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Has anyone ever witnessed tanks crushing light vehicles in CM?

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This is a bit of an old story, back from the times of CM:BO. I was playing a ME as Axis, in a snowy village during night time.

As anyone can tell, that translates into really crappy visibility. My friend (playing as Americans) had a knack of sending fast jeeps and scout cars as flash recon in front of his main force...

Since all commands are made beforehand, it happened so that one of his MG jeeps and my Stuh42 were speeding down the same street... In opposite directions. The Jeep crew probably didn't have time to mutter "Oh, sh..." when my tank jumped in their headlights, caused the jeep to explode by the impact, and then plowed through the burning remains as if nothing had happened. :eek:

The next command phase was spent exchanging endless "I can't believe that happened!" comments. A truly amazing feature, I wonder how the damage is calculated? Is it the compared mass, speed and armor of the crashing objects?

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Sounds like a good way to throw a track out. Does anyone know what happened when tank met non-tank? I can picture chunks of jeep and helmet clogging up the road wheels.

What about tanks colliding with other tanks? Talk about the ultimate demolition derby!

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Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars:

Tanks can't crush or run over anything to kill them in CMBO or CMBB, the jeep was probably hit by fire from the StuH or another unit in the area.

Actually, I know that tanks can crush guns in CMBO (and I presume CMBB). Dunno about light vehicles though...


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At least the tanks in CMBB can panic infantry by running over them. I think this was explained in the manual. I would assume this also includes guns and maybe light vehicles also?

Can't remember was this possible in CMBO...

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I just tested all this stuff on 2 maps. The 1st map was a road through the woods, the 2nd map was a long bridge. The difference is that in each case, vehicles are confined to the path while grunts, crews, and lighter guns can get into the woods.

No unit had any ammo. The ramming vehicle was a Ferdinand, chosen not only for its weight but its lack of MGs.

For targets, I gave it a jeep, a 50mm mortar, an 82mm mortar, a 45mm ATG, a 76mm F22, and an 85mm AA gun, all lined up on the road or bridge in front of it in that order, with their backs turned.

I gave the Ferdinand a single "fast" waypoint so that the line stretched over all targets.

I ran each test several times and the same thing happened each time. The following effects were noted:

1. Road through Woods


  • Jeep: Did not move before Ferdinand arrived. Was pushed to side of road up against the trees. No damage done either physically to the jeep or mentally to the driver. Ferdinand didn't slow down.</font>
  • Mortars: The troops started heading for the woods immediately, although they didn't get there before they got run over. The guys then continued moving and got well back into the trees. It was impossible to tell whether Ferdinand pushed them aside or whether all such movement was under their own power. No damage done, no morale penalties imposed, no loss of speed to Ferdinand.</font>
  • 45mm and 76mm Guns: Crews immediately rotated these guns 90^ and managed to push them out of Ferdinand's path and get them hidden in the woods before being run over. Thus no damage or morale effects at all.</font>
  • 85mm Gun: Being unable to move, this gun sat there in the road, the crew with it, and got run over. The gun was destroyed and the crew momentarily freaked, although they stayed in place during the overrun. Then the crew instantly got back to "OK" (although with the red dot lit) and ran into the woods. No damage or speed loss to Ferdinand.

2. Bridge</font>

  • Jeep: As above. Jeep pushed to edge of bridge w/out physical or morale damage, Ferdinand's pace not slowed.</font>
  • Mortars: No effect at all. They didn't try to move, weren't pushed out of the way, weren't damaged, did the suffer any morale effect, and the Ferdinand didn't slow down.</font>
  • Guns: None of them tried to move at all, so each gun was run over. Each was knocked out. Crew morale effects as above for 85mm. Following gun destruction, the crews remained in place. The Ferdinand didn't slow down.

So it looks to me like tanks can only destroy guns. It also appears that if a unit is capable of getting out of the way, it will do so rather than be run over, even if being run over does it no harm.

