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CMBB review at gamezone

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Wow. While I had some good things to say of the Staticplay review, I thought this one just sucked.

Will I give a well reasononed critique? No, I just want to say "It sucked."

Edited in: I turned to my wife to tell her about the review. She said she didn't want to hear more when I started making shaking/strangling gestures toward the monitor and saying (heatedly) "You idiot!"

There.... Doesn't exactly show me in the best light, but I wanted to call the reviewer an idiot, too.

[ October 19, 2002, 12:41 PM: Message edited by: Tarqulene ]

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1) His graphics were downsampled--he was using an intel 810c graphics adapter. Definitely not cutting edge.


Playing through the single player mode, you will come to discover that the computer-controlled opponent hardly ever makes a tactical mistake. In fact, it is near impossible to try to anticipate your opponent’s next move while the computer does a great job of anticipating yours. Seems unfair? It is.
It seems he only played for a few hours. I would not call the TacAI intelligent, unless he was playing certain CD scenarios which are stacked against the player.


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Here are few clips from that review and honestly, I'm not sure is he talking about CMBB?

There is nothing much you can do but watch your men follow your orders through. You can’t even manipulate them in any way while they move so you’re stuck looking over the action. And when the actions are carried out, the computer-controlled opponent then makes its move. Think of it as a stylized game of chess where you move your army and then wait patiently as the other side moves theirs.

Hmmm...It's probably just me and the fact that I don't talk English as my first language, but I understand this in a way that the writer hasn't actually played CMBB or then I have some different game in my hard drive as the game I play, all moves are carried out same time. It's not like chess, where I move my tower and then you'll move yours. Must be some other game...

There aren’t even any noticeable special effects, especially when a tank manages to destroy another tank.

I agree, this is a really depressing. I was expecting some music played in the background and a text: "Your Panther Tank Managed To Destroy Russian T-26. Congratulations!!!"

The only sweeping music can be found at the main menu option and is absent throughout the rest of the game as well.

Yeah, lack of music is a really, really depressing, I can't even say how much I need Cipramil for this, because I certainly would have liked to hear Erika played over and over and over again during one battle. And then the next battle would start and I would hear that song again.

Talonsoft's East Front Syndrom would be ready...again...

Playing through the single player mode, you will come to discover that the computer-controlled opponent hardly ever makes a tactical mistake. In fact, it is near impossible to try to anticipate your opponent’s next move while the computer does a great job of anticipating yours. Seems unfair? It is.

Maybe he has some other version of this game as my AI isn't that clever fellow. I wish he would be, but he isn't.

My father who doesn't play that much, can beat the AI, so I would think that this writer who writes reviews of computer games, could manage to do that also...

(BTW, Just bought CMBB for my father, so we can play IP game...and yes, I can crush him completely :D )

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First he says this:

In Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin, it is you who call all the shots and it is your job to come up with strategic decisions that could lead your men to their deaths or on to history.

Then he says this:

When finished deciding where to move your troops, the Go button brings them all to life. There is nothing much you can do but watch your men follow your orders through. You can’t even manipulate them in any way while they move so you’re stuck looking over the action.

I wish he would make up his mind. Is your job in this game to be the "landser" or lead the "landser"?

I cannot believe some of the people they get to review games which are obviously out of their league. This guy has no idea what he is reviewing nor how it should be reviewed.

He continues:

There aren’t even any noticeable special effects, especially when a tank manages to destroy another tank.

Well, he has obvioulsy not seen a tank explode into flames from another tank round. But he probably thinks that when tank shell meets tank, the tanks always go "KA-BOOM." The guy is reasoning like a 7 year old. When the truth is that way more often than not, at least in WW2, tank on tank combat did not lead to massive explosions like this guy seems to think.

oh well...

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About the reviewer:

Eduardo Zacarias

Eduardo Zacarias has been playing video games since he learned how to crawl and pick up an Atari Pong paddle. Since then, he grew up playing video games and competing (and winning) various game tournaments in various arcades in Southern California. Dubbed “Nice Guy Eddie” by the loyal arcade fan groups in the neighborhood, Eduardo continues his ongoing love for games with the Xbox and PC. He is currently the Opinion Editor of the campus paper of his local university (CSUN) and lives off campus with his dog Sam. You may contact him at EduardoZac@gamezonemail.com

I guess he doesn't find CMBB as amusing as space invaders...

I rest my case :rolleyes:

Alexandre Carneiro

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Oh...sorry...Here's a pearl of wisdom:

"If you want to see if you have what it takes to be a great military leader of the likes of General Patton, then, soldier, fall in and listen up. "
General Patton? What has this guy been smoking?

[ October 19, 2002, 02:07 PM: Message edited by: AFLC ]

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If you notice the site emphasis on consoles you should not be surprised at the review.

I am disappointed that this site does not offer a comments option so any inaccuracies could be put right.

At least he got the publisher right this time.

Maybe the next one might be written by someone who actually knows the differences between tactics and strategy.

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P5 stole all of what I have to complain about the article. So, I'll just say these...

