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Will Peng Challenge the Doodads?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So nice to see you kids can play well together.

Yeah, Boo. {sniff...} Brings back distant memories of kindy, eh???

"Now, little Licker, I know you mean well, so kindly run along and play tiddly-winks with that poor, lonely Idjit, piddling hisself in the corner of the classroom....there's a good lad.."


Ah, discipline<SUP>tm</SUP>... Where would we be without it??


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Originally posted by Noba:

AJ loses to everyone, so it is nothing to win against him. Not worth talking about at all.


Dammit Noba! You subjugate my Top Secret tactical ruse to public scrutiny now eh, old chap??

So many of you pillocks around here seem to be fixated on WINNING (or should that read WHINING) you have missed the hole point of this place.. as Lorak has indicated on more than the odd occasion ONLY LOSSES COUNT for anything in the end.

Now you are getting it, eh? That's right - some poor sucker has to WIN and be forced to ponce around like a roight nancy proclaiming hither and thither - "Look at me! I'm a WANKER coz' I WON!!" Hmmm..... what does THAT tell you about the likes of Aqua Perdido, Lars and Pondscum who show up in the rankings as having 0 losses?? Hmmm??? Do THEY wear tutus at every opportunity? Right on!!!!

Well, let me tell you that due to judicious and flagrant mis-management of my pixelforces I have managed to LOSE almost ALL my games. To that end, my up-till-this-point-in-time subversive tactics have worked a treat!

Only those cagey baastaaaards OGSF and CRODA have dented my long term plan to attain "TOP DOG" status at the head of the Cesspool Game Losses Rankings by forcing me to accept a {*GAACK!*} victory in the most painful of circumstances.

However, I'm on to them and shall do my best to thwart their cagey hi-jinks in future byte baettles..

So, SOD ORF back to the drawing board you sorry lot of gamey bastiche W(H)INN(G)ERS. Try harder to <U>LOSE</U> next time and make a REAL GAME of it! One day you, too, might discover the utter joys of LOS(S).


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Originally posted by Persephone:


Noba likes to dabble in the occult when he's not playing CM. (What did you expect from Berli's grandsquire?)


Ummm........ M'Lady Perse, is the Nobbit that leetle hand puppet that the 'orrible lookin' bloke has got 'is hand stuck up???

ROFLMFAO - sort of!!


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Stuka ....... what 'appened to the Qld Morons last night. Too many bananananana fritters before the <STRIKE>game</STRIKE> shame?? They performed on a par with your 112th Prancer Div....


[ May 22, 2002, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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An unkempt figure, wispy hair going to white, shuffles across an empty, but still somehow untidy, landscape. From either hand dangles a string bag full of bottles, and ice. Also, a bit of cheese. As he marches along, he mumbles to himself

First when A' come to Glasgow toon

the Hieland troops were a' before me

and the prettiest maid in the toon that a' saw

she lived in Glasgow,

they called her Emma...

Seanachai: Berli! Peng! I've got the whiskey! And some ice!

Where the hell is everyone?

He looks back over the body of the Thread...

Seanachai: Ohmigod! Meeks! Brother Rat! Where've you been, you halfwit?!

Er, Dalem, were you sitting on my bit of log? Turn around and let me see what you've been up to. Godalmighty. You get down there and use some serious elbow-grease on getting that stain out of my throne, lad!


There's no bloody question that the Olde Ones are completely useless.

But not as useless as you lot without us.

Oh, actually, you maintained the dignity of the Peng Challenge Thread (such as it is) beautifully, and you did your best to answer the Newcomers befittingly, but you still massively failed in the only way that makes the Olde Ones still relevant.

You people can't respond to a taunt in a way befitting a mongrel dog.

Until our job here is done, the Olde Ones will have to participate.

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You are a doodoo. To open that which you vomited forth stillborn, so many threads ago, to the scourge of Outerboarders, to abandon it, yea, abandon it (did the Khan offer you two ponies of gold? Three?), to let it rest on the flattish heads of the lesser denizens whilst you were frisking in the tall grass, committing various acts of mopery and dopery that turns our stomachs to even ponder, to do this and even then to come back and whine about the state of your creation, well, as a college professor my roommate once had said when a student objected to the nonstandard coordinate system presented in a problem set, well, I guess you'll just have to deal with it.

