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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So dalem just painted up his pretty face, put on his favorite backless, sequined ankle-length, slit up the side, tight, red little number, planted himself on the nearest street corner and began singing "Ten cents a dance."

Paints a sad and disturbing picture, doesn't it?

I don't look good in red.
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Originally posted by idjit:

What has happened to the MBT?

Joe was right...it is getting too nice. Where are the taunts? This thread is just becoming another ladder. It's not about the score. It's all about the taunts. Where is the hatred? What happened to needing a pair but not bragging about it? Yeknodathon who's pair was taken away in an unfortunate surgical procedure, has more of a pair than the whole lot of you! No wonder the Olde Ones have left...you bore them. You have to be extremely pathetic to be able to bore an Olde One. They who are so easily amused. It used to be frightening for an SSN to wander into the pool...now it is no different than any of the grog threads on the outerboards. Well...are you up to showing that you really have a pair? Or are you going to continue to brag about them?

Oh, a fan.

Please conduct unbounded adoration in reverential silence... any thrown underwear will not be returned... no autographs or wanton touching.

Yeknod 'o tha Thistle

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Huzzah! Seanachi is returned. Have the minstrels play the Ballyfin Polkas to welcome him home!

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Sir Ozzie barked:

"Now, little Licker, I know you mean well, so kindly run along and play tiddly-winks with that poor, lonely Idjit, piddling hisself in the corner of the classroom....there's a good lad.."



No disrespect sir, but can't we just pair him and The_Capt together and set them at one end of the 'pool to hold some potted plants or a piss can? They both suffer from some awful verbal catatonia, talking to people who aren't there.

Hmmm...The Bard, frequently referred to as "that capering idjit" leaves. Not long after a SSN calling hisself "Idjit" appears outta the blue. He can put a word or two together, but has the bearing and social graces of a wooden-headed dummie. The bard returns, chastising the inability of his spawn to rise to to the challenge of a good verbal sparring match. Hath The Bard disguised, his discourse dumbed down (way down) to test his tormentors taunting tactics? Coincidence?

The more likely explanation is that Idjit is simply a parrot who learned to use a keyboard. Hmmm, the Holy Writ tells us, "A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back." Since Idjit meets two of the three criteria I shall reverse the polarity of my pointy stick.

Idjit! *WHACK*

I know you continue to harbor delusions of adequacy and significance, but come out of your self-induced coma long enough to give me a reply. *WHACK*

Seanachi may or may not respond to that trivial buzzing you make that passes for taunting, but I am here now sir. *WHACK*

If you truly want battle, you may have your fill here. Let's see what you are made of by strewing your bits, both the crunchable and the squooshy ones, across the field of battle for all the world to see. Let's see if your tactical skills surpass the unimaginative, droning idiocy of your taunting, for I can't believe they'd be worse. If you think you can finish a match before being virtually killed by your own mutinous troops, send me a set up! Why, I could even trounce you as the French, with their silly "Zoot Allures," and overly nasal HUH,HUH,HUHs, and goofy helmets. If you were a man you'd knock my teeth out. If you were half a man you'd knock half my teeth out. And if you were a woman you could at least be wearing that tight stenographer's skirt and there'd be SOME BLOODY *POINT* TO YOU BEING HERE MAN!


There Sir OzzieJeff, I played nice. Can I go back to skinning that little narc Harv and rubbing lemon juice and sand on the ruddy bits?


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Originally posted by idjit:

OK, ÜBERGNOME...let's see who really is the one true Idjit. You might want to consider wearing a helmet instead of that little red pointy hat you've got on. Don't try running back into your garden...I believe Bozo the hell hound resides there now.

So what are you saying, Gidget? You've got family members subletting Seananchai's garden now? Time to put out more gopher traps, I guess. Such a bother...
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>So dalem just painted up his pretty face, put on his favorite backless, sequined ankle-length, slit up the side, tight, red little number, planted himself on the nearest street corner and began singing "Ten cents a dance."

Paints a sad and disturbing picture, doesn't it?</font>

You forgot the earless, legless, sightless dog that he's dragging along the pavement on a little black leather leash...</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PondScum:

Talking of which, I am... distressed... to see that mon petite liege, the leader of House Persiflage, is actually deigning to accept challenges from whatever-Seanachai-dragged-in these days. Where is the luvverly idea of letting the SSNs battle amongst themselves? The slings and arrows of outrageous Crodaburg? The brutal Darwinism of one remaining standing (quickly to be squired, just to teach the bugger a lesson), and the rest to be left where they fall, gibbering wrecks upon the floor? When US Customs gets their act together, there will be souls to flay and persi's to flage, oh yes.

