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One Peng to rule them all, one Peng to challenge them ...

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slapdragon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

P.S. “Por favor amigo, uno cerveza!” is all the Spanish anyone really needs to know.

If you are an ignorant git. It is una cerveza if you do not want the local to see "stupid yankee" stamped across your head.</font>
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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

It is called gender agreement bonehead. It would be uno cervezo if there was such a thing.. As there is not, you say una cerveza.

Actually it would be un cervezo if there was such a thing.


[ February 05, 2002, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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Originally posted by Sledge59:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />From the pen of Persephone:

The rest of you ungrateful bunch go on as if Peng never existed.

I bet the new set of Squires don't even know that a Peng really did exist.

Not entirely true, M'Lady. I refer you to replies #7 & 10.

Although you are quite correct about the Justicar, there's no doubt that the noble Seanachai supports the rightful reinstatement of Peng. He is simply biding his time.

Why should MrPeng get his name back? Because wussl has absolutely no right to deprive the MBT of entertainment. Gates-Slut was stale and boring from the beginning. Peng is fun to read. If all else fails I plan to slaughter the little wuss myself.


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Originally posted by Mace:

So Macey, which part of

did you not get???

Haven't been to Oz, yet, but I have been cursed with taking off tomorrow to go up north to Toronto. Somefink about trying to crash Canada's equivalent of Wall Street. Maybe I can get all my travels and work done without ever having to rise above the ground, since Toronto is built on top of a massive set of tunnels dug by the gigantic, prehistoric sabre-toothed mole. The early Canadians (mostly related to the French IIRC), found these tunnels and converted them to store meats, vegetables, clothing stores, and the occasional bank during the winter time...

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Originally posted by Sledge59:

No, no, NO! What you should really say, Lars is:

Cerveza! Cerveza! El pis en la botella.

Eh, as long as I get my Negro Modelo.

But I recommend you say "Cerveza! Cerveza! y piss en la botella." when ordering yours.

[ February 05, 2002, 01:42 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Lars is lucky: at least he can ask for a beer; what's Mandarin for "beer" and "whiskey"?

Speaking of which, it seems that the Minneapolitean Airport is as modern and convival as Seanachai. Since, I'm told, there is no way he can pass though the farsical security 'grope-point' and there are no watering-holes out by the ticket counters, he will miss the opportunity to see me, some woman claiming to be my wife, and my recently purchased laundry expert decant ourselves off of a 97 hour flight from Hong Kong. While it would've been nice for Ceilidh (no bolding for SSNs) to receive the blessing of the Ubergnomen, sest lah veevh.

Then again, we've got 3.5 bleary hours there... mayhaps there's sumfink nearby?

And don't even get me started on the 24 Feb. flight over; six fecking hours of layover in gawdawful Detroit! Feh! And there's not any 'Poolers there, as I recall (and rightfully so, I'd add -- there are someplaces that even cess wont go).

So, Lars, do try to drown your sorrows for that mind-numbingly daft charge (charges, actually) of yours that I have skillfully turned into a nice smoking line all along that ridgeline. Hell, at least our forces have engaged one another... Marlow and Speedbump are too scared to show themselves.

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

You've posted three updates on our game since you last sent a turn. It's a delight to see your constant assurance that absolutely no progress has been made in our game. I'm putting a clause into my will that our game will become part of my estate, to be finished at whatever time after my death from old age you finally deign to send a turn.
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Originally posted by Iskander:

So, Lars, do try to drown your sorrows for that mind-numbingly daft charge (charges, actually) of yours that I have skillfully turned into a nice smoking line all along that ridgeline.

Please, I’m trying to forget about that.

I think I’ll put your turn file on floppy disk and hand it out to the beggers.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Lars:

I think I'll put your turn file on floppy disk and hand it out to the beggers.

All together now: "...because even without PCs they stand a better chance of winning than Lars does".

[Editted because bolding is for wimps]

[ February 05, 2002, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You've posted three updates on our game since you last sent a turn.

I'm considering getting a job as a Pentagon spokesmodel.

It's a delight to see your constant assurance that absolutely no progress has been made in our game.
Just doing my small part to minimize entropy and stave off the eventual heat death of the universe by a femtosecond or so. (Because I hate you all so much I'd take such measures to prolong your misery on the off chance any of you is some sort of ageless or immortal being that would escape the Sisyphusian (and you'll all Sissies) burden of existence only when the universe explodes/fizzles.)

...our game ...to be finished at whatever time after my death ...
Like Berli, I take the long view.

Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

So Macey, which part of

did you not get???</font>

I'm now stuck with a barrel of tar, and a few sacks of feathers.

What to do? What to do?!!


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If all else fails I plan to slaughter the little wuss myself.
...and you may get your chance Sludge. As I have been tasked with setting up these challenges to return the name of Peng, I will keep generating them for the daring few until one returns with the trophy. Berli is likely (well, actually we are sure of it) not pure of heart enough to maintain his resolve in the face of adversity. The Bard, while full of song and courage, is likely too tactically inept to grasp the prize. But someday there will be one who put the vile wussl this, this physicist in his rightful place and rend from him the basis of our being here.

Being a master of the applied sciences, I myself have been building (at great personal expense) a veritable pitbull of a warrior from discarded limbs and entrails here in the pool. I’ve been nurturing the beast with an iron rod and blowtorch until he reaches his full potential, and feeding him a steady diet of knowledge from FM-22 and Sun Tzu. When the mightiest of knights and meekest of squires proves incapable at eviscerating a single government pampered theoretical scientist, I will release my bad dog upon the pool and you rue the day for eternity.

[edited due to the fact that I still don't believe in andreas and am being punished for it]

[ February 05, 2002, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Just a Justicariate Update:

It is anticipated that the Trial For the Name Of Peng will be concluded in the next day or two. Please stay tuned for details.


How can this be? I haven't had nearly enough meetings with my personal stenographer, Sindy!!

Fix or do somefink...


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Originally posted by Persephone:

Oh Peng, where art thou?

Cesspoolers, have you all forgotten about Peng? The person for whom this thread is named? Will anyone help to bring Peng home?

YK2 has stopped cheering on Berli and Seanachai. I don't really blame her since Berli is getting his arse kicked by a Wussl and the Übergnome hasn't been bothered to select troops for his battle for Peng's name.

Peng...I have not forgotten you

I'm still sneering, (I mean cheering) Patch honest I am....

But like you say, Berli is getting his ass kicked, and Seanacoochie has taken on his scarlet pimpernel guise, So what's a Gal to do when faced with such hopeless wonders?

I say sod the Wussl who does he think he is anyway? I don't care if he won Pengs name fair and square, this is the bloody PENG CHALLENGE THREAD and we haven't got a PENG and if I was an olde one I sure as hell wouldn't let that mamby pamby Wussl dictate the rules to me, why I would just grab him by his short and curlies, and demand he give PENG back his name, and if he refused to do so, then I would just cut them off and send him to join the other Eunochs with nothing but a small band aid for comfort....

Yep indeed PATCH these two OLDE ONES might need a little bit of help...

And where the hell is Joe when you need him? I would have thought we could have at least relied on him to take control and makes things as they used to be..

Ahhhhhhh I remember the good olde days so well, when PENG used to sit by the fireside wearing his slippers and negligee, book in one hand, (How to lure a redhead in three easy steps) and glass of the amber nectar in the other hand.....

Ahhhh indeed, those were the days......

JOE do somefink.....


SEAN get your bloody finger out......

BAUHAUS sit down.......

Bring back PENG

Down with GATES-SLUT.....

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Originally posted by YK2:

So what's a Gal to do when faced with such hopeless wonders?

What is this?

A Damsel in distress?

In need of a Champion?

This is a job for SooperCroda!!!!!

Should all the challengers fail, I shall take up arms in the dear lady's struggle.

I shall smite them with a legion of Hetzers.

I shall Hetzer them with a legion of smites.

I shall rend the sordid Heavens and raise blazing Hell from the molten bowels of the Earth.

I shall untimely rip the hallowed name of Peng from the gnarled hands of its captor.

I shall become a plague unleashèd upon all Cesskind.

Fair YK2, let me take arms and Champion this most righteous Crusade!!!

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Noba:

We all know it was your weasley way to get out of a losing situation.

Indeed, I am now in a Cesspool-Style Guaranteed-No-Lose Unlike-Peng Situation. If you win, it will clearly be because you STOLE MY PASSWORD. If I win, it will clearly because I was SUPERIOR on the field of battle. Dalem, mon petite general! C'est magnifique, non?

Anyone with a quarter of a working brain doesn't play "Indians" with halftracks.
Indians? Who was playing Indians? Those halftracks were playing "machine-gun the poor buggers you tried to rush me with".

But because you care so much about my tanks, and because you exhibit the proper attitude towards ManU "supporters", you'll find another little setup in your inbox called "The Destruction Of The 112th". I, as ever*, play the French, while you play the role of the 112th.

*Oh yes, I still curse my liege.

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