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It might be harder to lose than you think. If two people played a game, and both _really wanted_ to lose, it would probably be pretty hard, unless you had enough arty to do a suicidal fratricide. Even then, when your opponent sees the spotting round he could run all his lemmings over there.

Okay Aussie Jeff, I challenge you to a no holds barred losing match! I don't really have time for this, but then losing shouldn't take much time, now should it?

Send a QB setup, with unrestricted purchase, not larger than 2000 pts and lets see who loses. I'll bet you'll win you loser.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Until our job here is done, the Olde Ones will have to participate.

Ahhh, smell that?

It is the stench of crayfish that have been left out in the sun for 10 days, the stench of socks worn without a wash for 1 whole year, a sewerage treatment plant on a 40 degrees celsius day!

In other words...it is the smell of our soul.

Welcome back, Seanachai.


{edited to note that Noba has a touch of the Spike Milligans about him}

[ May 23, 2002, 04:50 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:


Noba likes to dabble in the occult when he's not playing CM. (What did you expect from Berli's grandsquire?)


Ahem ! Quite a nice rendition, Ma'am if I may be so bold.

A truly - eloquent display of fingernails to be sure. They do cost a fortune in time and effort to keep, well, presentable. But worth it. Note the immaculate hairstyle. Quite in tune with the requirements my dabblings.

Posted by Mace:

{edited to note that Noba has a touch of the Spike Milligans about him}
There was more than one ??? Gawd.


[ May 23, 2002, 07:29 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:


OK, looking at the shapely female arm in the foreground and the slight widow's peak, I'd have to say that Noba is a dead ringer for one of my ex-sister-in-laws.

You don't happen to run a bed and breakfast in Massachusetts, do you?

Indeed, Boo old chum, I think you are on the right track. Now that mine eye has become accustomed to the dimlight within yon piccy, I do detect the faint but UNMISTAKABLE outline of a heaving bosom!! a size 44DD to *BOOT*, if I'm not mistaken. Noba - you've got some fast explaining to do lad ... errr...... lady!



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Posted by Boor:

OK, looking at the shapely female arm in the foreground and the slight widow's peak, I'd have to say that Noba is a dead ringer for one of my ex-sister-in-laws.

You don't happen to run a bed and breakfast in Massachusetts, do you?

Not in this life. At least I do have a life.

(Make sure you get your comma(s) correct....or Dalem will get you)

Posted by the Roleystone Rocker:

I do detect the faint but UNMISTAKABLE outline of a heaving bosom!! a size 44DD.
Err, AJ. That's not mine...her head is under the cloth.


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Huzzah! Seanachi is returned. Have the minstrels play the Ballyfin Polkas to welcome him home!

Sir Ozzie barked:

"Now, little Licker, I know you mean well, so kindly run along and play tiddly-winks with that poor, lonely Idjit, piddling hisself in the corner of the classroom....there's a good lad.."



No disrespect sir, but can't we just pair him and The_Capt together and set them at one end of the 'pool to hold some potted plants or a piss can? They both suffer from some awful verbal catatonia, talking to people who aren't there.

Hmmm...The Bard, frequently referred to as "that capering idjit" leaves. Not long after a SSN calling hisself "Idjit" appears outta the blue. He can put a word or two together, but has the bearing and social graces of a wooden-headed dummie. The bard returns, chastising the inability of his spawn to rise to to the challenge of a good verbal sparring match. Hath The Bard disguised, his discourse dumbed down (way down) to test his tormentors taunting tactics? Coincidence?

The more likely explanation is that Idjit is simply a parrot who learned to use a keyboard. Hmmm, the Holy Writ tells us, "A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back." Since Idjit meets two of the three criteria I shall reverse the polarity of my pointy stick.