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Originally posted by IronChef4:

So, any grogs have evidence of actual "rammings" during WW2 combat? It would be interesting to hear a first hand account or something. . .er "fink" of this nature.

There is a very famous picture i saw in at least two books and on some websides (when you interested i will scan it for you) it shows a early Stug III (with the 75 L/24) rammed a T-34.


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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

Possible, but I've never seen a soft vehicle explode from MG fire.

I had a German heavy MG cause a catastrophic explosion on a .50 cal jeep in a game of CMBO I played the other night. One burst from the mg, and I saw the explosion from the other side of the map where I was watching an infantry advance on an enemy held position.
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Are you sure that there cannot be traffic accidents in CM? I've had German halftracks, out of any LOS of the enemy, suddenly knocked out after coming very close to another one. I replayed the turn several times and it seemed as though one backed into another oncoming one. I've also had an M-10 run over a jeep in a similar situation and knock it out.

I can't speak with absolute authority, as I don't know whether the game code supports such collisions. Maybe it was some random unseen fire. Enlighten me if you know for sure.

As for collisions in "real life," in McKee's Caen: Anvil of Victory, p.273, he quotes a tank commander lieutenant of the Irish Guards during Goodwood. In that case he rammed a King Tiger with is Sherman. Both crews bailed out and later the lieutenant called in a Firefly to actually knock out the tiger.

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Originally posted by IronChef4:

So, any grogs have evidence of actual "rammings" during WW2 combat? It would be interesting to hear a first hand account or something. . .er "fink" of this nature.

The history of Panzer Regiment GD mentions one incident of a Panther ramming a T-34, but I don't believe it was deliberate. I'll try and find the quote.
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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by IronChef4:

So, any grogs have evidence of actual "rammings" during WW2 combat? It would be interesting to hear a first hand account or something. . .er "fink" of this nature.

The history of Panzer Regiment GD mentions one incident of a Panther ramming a T-34, but I don't believe it was deliberate. I'll try and find the quote.</font>
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Originally posted by Maj. Battaglia:

Are you sure that there cannot be traffic accidents in CM?

I can tell you what I know for a fact- a couple times, I've had a tank get bogged, (in open ground, even), and I sent another one over there to *push* him out. It doesn't work worth twinkie.

I zoom in till I'm at magnification 16 or whatever, get the pusher right exactly behind the bogged, and the push tank just drives right "through" the other one. I think they are mathematical points for some aspects of the game.

At the same time, I've witnessed one tank pushing a knocked out one off the road just to make way. That has always been without my intervention, so maybe it's something the AI can do, but we can't.


[ October 28, 2002, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: Eden Smallwood ]

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On the site www.iremember.ru there is an account of a tank commander who got to test drive the heck out of the T-44 after WWII. They had to drive it round and round their base to rack up thousands of miles on the things and test the engine oil and everything else.

Anyhow, one time he was driving along a road at HIGH speed, w/ another test-drive T-44 behind him (the other one was a T-44/100mm or maybe an SU-100)- the other tank's TC apparently decides to go a little dare-devil and "pass" him on the left. It turns out that a truck was coming the other way and the T-44/100 drove right THROUGH the truck, the main gun just tearing thru it and the mass of the T-44 obliterated the truck. Both truck crewmen were killed, and the TC was stripped of the medals he had won. I would post the story but the above website isn't letting me in today.

[ October 28, 2002, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]

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That's interesting. I never thought to push one bogged vehicle with another. I guess it won't work though.

However, I think that the coding makes contact unlikely and AFVs will avoid it. In your case, the pusher saw and avoided the target (even though you wanted it to hit). That does not disprove my theory, though.

What I refer to is an accident. I think, based on my own observations and those of others, that there is a chance built into the coding that there can be accidental contact resulting in damage to less rugged vehicles. Again, I don't claim to be an authority.


Check out the last para of my previous post. It has the source of the (well, one) incident you refer to.

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