I needed a game, Sod looked like he had some brain matter dangling between his ears. We of House Persiflage can acknowledge the rules without being unecessarily constrained by them.</font>
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That dolt formerly known as Idjit rashly boasted:

Lurk, I could easily knock your teeth out...

Ho hum, yawn yawn. I feel so lucky to have come this close to a sound thrashing and still be able to walk away. SNORE!!!

Congratulations seem to be in order for Seanachi on "making it"...he has his first stalker.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Not nearly as bad as Berli dressed in a hot pink latex clown's suit and tutu, singing "I'm a little teapot, short and stout......" whilst doing cartwheels down the sidewalk in an attempt to sell cups of stale lemonade for a nickel a'piece to passerby in downtown Fox River Grove.


{Proudly House Berli}

Oh, now see? This is going WAY too far. I mean, it's not only wrong. It's wrong on so very many levels. Now I'm going to be stuck with that psyche rending visual tattooed on my brain for who knows how long! Thank you so very, very, very, very, bloody much, you grinning Aussie git!

My whole damn weekend's shot and it's only Thursday! And it's a 3 day weekend, too!

Just for that, I'm going to clean your clock in Attack of the Lugwrench! or however it's pronounced.

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />That dolt formerly known as Idjit rashly boasted:

Lurk, I could easily knock your teeth out...

Ho hum, yawn yawn. I feel so lucky to have come this close to a sound thrashing and still be able to walk away. SNORE!!!

Congratulations seem to be in order for Seanachi on "making it"...he has his first stalker.


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Because I'm drunk thats why

A J HAH he's winning and he hates winning

Boo a noble casualty of war

Noba I hates him with all my spleen

Lars I might hate him I probably will

Half where did he come from that spawn , go back there

CM Plonker A swede = A vegetable

lurkalot and ijut SOD OFF I'M the ssn around here so SOD OFF

And whats all this plying for trade like a bunch of olde has been tarts .

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Here's a story

of an unlovely Olde One

who was a persiflaging wannabe Gaelic guy

This almost Gaelic's play was bold

like his opponent, who liked 'em young and spry

Here's a story

of an unlovely Olde One

who was drinking too much Windex on his own;

TCP/IP was pretty great and so was hate

But about PBEM he'd moan

'Til the one day when the Olde One challenged the Olde One

And they knew that without using a single smilie

That these two would go public with their Challenge

That's the way we all became the MBT

The Emm Bee Tee


That's the wayyyy we became the MBT!

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Not nearly as bad as Berli dressed in a hot pink latex clown's suit and tutu, singing "I'm a little teapot, short and stout......" whilst doing cartwheels down the sidewalk in an attempt to sell cups of stale lemonade for a nickel a'piece to passerby in downtown Fox River Grove.

You are not nearly far enough up the totem pole that I can't still put the *BOOT* in
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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

I got 10 cents , DANCE dalek DANCE like you never did before

You know, Simon, everything about you is so stereotypically British, that I begin to suspect something.

Name? "Simon Elwen" That pasty combination of coal digging and Tolkien that screams to be tagged to the little boy in short pants who says smart things to his pained teachers on rainy afternoons while London is being bombed.

Location? "Tunbridge Wells, England" "Tunbridge Wells" is so British-sounding that I refuse to believe it really exists outside of a Douglas Adams "the editor suggested I leave these parts out" pile.

Occupation? "Idle loafer" The only place that knows more than the UK about idle loafing is, well, France. And you didn't mention anything about a beret.

Quite frankly I think you're probably an Australian. Only an Australian would put so much effort into being British that he'd end up being an Australian again.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Not nearly as bad as Berli dressed in a hot pink latex clown's suit and tutu, singing "I'm a little teapot, short and stout......" whilst doing cartwheels down the sidewalk in an attempt to sell cups of stale lemonade for a nickel a'piece to passerby in downtown Fox River Grove.

You are not nearly far enough up the totem pole that I can't still put the *BOOT* in</font>
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Hey, Seanachai, I thought you were going to rebuild the Rules (which are barely alive) to make them better, stronger, faster than they were before.

Or was the idea of actually having to relate an idea succinctly too much for you?


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Originally posted by dalem:

Only an Australian would put so much effort into being British that he'd end up being an Australian again.

Your'e really asking for a pixellated kick to the cods again aren't you?
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Posted by the Woman in Red.

