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I demand a document entailing exactly what content is acceptable for this forum

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I will be lumbering head-long into the Peng thread soon enough to give those sorry, bloated sacks of cusk cock a good slapping around. But in the meantime I have a serious question. I can't believe you guys are saying CMBB isn't a strategy game. Are you serious? The only way to win is with good strategy! I realize it's not a RTS or FPS, but it IS a strategy game.

Yes the Peng thread...well I give you about three post before Coventry. If you intend to go in there you will need wit..well at least for awhile, then it seems that all you need is funny pictures and some inside jokes but that is another story.

By all means though..jump right in and enjoy!</font>

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No shame on me- that line crossed my mind too when I saw this post! smile.gif But I'm not sure you have it right- was it:

"I demand that we may, or may not be Vroomfondel and Djikstra." ??? What page?


Ack. My Hitchhiker's books are in storage atm so I can't provide a page number, but the full reference is as follows:

- And I demand that I am Vroomfondel.

- It's alright, you don't have to demand that!

- I am Vroomfondel, and that is not a demand, that is a solid fact! What we demand is solid facts!

- No we don't! That is precisely what we don't demand!

- We don't demand solid facts! What we demand is a total absence of solid facts! I demand that I may, or may not be Vroomfondel!

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I will be lumbering head-long into the Peng thread soon enough to give those sorry, bloated sacks of cusk cock a good slapping around. But in the meantime I have a serious question. I can't believe you guys are saying CMBB isn't a strategy game. Are you serious? The only way to win is with good strategy! I realize it's not a RTS or FPS, but it IS a strategy game.

Yes the Peng thread...well I give you about three post before Coventry. If you intend to go in there you will need wit..well at least for awhile, then it seems that all you need is funny pictures and some inside jokes but that is another story.

By all means though..jump right in and enjoy!</font>

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...... I can't believe you guys are saying CMBB isn't a strategy game. Are you serious? The only way to win is with good strategy! I realize it's not a RTS or FPS, but it IS a strategy game.[/QB]
For those still not clear on the difference between 'STRATEGY' and 'TACTICS' this may clear it up for you....

"Strategy is buying a bottle of fine wine when you take a lady out for dinner. Tactics is getting her to drink it".



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T._C. Let's be honest with each other here. We all know of your ill-fated attempt to swim in the cess, and we all know why you drowned in the attempt. You commited the one, unspoken, cardinal sin, to wit: YOU BECAME SERIOUS!

No greater mistake could you ever have made. None of your social gaffes or witless drivel took you so close to the threshold. But when you became serious, eewww it was too much for all of us - you included. I think a sigh of relief was heard the world over when you, slightly embarrassed and wishing with a shake of your head you could make it go away, stepped cautiously backawards out the way you came in.

And now in the light of morning, much like the drunk not remembereing the blunders he made the night before, you are all fresh and innocent, eh?

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Yes the Peng thread...well I give you about three post before Coventry. If you intend to go in there you will need wit..well at least for awhile, then it seems that all you need is funny pictures and some inside jokes but that is another story.

By all means though..jump right in and enjoy!


If I had your talent for writing, I would not waste my time making silly pictures either. But I don't have your kind of talent. The people of the Peng thread are kind enough to let me post my pictures there. Hopefully they give some people an occassional laugh.


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DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!?! You've upset a Lady! O' for shame, e'en gone from the cesspool, your stench lingers...

Persephone, allow me to be the first in a long chorus singing your praises.



Persephone, she's the Best!

Just please get Seanacahi-i-i-i

A damn vest!

[ November 06, 2002, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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I am afraid the Peng Thread is but a hollow burned out mansion..in the best Gormenghast tradition and it's denizens become more and more pale with every incarnation...like an infinite photocopy loop.

Major huh? Maybe the Canadian armed forces will survive if your retirement rolls around before the Light Colonel list. Sod offski!

(Thank god for Poland!)

[ November 06, 2002, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I am afraid the Peng Thread is but a hollow burned out mansion..in the best Gormenghast tradition and it's denizens become more and more pale with every incarnation...like an infinite photocopy loop.

Major huh? Maybe the Canadian armed forces will survive if your retirement rolls around before the Light Colonel list. Sod offski!

(Thank god for Poland!)