Idjit! *WHACK*

I know you continue to harbor delusions of adequacy and significance, but come out of your self-induced coma long enough to give me a reply. *WHACK*

Seanachi may or may not respond to that trivial buzzing you make that passes for taunting, but I am here now sir. *WHACK*

If you truly want battle, you may have your fill here. Let's see what you are made of by strewing your bits, both the crunchable and the squooshy ones, across the field of battle for all the world to see. Let's see if your tactical skills surpass the unimaginative, droning idiocy of your taunting, for I can't believe they'd be worse. If you think you can finish a match before being virtually killed by your own mutinous troops, send me a set up! Why, I could even trounce you as the French, with their silly "Zoot Allures," and overly nasal HUH,HUH,HUHs, and goofy helmets. If you were a man you'd knock my teeth out. If you were half a man you'd knock half my teeth out. And if you were a woman you could at least be wearing that tight stenographer's skirt and there'd be SOME BLOODY *POINT* TO YOU BEING HERE MAN!


There Sir OzzieJeff, I played nice. Can I go back to skinning that little narc Harv and rubbing lemon juice and sand on the ruddy bits?


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Harv:

you… you… dammit, is there anything lower than Pondscum I can use here?

No. I guard my position as the Lowest Of The Low with pride, villainy, and disgusting grey-green single-celled slime. None shall pass - mainly because I'm already at the bottom of the 'pool, so anyone trying to go any lower knocks themselves out on the bottom. It's a cheap trick, but the SSNs keep falling for it.

Talking of which, I am... distressed... to see that mon petite liege, the leader of House Persiflage, is actually deigning to accept challenges from whatever-Seanachai-dragged-in these days. Where is the luvverly idea of letting the SSNs battle amongst themselves? The slings and arrows of outrageous Crodaburg? The brutal Darwinism of one remaining standing (quickly to be squired, just to teach the bugger a lesson), and the rest to be left where they fall, gibbering wrecks upon the floor? When US Customs gets their act together, there will be souls to flay and persi's to flage, oh yes.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by AussieJeff, serial-HTML-abuser:

Hmmm..... what does THAT tell you about the likes of Aqua Perdido, Lars and Pondscum who show up in the rankings as having 0 losses??

It tells you that Lorak is a useless pillock who can't keep things updated, of course. I've had at least two glorious losses so far. You didn't help in any of them, mind. I find it very hard to lose against you. You are skilled in the ways of defeat.
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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

There's no bloody question that the Olde Ones are completely useless.

Übergnome, you've got that right...but we still love you guys no matter how useless you are.


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Originally posted by PondScum:

Talking of which, I am... distressed... to see that mon petite liege, the leader of House Persiflage, is actually deigning to accept challenges from whatever-Seanachai-dragged-in these days. Where is the luvverly idea of letting the SSNs battle amongst themselves? The slings and arrows of outrageous Crodaburg? The brutal Darwinism of one remaining standing (quickly to be squired, just to teach the bugger a lesson), and the rest to be left where they fall, gibbering wrecks upon the floor? When US Customs gets their act together, there will be souls to flay and persi's to flage, oh yes.

I needed a game, Sod looked like he had some brain matter dangling between his ears. We of House Persiflage can acknowledge the rules without being unecessarily constrained by them.
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PondScum:

Talking of which, I am... distressed... to see that mon petite liege, the leader of House Persiflage, is actually deigning to accept challenges from whatever-Seanachai-dragged-in these days. Where is the luvverly idea of letting the SSNs battle amongst themselves? The slings and arrows of outrageous Crodaburg? The brutal Darwinism of one remaining standing (quickly to be squired, just to teach the bugger a lesson), and the rest to be left where they fall, gibbering wrecks upon the floor? When US Customs gets their act together, there will be souls to flay and persi's to flage, oh yes.

I needed a game, Sod looked like he had some brain matter dangling between his ears. We of House Persiflage can acknowledge the rules without being unecessarily constrained by them.</font>
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>So dalem just painted up his pretty face, put on his favorite backless, sequined ankle-length, slit up the side, tight, red little number, planted himself on the nearest street corner and began singing "Ten cents a dance."

Paints a sad and disturbing picture, doesn't it?</font>

You forgot the earless, legless, sightless dog that he's dragging along the pavement on a little black leather leash...
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>So dalem just painted up his pretty face, put on his favorite backless, sequined ankle-length, slit up the side, tight, red little number, planted himself on the nearest street corner and began singing "Ten cents a dance."

Paints a sad and disturbing picture, doesn't it?</font>

You forgot the earless, legless, sightless dog that he's dragging along the pavement on a little black leather leash...</font>
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