Firstly, I remember reading some obscure review 2 years ago about this other great product CMBO. The review bashed it pretty harsely as well. After reading it though, I decided to click on the link and download the demo. My first experience of the game was pretty sad. I didn't know about the camera angles, so I was scratching my head going WTH?!?. Tried it again the next day, and found the hotkey menu, and was hooked on the game ever since.

Lastly, The problem I see with the review is in the way it portrays the game like it was meant for your mindly tank-rush crowd. This has the effect of turn some potential purchasers from trying out the game. I hope that BFC, has made a good profit from the base support that they would never bend to pleasing the mindless crowd, and turn out another C+C style game. Personally, I will buy everything under the sun from BFC...when I finally find a job.

Great job, BFC!!! :cool:

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I really like the wqay these reviewers can't seem to understand that this game is NOT Warcraft II

Every negitive review complains:

"When my men panic and run I don't like it."

They dont seem to understand that this game is a SIMULATION. It is made to be as relistic as possible. People paniced in WWII, so thy panic here. Tanks had varying armor thikness, done to the milimeter, so they do here... etc.

WHY can't people understand this??

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er...I just found this, by clicking on his name

Eduardo Zacarias

Eduardo Zacarias has been playing video games since he learned how to crawl and pick up an Atari Pong paddle. Since then, he grew up playing video games and competing (and winning) various game tournaments in various arcades in Southern California. Dubbed “Nice Guy Eddie” by the loyal arcade fan groups in the neighborhood, Eduardo continues his ongoing love for games with the Xbox and PC. He is currently the Opinion Editor of the campus paper of his local university (CSUN) and lives off campus with his dog Sam. You may contact him at EduardoZac@gamezonemail.com

The idiot came from Arcade video game background. 'Nuff Said :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by YECoyote:

er...I just found this, by clicking on his name

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Eduardo Zacarias

Eduardo Zacarias has been playing video games since he learned how to crawl and pick up an Atari Pong paddle. Since then, he grew up playing video games and competing (and winning) various game tournaments in various arcades in Southern California. Dubbed “Nice Guy Eddie” by the loyal arcade fan groups in the neighborhood, Eduardo continues his ongoing love for games with the Xbox and PC. He is currently the Opinion Editor of the campus paper of his local university (CSUN) and lives off campus with his dog Sam. You may contact him at EduardoZac@gamezonemail.com

The idiot came from Arcade video game background. 'Nuff Said :rolleyes: </font>
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no video effects huh? did he not watch the flash and smoke from the guns when they fired? oh well, as much as i'd like to track that reviewer down and beat some sense in to him, to each his own i guess. still though, if i ever see him walking down the street alone... lol

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Originally posted by zukkov:

no video effects huh? did he not watch the flash and smoke from the guns when they fired? oh well, as much as i'd like to track that reviewer down and beat some sense in to him, to each his own i guess. still though, if i ever see him walking down the street alone... lol

Oh no need to track him down. :cool:

I have personaly invited him to come over here and read this thread.

Lets see if he curious enough to see what we have to say here smile.gif .

-tom w

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Guest Sgt. Emren

This reminds me of a review I read of the Sims new expansion packs (my girlfriend's an avid fan). The guy said the Sims concept didn't hold - yet it is the #1 PC selling game ever. How does that make any sense? He stated three times in the article that he plainly didn't like the game.

Bottom line: You're going to end up with a bad (and negative) review if the reviewer doesn't know the genre. You don't have Jamie Oliver testdriving cars, now do you?

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Hey guys,

I know that we all take this game very seriously as I know I do, so it's only natural we take offense if somebody reviews it in a negative way. It is like a mother when somebody offends her child...

But, I think it is really unnecessary to go bashing reviewers and wasting time writing them e-mails... these guys who review our game don't give a crap about you or what you say. It's not going to change anything and it is a bit immature. We know what a great game we have! We know what a tight knit community this is and that nothing that those "big" game review sites or magazines say matters! I'm sick of reading childish insults about reviewers and taking up forum space to do it... If someone has something negative to say about our game... pay no attention, as long as we play it, we enjoy it, thats all that matters.

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"Playing through the single player mode, you will come to discover that the computer-controlled opponent hardly ever makes a tactical mistake. In fact, it is near impossible to try to anticipate your opponent’s next move while the computer does a great job of anticipating yours. Seems unfair? It is."

Okay, so this guy is yet another red alert fan playing combat mission and trying to give a review on it? Where do they get these monkeys! He proboably thinks that Risk is a very realistic and strategic game!

The AI never makes a mistake? Thats right, I would of run those troops across the open field in a big group also!


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This is not just fanboys going blitzkrieg on a negative review.

If you’re a fan of the genre this game is somewhat worth your time if but for the great online multiplayer option.

That line implies the reviewer knows what he/she is talking about, yet the overall review discounts that completely. This kid does not know the genre at all and pretending he/she does gets under folks skin who do.

This board is an excellent way of stating what you find wrong or right with a CM review. Stay away from this thread if it bothers you so much.

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