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    San Jose, CA USA
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  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Roight then, D. That does it ...... consider yerself CHALLENGED, ye spotty-faced, paucity-posted, single-digit git. You'll be receiving a lethal byte-battle haste poste from this defender of the southern realm soon enough. Start digging in, worm. <hr></blockquote> Has the world indeed turned topsy-turvey? Is right now left, black/white, and a decendent of a Pommie reject the only one who remembers this is a Challenge thread? Well, if that's really the best you can do... as a SSN I guess that's all deserve.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: D, you are hereby released from the honorable office of Squire to myself, best of luck lad. <hr></blockquote> Then stop with the bolding already. SSNs don't get bolded! Cripes doesn't ANYBODY care anymore? <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Goodbye. Joe<hr></blockquote> Driven off by a SSN? My, you ARE a wuss. Good thing you're going since there is one thing worse than a no Justicar and that's a weak one. What would be here to stop the likes of AussieJeff from coming right in here while you're "indisposed" with your flight sim paramour? If you cared a damn about the MBT you would put away that disc of damnation (or at least stop pratting on about it) and do your FECKING JOB! There would be no need for an Investigation, no need for a Trial, no need for Stenographers... er... <Ahem> Go on, then. Tell us about this lovely new game, eh?
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: (tee-hee) SO tonight, after I get enough Black Russian in me, I will be on the board with a VENGEANCE, and Dee, if you've been around like you say you have, you will know what that means...<hr></blockquote> Uh, Mouse, um... I just don't know what to say. What you do with your "friends" in the privacy of your own home is your own business, I guess. Thanks for sharing. Have I been here long? Well, yeah. BFD. Never said anything, just sat around and looked awkward. 18 months and only 6 posts? If you actually paid anything but lip service to the Blessed Traditions you'd have told me to SOD OFF before I took a second step. Frankly, I'm not looking forward to any version of the Rules that gets drafted by the likes of you. Yet if the Bald One has sanctioned it, what the hell can a SSN such as myself do? It's all due to Shaw's peccadillos with other games corrupting the whole of the Pool, no doubt.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: D, for your first assigment as my Squire<hr></blockquote> AAah! He said it again! What on Earth have I ever done to deserve such a baseless canard to be afflicted upon my humble Monogram? This is SHAW we're talking about. "Sickie Shaw" as he was no doubt called by his classmates back in Grade 5. Plays about with twitch games and EVERYTHING. It CAN'T be happening... I refuse to believe it! Do you hear me Joe? I'm Not Listening... LALALALALALALALA!!! <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> I'll require a 14 page essay, double spaced on the topic "Berli is he LIVE or just EVIL?" Joe<hr></blockquote> Berli evil? Of course he is. We all are, Joe, to one degree or another. Oh sure, some just commit little evils like swiping the odd fiver from the tip jar of Old Blind Benny the newsboy, while others are more "adventurous" with livestock. Even Hiram is evil, though I don't know how. Was he not drawn forth from his self-imposed exile by the Mistral-like ordure blowing from the Cess into the innermost crevices of his soul? A powerful grip does the MBT have on evil, drawing it to itself like some sort of, uh, {Damn, there was the perfect analogy just on the tip of my tongue but I just lost it in all this "Squire to Shaw" trauma...}, um... Evil-Sucky-Thing. Berli is the current executive officer, I suppose, but all his decisions have to be ratified by a bi-weekly meeting. Need I remind you that "In the Ninth Circle, though, are those faithless ones who turned their back on the one true Way." - BoP 5:18 Did you not yourself deny It three times before the cock crowed? "Just one more go and I'll nail that FW... Just one more." CMBO is waiting for you Joe, even if you care not. (Crikey, see what you've done? The crawling sensation under my skin made me mess up some UBB. Although I'm suspicious that even Andreas might have to edit should his NihongoTeutonicness ever be subjected to such horror.) [ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: D. ]</p>
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I must say though, it does sound enchanting. How about: Hidden Seanachai, Crouching Peng Challenge Now it can be from an official Kay-nugat, rather than a boisterous beourgois knuckle-dragger.<hr></blockquote> Not that it matters, since all Tradition seems to be swept down the oubliette these days, but It's Been Done. I mean, really. It's not even like it was even that long ago. New titles are supposed to be witty AND original. Where they get Kniggets these days I'll never know. Out of the remainder bins, no doubt. Oh, for the Halcyon Days of Yore when Knights had more that two firing neurons at any given moment and could not only remember what it was they just drank but what they said yesterday. Makes me positively maudlin for the olde days.... Has anybody here seen the old Knight David? Can you tell me where he's gone? I thought I saw him, walkin' over the hill, with Peter, Andy, and Jon.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Lorak ... let it be known that I, Sir Joe Shaw, Knight Champion of the MBT, Justicar and Cesspool Drain Commissioner, do hereby make D a Serf of the CessPool and take him to Squire. Joe [ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]<hr></blockquote> Oh... My... Berli! How can I possibly show my face in public again? To be taken to Squire by Joe Shaw? Small children will shriek at my passing by. Homeless "vets" with their cardboard signs will recoil in pity. It is too awful to bear. Besides, as OGSF pointed out you can't go taking a four posting SSN to squire. It's just not done, man. Your deviancy knows no bounds, does it? I'm certain that sooner or later videotape will surface that proves, beyond doubt, that you not only have trysts with Il-2: Sturmovik ON THE SAME DRIVE AS CMBO, but you most likely hang out in the "Edutainment" aisle of Electronics Boutique eyeing the lithe boxes of Jump Start 2nd Grade and Freddi Fish. Squire to Shaw? Eeeww! Make the bad man stop...
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: You misrepresent sir and you know it. There are rules HERE to be followed as acknowledged by all, and it's my DUTY to see that those rules and traditions are followed. Joe<hr></blockquote> How DARE you, Sir! To claim the moral high ground while you tart about with that other game, the stench of that unnatural coupling still saturating your robes of office. Most sleazebags who fool around at least have the good manners to keep it sub rosa, but you seem positively PROUD of your dalliances. You prance about BOASTING of your mis-deeds, even stooping so low as be seen acting all groggily and such on USENET. And to then come into this, the MBT, and still claim the mantle of the Justicarate? I am appalled. APPALLED, Sir! There are SSNs such as myself about, looking to you vomit encrusted paragons of CessVirtue that are the Seniour Kniggits for role models. And this! THIS is how you behave? Say it ain't so, Joe! Never have I seen such vile antics, not even in the times of the aposty of Meeks the Heretic. The denizens here are derilicts of the lowest water with whom I wouldn't be at all surprised to see filling up the benches of Berli's waiting room some day, but even the basest of them (Bauhaus not excepted) wouldn't stoop to your level, even if they could stand the stench. I'd challenge you myself if the Rules allowed for it, but since they don't we SSNs will just have to gawk at the freakshow until the rest of you lot get sober enough to realize what's going on. Shame there isn't a Independent Special Persecutor to rein in your horrible mis-rule. And stenographers.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally post scripted by Gpig: P.S. where does the word "Soldier" come from. <hr></blockquote> According to this here page its from the French soudier: To fight for pay. It must be true. I read it on the web.
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