[ November 06, 2002, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]</font>

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Aggh!!! I Peng Mafia drive-by.

Panzer Leader, trust me I was never serious..I think that gland was removed many years ago..did you miss the "Koffmanesque" point..I think perhaps you did..oh well here I stand misunderstood once again, the tragic life of useless genius I guess...(psst look I did it again..watch the ball boy! It changes colours)

Ms Persephone, it is with heartfelt sincerity that I humbly apologize..(hey Panzer Leader..this is NOT Koffmanesque...you will get it eventually). You are correct of course and it is a true talent in the spirit of making people laugh..I was trying to get a reaction in best Peng style but it would seem I have caused harm which was never my intent.

Abbot....well it would seem that after so many edits, it is a wonder anything came out at all, this would suggest an emotional response..I really don't know what to say as we have been down this road before and the fact that I am a Major in the Canadian Army seems to be the "sand in your sandwich" so to speak. Did a Canadian Major run over your puppy in your childhood? Perhaps dreams of jackbooted Canadian Majors crushing little Abbot puppies still haunt your dreams. You wake up, your skin covered in a sheen of sweat, heart pounding with the intent of a runaway locamotive.

This must have been traumatic for you..but I for one don't step in puppies, nor do I kick them..so I think I will just leave you alone to chase your tail (heya PL, they ball changed colour again..this is fun!!)

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Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I am afraid the Peng Thread is but a hollow burned out mansion..in the best Gormenghast tradition and it's denizens become more and more pale with every incarnation...like an infinite photocopy loop.

Major huh? Maybe the Canadian armed forces will survive if your retirement rolls around before the Light Colonel list. Sod offski!

(Thank god for Poland!)

[ November 06, 2002, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

[ November 06, 2002, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]</font>

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

...did you miss the "Koffmanesque" point..

Are you referring to Thomas Kauffman, my old 10th grade geometry teacher or Dave Koffman, a tool and die guy I know or Franz Kafka, the writer and big rhythm and blues afficianado?

[ November 06, 2002, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Ms Persephone, it is with heartfelt sincerity that I humbly apologize..(hey Panzer Leader..this is NOT Koffmanesque...you will get it eventually). You are correct of course and it is a true talent in the spirit of making people laugh..I was trying to get a reaction in best Peng style but it would seem I have caused harm which was never my intent.

OK Capt, I accept your apology. Now please email your picture to me so I can show you how forgiving and nice I am.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

Ms Persephone, it is with heartfelt sincerity that I humbly apologize..(hey Panzer Leader..this is NOT Koffmanesque...you will get it eventually). You are correct of course and it is a true talent in the spirit of making people laugh..I was trying to get a reaction in best Peng style but it would seem I have caused harm which was never my intent.

OK Capt, I accept your apology. Now please email your picture to me so I can show you how forgiving and nice I am.


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Look how far I have fallen....

This is what constitutes a decent flamefest these days...

Vader's Jester..this is a Peng jam, not unlike when U2 sang on top of the liquor store in LA..Madmatt will be playing the role of the cop who pulls the plug because we lack permits shortly.

Stuka...well there are many possible reasons. Perhaps, I long to be a Naval Capt or perhaps it is a quaint nickname from my youth, due in large part to my poor canoeing skills and an unfortunate incident with a sewer outlet..or maybe..just maybe when I started on the forum I was a Captain..hmm..a mystery inside a riddle wrapped in bacon, deep fried and served with a cocktail sauce if I ever heard one.

You ponder while I go for more toast..

Toast, bread taken from it primordal form and thru the power of heat and fire..transformed again into a warm and inviting dish. By removing the water, you make room for any number of condiments..jam, peanut butter, cream cheese, herring paste or honey all jump in where the water was before.

The first bite a joy..with just a bit of pain as the dry crust gently scrapes your gum...like most great loves it is rapture mixed with discomfort at the loss of self. In that moment when you chew the first bite and the flavour of the sun soaked wheat mixes with a sharp bite of a virgin berry unleashing a torrent of saliva...well I think we can all agree that sublime is too weak a word.

Toast..God may have denied Eden but at least we were allowed to bring out one small piece of it...of course one does not wish to ponder just how Adam/Eve smuggled it out but let's just stop it there..

[ November 06, 2002, 07:46 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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