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Should I? Or shouldn't I? CM or CM2

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Im a 12 yr old UK kid, so I dont come across $$$$ that often. Could anyone tell me... should I wait for CM2 which would cost me 45$+ or should I, as my birthday is near, get the UK GOLD CM which is only 28 quid form AMAZON:


Which one!?!?!?!!?!? all opinions please!


Jackie Chan :D

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Buy this game first, and when you are so addicted you lose any and all sleep for the next week, immediately begin saving up for the 2nd game by performing excessive whining and begging! CMBB will be a major improvement in all aspects and will be helluva fun, but CMBO is still a classic and you owe it to yourself to play it.

Oh, and the only newbie guide I know of is this one:


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well I might suggest that for those of you waiting for CMBB to arrive there has been no actually shipping date announced

It is possible you could be waiting until April or May 2002 for delivery (hopefully not)

Why not just order CMBO now and play it?

Just my thoughts

(Hint: you cannot really be formally assimilated by the CM Borg until you have been throught the trials and tribulations of ordering CMBO and then Waiting and waiting for it to actually arrive, so might as well order it now and begin the ordeal smile.gif )

-tom w

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i agree sorta tom. however since i'm without a doubt buying CMBB the day it goes on sale it doesnt seem smart to pay 45 for a game i will be stopping playing shortly after i own it. i wish CMBO had a retail outlet other then direct from BF so it would drop in price with time. if it was 20 or like 30 i could swing it mentally much better.

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Originally posted by Patgod:

i agree sorta tom. however since i'm without a doubt buying CMBB the day it goes on sale it doesnt seem smart to pay 45 for a game i will be stopping playing shortly after i own it. i wish CMBO had a retail outlet other then direct from BF so it would drop in price with time. if it was 20 or like 30 i could swing it mentally much better.

Maybe thats like a HINT for BTS ;)

Hey BTS, when CMBB goes on sale maybe you could drop the price of CMBO??

maybe just a little like $30.00 US instead of $45.00 US?

Its just a suggestion smile.gif

-tom w

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Originally posted by Jackie Chan:


Im a 12 yr old UK kid...

Wow --- you look so much older in yr movies! Though it would explain the height issue...

Yah, CMBB will eclipse CMBO amongst the wargaming community --- for a while. But the question ya gotta ask yerself is, can you wait until the engine re-write (some 2-3 years from now) before you get to play the NW European theatre again?

I'd buy CMBO now, and CMBB later...

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One thing to remember. CMBB will NOT be replacing CMBO. The current Combat Mission is a Western Front game taking place in the last 2 years of the war. CMBB is an Eastern Front game going from 1939? to 45.

Yes it will have new code, features, capabilities and dodads. BUT... and this is a very big BUT...... If you like to fight the British against the Germans, or just aren't really keen on the Eastern Front (mainly Russiand vs Germans) then you might not like CMBB at all!

It's not really comparing apples to apples. CBMM is not a newer version of Combat Mission, it is a totally different part of the war you are fighting. I'd say if you are an avid Eastern Front reader and LOVE all the Soviet Tanks (not to ignore Finns, Hungarians etc) and think the Western front was a side show, then you would probably be better off waiting for CMBB. If you think the greatest part of the war was DDay and the march into Germany but don't know a T-34 from a BT-7, then you might be disapointed with CMBB because you can't relate to it.

You will probably end up with both games eventually anyway. CMBB will not get any WORSE as it ages. It will probably pale in comparison to newer games. Heck, I still love playing Marathon for fun even though the quality and capabilities of newer FPS games is better.

Choose the front you are most interested in and you will probably like it the best. You will have no problem finding takers for either games.

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The advice is pretty good so far. The only thing I can add is to weigh up the number of hours you will spend playing on the game. If it is more than 28 hours the you will be getting a bargain at a pound an hour.

The more over that number the better the value. This game is truly great if you are a serious wargamer as your hours spent on it will far outweigh the small investment.

SO BTS please don't reduce the price, as it is fair as it is. It will under value the product. The reason for games sold retail being reduced is because they are naff games (broad generalisation with some exceptions) and people will only buy them if they are made cheaper.

This game does not fall into this category and should not be reduced, as it will ensure a good revenue stream to allow the next generation of games to be made by BTS. And that is something I want to happen.



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Thanks Guys, looks like CM:BO then! I'll be joining you in a couple of months ( hopefully! ) so be prepared for a good fight!!!!!

One more thing, in create a mission mode, do you kinda have to pay for the certain veichles/men you get????? And can anyone, make.....no....collect, a series of diff mods to replace all the demo men/tanks/grass....etc

AAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDD, when my men run around, their guns seem to have a seethrough box around it, which can pass through other textures e.g I have square holes in my smoke between the diff textures, WHATS GOIN ON???


Jackie Chan :D ( OK, real name is Jack ALRIGHT?! )

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Originally posted by Jackie Chan:


Thanks Guys, looks like CM:BO then! I'll be joining you in a couple of months ( hopefully! ) so be prepared for a good fight!!!!!

One more thing, in create a mission mode, do you kinda have to pay for the certain veichles/men you get????? And can anyone, make.....no....collect, a series of diff mods to replace all the demo men/tanks/grass....etc

AAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDD, when my men run around, their guns seem to have a seethrough box around it, which can pass through other textures e.g I have square holes in my smoke between the diff textures, WHATS GOIN ON???


Jackie Chan :D ( OK, real name is Jack ALRIGHT?! )

As to the see-through men, your bitmaps may be corrupted and need to be renstalled. If you only have the demo for now, I'd re-install it as I'm not sure the regular skins work (anybody know?).

For that matter, I'm not sure that mods work with the demo. If they do, all you need do is download the ones that you like from the web and unzip them into your CMBO "bmp" folder.

Corrupted bitmaps can also sometimes be repaired buy judicious use of a paint program, but its tedious and one should know what they're doing.

I'd just re-install the demo from your archived demo zip file, assuming it's still on your hard drive.

Once your purchased CMBO disk arrives, be sure to delete the demo files.

Good luck!

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CMBO is definately stayin on my HD. I like both theatres' so Ill be playin them both. Besides, Ive had too much fun with CMBO.

Gotta be ready anyway for anyone foolish enough to challenge me with CMBO...BWAAAHAHAHAHA...*gasp*...*choke*

...gotta quit that... smile.gif

[ February 08, 2002, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: pcpilot ]

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Mods will work with the demo. But of course only with the sounds and terrain/vehicle/infantry types that are in the demo.

I know for a fact. That is how I kept from going crazy waiting for the game to arrive. I kept playing with the different mods I could load.


Shermans, Stugs, Panther Tank, US 44 and 45 unis, and Herr unis, Grass, Trees, Tree Bases, Marsh, Buildings, Church, Wall, Wheat, Water, Fox Holes and Craters, and maybe a couple of others can all be modded in the demo.

[ February 08, 2002, 01:16 AM: Message edited by: Mord ]

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