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Oo it's get-tin' hot in here - I'm gonna take my Peng Challenge off...

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Y2K That 'Dogs Soldiers" movie, was it about Brit soldiers on maneuvers somwhere in the woods, and they run into this special ops guy whose whole outfit was ripped apart, and they meet a chick who says shes some kind of anthropologist but is really a werewolf?

[ October 24, 2002, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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dalem you mangy excuse for a Neanderthal I'll not be accepting a surrender from you! Why we've not even made contact! How can I preen and boast of my superior intellect and brilliant tactics when we haven't even MET on the field!

Oh don't think I don't see your evil plan in this. Others might be taken in (Stuka for example, we all know how simple HE is) but I'll not have my JUST and RIGHTEOUS victory celebration (even if it IS only against you ... damned small gain but there it is) ripped from me by your deceitful and treacherous manuvers.

You sir, are SCUM!


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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Sometimes it's ok to take a bath................

In $250 worth of pudding.

Instead of this inane posting why don't you send me a turn or surrender that town now, and then go on posting this dopey stuff.
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

BTW, Boo has already lost our little matchup, 'Kursk You, Red Baron!'. Ker Dessel* strikes again.


How do you get that head of yours through doors? We have yet to even begin and you shout to all and sundry (And believe me, sundry is the kindest thing I can say for this lot), "HUZZAH! (I've always wanted to say that) I am wonderfulness personified!"

If you win this, it will only be because you designed the scenario yourself. This will put you on the same level as Aussie Jeff, somewhere below krill.</font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Sometimes it's ok to take a bath................

In $250 worth of pudding.

Instead of this inane posting why don't you send me a turn or surrender that town now, and then go on posting this dopey stuff.</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

BTW, Boo has already lost our little matchup, 'Kursk You, Red Baron!'. Ker Dessel* strikes again.


How do you get that head of yours through doors? We have yet to even begin and you shout to all and sundry (And believe me, sundry is the kindest thing I can say for this lot), "HUZZAH! (I've always wanted to say that) I am wonderfulness personified!"

If you win this, it will only be because you designed the scenario yourself. This will put you on the same level as Aussie Jeff, somewhere below krill.</font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Boo, Boo, hmmm. . . Booboo, yes, that fits . . You have already lost by agreeing to play.



Not only do you have a monumentally huge head, now you sound like "Q". Are you going to start calling me "Mon Capitan"?

Oh, and riddle me this, oh ye of the colossal cranium, would I have won if I hadn't agreed to play? Hmmm?


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<font size=-1>How can I preen and boast of my superior intellect and brilliant tactics</font>

The doctors muttered something about "dreamworld" and "delusional", I think. But after we signed the papers we didn't really bother looking back.

[ October 24, 2002, 10:28 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

How many times, pray tell, must I make the same point? THIS is the CMBB board, clearly delinated by our friends at BFC. It is NOT, pay attention now MrSpkr for this is the critical part, the CMBO board!

As a result, any game reports or updates that refer to the game known as CMBO are right OFF topic and shall be ignored by all right thinking CessPudlians ...

Sorry, Joe, but this won't Go...

The Peng Challenge Thread transcends all mortal boundaries. Except, of course, that imposed by UBB. Now, BFC could have given us our own Forum, but we have, all along, resisted that. Why? Not for lack of understanding our own significance.

No, rather, we know exactly how important we are.

We are the counter-point to all the quivering little Game Forum Hitler Jugend who declare: But I have something of vast importance to relate!! Not enough attention is being paid to what I am sayink! If only the Peng Challenge Thread did not trouble my nights! My sleep!!! MY DREAMS!!!



Ahem. Of course, we know our place.

After a while, so do they. Even the Grogs acknowledge our position in the Food Chain.

Which is, at it should be, at the top. Pissing down on them from a considerable height.

Really, what else can keep the kind of knowledgeable, detail driven egos that populate this place in line?

Now, to return to my original point:

Old Foul Joe, our wisdom should be available to both forums. But such is not possible.

We have moved on, as we must, as, indeed, the Thread itself constantly moves out into the Wasteland. We are all about Creation.

But we must not turn our face away from the now foundering CMBO Forum. If I had my way, the Peng Challenge Thread would appear simultaneously in both, identical in every detail.

But we are limited by our technology.

Let us not limit ourselves because of the technology.