Quite frankly I think you're probably an Australian. Only an Australian would put so much effort into being British that he'd end up being an Australian again.
And, by Stuka.

Your'e really asking for a pixellated kick to the cods again aren't you?
My my, Stuka, why stop at pixilations. Why not - THE BRICK ! Right between the slitty little bloodshot eyes. Of course, it is difficult to smash such a blubbery head, but we can try.

Simon cannot be Australian. Once a POM, always a POM !

And we wouldn't have him.


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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

I got 10 cents , DANCE dalek DANCE like you never did before

You know, Simon, everything about you is so stereotypically British, that I begin to suspect something.

Name? "Simon Elwen" That pasty combination of coal digging and Tolkien that screams to be tagged to the little boy in short pants who says smart things to his pained teachers on rainy afternoons while London is being bombed.

Location? "Tunbridge Wells, England" "Tunbridge Wells" is so British-sounding that I refuse to believe it really exists outside of a Douglas Adams "the editor suggested I leave these parts out" pile.

Occupation? "Idle loafer" The only place that knows more than the UK about idle loafing is, well, France. And you didn't mention anything about a beret.

Quite frankly I think you're probably an Australian. Only an Australian would put so much effort into being British that he'd end up being an Australian again.</font>

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Not nearly as bad as Berli dressed in a hot pink latex clown's suit and tutu, singing "I'm a little teapot, short and stout......" whilst doing cartwheels down the sidewalk in an attempt to sell cups of stale lemonade for a nickel a'piece to passerby in downtown Fox River Grove.

You are not nearly far enough up the totem pole that I can't still put the *BOOT* in</font>
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Toffey-nosed Aussie Git.
Cutting, very cutting. Your about as sharp as that Justiciar Sycophant, Harv. Mind you don't bludgeon yourself to death on the edge of the knife.

Tunbrige ? I thought it was Tonbridge. Could be wrong though !


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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Toffey-nosed Aussie Git.

Cutting, very cutting. Your about as sharp as that Justiciar Sycophant, Harv. Mind you don't bludgeon yourself to death on the edge of the knife.


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AussieJeff quoth:

(Secondly) give that Idiot and others of his ilk a damned good thrashing. Preferably with a BIG pointy stick. Tho' if needs be, horrific byte-battles may suffice. A bit of punitive verballing might not go astray either.

(Overtly) re-reading the last 500 incarnations of the Cesspool Rules. 'Specially the ones by Berli 'coz they are so deep.

(Definitely) sounding orf like you've got a PAIR. "Yick" does not compute at all!!!

(Only) by flaying those SSN's that swarm around you can you hope to be plucked from the morass, to achieve the lofty realm of serfdom and the regular reassuring *BOOT* from your master (whoever that may be).

(Finally) ensuring that no {gag}GROG shall enter this place unchallenged.

(Firstly) acknowledging that you are, at this point, the lowest of life forms - a veritable pustulence on the backside of a snot-nosed amoeba. Fit only for scum sucking and like duties.

I will mind my betters (until I am in a position to crush them like insects).

I did try to coerce that worthless slug of a poser Idjit into a digital slapfest, but all he babbled was something about "thcratching me if I weren't careful." I am afraid that beneath his single eyebrow and that slanty sloping forehead lives the other eyebrow where his brainy bits ought to be. He has some sad psycho-sexual fixation on dwarves in pointy hats. I recommend a treatment of repeated electroshock and deep-fry therapy to his naughty bits. Being near him made me feel...unclean, and I goes without shoes down here. Perhaps we could lure him over one of the larger drains in the pool and flush him like the putrid dead minnow that he is.

Now Simon Elwin, there's a nasty little pustule of venom begging to be lanced...Oh, he'd do nicely...

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Originally posted by Noba:

Your about as sharp as that Justiciar Sycophant, Harv. Mind you don't bludgeon yourself to death on the edge of the knife.


*sigh* The best thing about Aussies is they make Canadians look good. Didn't Australia put the common into, and take the wealth out of, the Commonwealth?

Arnypoo Tofu, I am not just a sycophant, I am THE Psychopant to the Great and WonderFull(of crap) SIR JOE SHAW!

Any further dittrances tossed towards my screen by you will be not taken in the worst possible way in the future and I will defend my rightless place in the grand scheme of things by losing to you without so much as even playing a game. Ha! Or something.

Now what was I saying? Nevermind.

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Originally posted by Harv:

*sigh* The best thing about Aussies is they make Canadians look good.

Not that I'm agreeing Harv, but there are some Canadians beyond our help.


PS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaargh, Saturday!

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