mad Bald Guy will supposedly give Panzer Leader the right to start the next Thread, after which he admits to some of the most loathsome musical predilictions to ever be posted here. (and Panzer Leader, it won't do any good to claim your remark was in jest. If it was a joke, it was as appreciated as child molester humour at a PTA meeting.)

Now I find...what, I ask myself?

Slapdragon elevated to Knight, bypassing all normal conditions, on the word of Berli. What the hell? When I proposed jumping the bastard to Knight, there was a hideous uproar. I believe instant elevation to Knight is something that only a unanimous vote of the Olde Ones could bring to pass. Even then, we're on shaky ground.

Well, I won't oppose his elevation, even though he left our game hanging for weeks while he sought to get all his ducks in a row regarding national defense, or his DUI defense, it's hard to tell from his emails what was going on.

Well, enough on this issue. It is done with, especially as Peng is still busy playing at 'Rebecca of Microsoft Farm', and won't be available for a while longer until Berli and I wrestle him into some kind of therapy program. And Berli isn't being at all helpful, he just keeps chuckling and mumbling something about 'power'. Never share an administrative slot with someone who, at the Beginning of Time, sought to overthrow the Supreme Creator. They tend not to be 'team players', and their personal agenda is scary as hell.

[ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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Old Foul Joe,

If I were an Olde One I would vote to keep you as Justicar, but jeepers, if you hadn't, as his Trusted Second set Peng up on a "Fish in a Barrel" map without HOPE of victory, then maybe there would still be a Peng to vote for you. But alas, because of YOU, Peng is no more.

It is like Sirhan Sirhan saying that if Bobby Kennedy were still alive he would forgive him and ask the parole board to let Sirhan out of prison. Bummer. The ONLY GUY that would show mercy and Sirhan SHOOTS him!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

No, give me Fairport Convention any day...<hr></blockquote>

You listen to Fairport Convention?

I don't think I believe that.

It's no good trying to get back into my good graces after that other remark.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

What did he say?

I don’t speak the language of the subservient wankers who live in a hellhole that even the Romans didn’t want.

Class? Anyone?<hr></blockquote>

Thought better of at di ye? Realized wha ye dun an' voided ye bowels ain terror? Ah'll kick ye spotty arse aboot ain a game laddie, jus' gi' mae a reason tae bother!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Roight then, D. That does it ...... consider yerself CHALLENGED, ye spotty-faced, paucity-posted, single-digit git. You'll be receiving a lethal byte-battle haste poste from this defender of the southern realm soon enough. Start digging in, worm.


Has the world indeed turned topsy-turvey? Is right now left, black/white, and a decendent of a Pommie reject the only one who remembers this is a Challenge thread?

Well, if that's really the best you can do... as a SSN I guess that's all deserve.

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Dee you are simply too much, and should not be here. You do not belong on this blasted plain where the Eternal Champions battle against the forces of Chaos (or C.H.A.O.S. if you would like a hipper enemy) and the giants who rumble before you now may crush you thoughtlessly in their battle with greater foes than you could ever hope to best.

Indeed, you are a foolish goat-herd wandering into the volcanoes maw after a lost ewe (down Mace he knows not what he does.) However......

As you were dropped unceremoniously in the death throes of a behemoth, I will offer you a haven: to wit, you are hereby promoted to squire to Panzer Leader, the true rapscallion knight, brandishing his silvery rapier against the thick-edged Bastard swords of wrongfullness.

Take heed, do well, show your wit, as lackluster as it is, and one day you to may know the glory of battling for Mutha Beautiful. AS a gesture of my magnanimity I will teach you your first lesson: how to lose with grace. Send me a set up, whateever you like*

Now, here boy!

*As long as I am the hobnailed Hessians, preferably defending against the bloated soldiery and luxurientmateriel of the capitalist dogs.

<big>Take note, Lorak the Lost</big>

[ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]</p>

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