We know our roots. We know where we are now. One day, we will all be One.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

What with all the panicking and routing and whatnot, you cannot fling around a hundred units with gay abandon.

On the contrary, lad, in our last battle you did such a fine job of sacrificing your hapless pixeltruppen with gay abandon (not that there's anything wrong with that) that I'm convinced you could exhibit the same ineptitude no matter how many units were at your disposal.


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We are the counter-point to all the quivering little Game Forum Hitler Jugend who declare: But I have something of vast importance to relate!! Not enough attention is being paid to what I am sayink! If only the Peng Challenge Thread did not trouble my nights! My sleep!!! MY DREAMS!!!

But Soviet 81mm mortars do not fit in jeeps? This little tid bit you failed to mention Seanachai . How may I sleep and dream tonight when this incedible factoid is left out of your oh so important post?
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Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> We are the counter-point to all the quivering little Game Forum Hitler Jugend who declare: But I have something of vast importance to relate!! Not enough attention is being paid to what I am sayink! If only the Peng Challenge Thread did not trouble my nights! My sleep!!! MY DREAMS!!!

But Soviet 81mm mortars do not fit in jeeps? This little tid bit you failed to mention Seanachai . How may I sleep and dream tonight when this incedible factoid is left out of your oh so important post?</font>
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Noba:

<font size=-1>Pondscum. You are a wastefull GIT. Send me a setup. I need to lose to you again.</font>

You, sir, are in luck. Not only do I have an opening on my dance card, but next on my list is a little WWB number, Katukov Strikes Back. And this time I get dibs on the ubermenschen with the boxy little toys, while you get to do the human wave thing. No, no, not the Mexican wave... not in the audience... no... oh dear...

Originally posted by Papa Kahn:

<font size=-1>On the contrary, lad, in our last battle you did such a fine job of sacrificing your hapless pixeltruppen with gay abandon that I'm convinced you could exhibit the same ineptitude no matter how many units were at your disposal.</font>

I blame it all on sending waves of T34s against that ponderous thinker Malakovski. I'm still feeling very Russian about things, i.e. prone to throwing away human life and nice clankety things on a whim.

Besides, you had the 50mm mortar of doom that time. Not that it did you much good after a 105mm barrage landed on his foxhole, of course.

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Woot! A thought: Seems as though I can post in here forever with out actually challanging anyone, despite the rules layed out by Joe Shaw some decades past. As an SSN I can sit here an challange no one! Oh the glory of a sudden revelation!

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Originally posted by Lord General MB:

Woot! A thought: Seems as though I can post in here forever with out actually challanging anyone, despite the rules layed out by Joe Shaw some decades past. As an SSN I can sit here an challange no one! Oh the glory of a sudden revelation!

With no challenges you're not really even an SSN. There are lower things in the sewer pipe of life than SSNs. Like burnt out matches. Or navel lint. Or dolphin turds.
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Originally posted by Lord General MB:

Oh! oh! Me me! Can I be naval lint?

You strike me more as the dolphin turd type. You have to check with Old Joe Shaw though. He's the kind of guy who really gets excited at this classification sort of thing; to me you're just, well, something to be washed off the sidewalk, or simply picked out of the treads of my shoe with a small stick.

Maybe you could tell a story, or hurt yourself in a creative way, while we wait for Old Joe?

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Originally posted by Lord General MB:

Woot! A thought: Seems as though I can post in here forever with out actually challanging anyone, despite the rules layed out by Joe Shaw some decades past. As an SSN I can sit here an challange no one! Oh the glory of a sudden revelation!

How would you recognize it as a thought, since your skull is filled with the leftover sweepings from Boo_Radley's festive "Night with the Ungulates" party?
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Originally posted by Lord General MB:

Woot! A thought: Seems as though I can post in here forever with out actually challanging anyone, despite the rules layed out by Joe Shaw some decades past. As an SSN I can sit here an challange no one! Oh the glory of a sudden revelation!

The other option of course, and for me the preferred one, is simply to ignore those SSNs who wander in and (ii) can't spell {6.66666667] can't follow the rules OR (or maybe it's and) (^) have tried their luck here time and time again only to be found ... WANTING!

Therefore, and I strongly urge this course of action on all right thinking CessPoolers (yes, yes, you too dalem) ...



[ October 25, 2002, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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