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I Challenge Peng for a bone to be thrown

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Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

didn't there used to be a rule about faces in the pool? something like they were only permitted if they were held under for long enough to stop bubbling??

Or is Peng's recent (unlamented) absence an indication that the therad is becoming a friendlier, safer place to post nowadays??</font>

Yes, there is a rule. The rule is that you are not supposed to show your face in here.


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Welcome to the land of the Dorks Poppit King - you should feel right at home with all your inbred relatives.

If I showed my face in here the place would be empty, if you showed your face we'd all throw up.

Either way there are good reasons for not showing faces.

Except for Poxie's - we all wanna see what Winona looks like up to her eyeballs in a cess pool!!

[ August 12, 2002, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Asking for your pardon was just a figure of speech, YaK2. You know, like when you gaze about the U.K. and realize that your ancestors were too lackwitted to hop a boat to America and too boring to be incarcerated and shipped off to Oddztralia, and now you're stuck there with the likes of asksthestupidquestions (or whatever the h*ll his name is) and you say to yourself "I wish I were dead". Now we all know you don't really mean that you'd rather be dead than put up with another day walking through that black hole you call a life, but, er, um, ok.... never mind.


Come on now Papa why stop there? Spit it out I want to hear the rest.... You must feel ever so powerful sitting there calling me names and trying to drag me down, do your best and if it makes you feel good then I'm your gal, you see I'm so far past that depressed stage that nothing you say could possibly make any difference. so like I said I'm your gal take your best shot...
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Originally posted by Leeo:

Ladies are the flowers in this grey-brown world of lack-witted thorny-bushed psuedo-males.

I'd prefer to keep the flowers, thank-you-very-much.

Yeah, well, I read about the 'jewelry' you wanted to give them, so your statement really doesn't carry much weight, Leeo.


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Hi boys, and Ladies!

I redecorated my apartment today. (I don't care if you don't care.) I took all the old stuff back to Wal-Mart from whence it came two years ago. Without receipts I had some problems, but luckily the Customer Service Manager was a man. He was putty in my hands. I credit Emma with my success here, at least partially. The red was definitely the way to go.

It was great fun bringing the Customer Service line to a standstill for an hour. I was a little worried about that gruff looking man trying to return the chainsaw however. It's one thing to cut in front of someone. It's quite another to make them wait an hour when they have a chainsaw in their hand.

Anyway, the place looks fabulous! Lots of large mirrors now so I can admire myself. I had forgotten just how really nice I looked, especially in red.

Now to some updates for you to suffer through.

Grog Dorosh has sent his third setup to me in three days. Apparently he's a glutton for Combat Mission punishment. I've yet to reply.

Mr Spkr is now in possession of my turn one orders file. He said he needed a few days to plot his turn one retreat....something about it being so tedious having to plot all those movement orders.

Herr Oberst remains a MEANY who I will contact within 48 hours to discuss the game.

Bye bye boys and Ladies.

[ August 12, 2002, 08:33 PM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Have I told you to SOD OFF lately, MrSpkr? A ribald twist on an ongoing topic is a far cry from name calling. How high is that horse you ride, anyway? I think it has rockers instead of hooves.

If you're still verklempt by my "gamey" (imagine that: someone in the MBT buying something not commonly chosen) force purchase in our little soiree, feel free to send a set-up, oh-he-of-the-high-and-mighty.

Oh, and this one's just for you:

I'd rather have my car on a lawyer,

Than have a lawyer on my car.

Or sumfink like that.

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Originally posted by Roxy:

It was great fun bringing the Customer Service line to a standstill for an hour. I was a little worried about that gruff looking man trying to return the chainsaw however. It's one thing to cut in front of someone. It's quite another to make them wait an hour when they have a chainsaw in their hand.

Try returning a handgun sometime. I did. Perhaps that's why Wal-Mart changed their policy . . .

Anyway, the place looks fabulous! Lots of large mirrors now so I can admire myself. I had forgotten just how really nice I looked, especially in red.
Stop eatin' in front of the po' folks.

Now to some updates for you to suffer through.

Grog Dorosh has sent his third setup to me in three days. Apparently he's a glutton for Combat Mission punishment. I've yet to reply.

Or Panzer Pete has left him for a more exciting 'friend'.

Mr Spkr is now in possession of my turn one orders file. He said he needed a few days to plot his turn one retreat....something about it being so tedious having to plot all those movement orders.
Check yer mail.
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I very much doubt I will ever become a Lady Of The Pool. I'm far too scandalous for that honor. Besides, Persephone plays Combat Mission. Seanachai said so, IIRC. All the games Berli wins are probably really Persephone's games.

Mr Spkr,

Ooops, so sorry. I will process your turn at once. You must have discovered the group move feature, right? It will be a challenge to see if I can prevent a full scale retreat of your forces.

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I think we've solved the problem of who Roxy is; she had the following to say to me in our latest PBEM exchange:

"Why haven't you surrendered yet? Did you know I am almost a doctor? I probably shouldn't even be playing, but the CM community kind of expects it of me. I do have to warn you, I've been compared to Stonewall Jackson, so don't be surprised if you start to lose your troops very fast. When I was a beta tester back in the day I really perfected the maneuverist kind of doctrine that this particular scenario demands. I see you've opted for the attritionist method, but don't feel bad. Play me a couple more times and you will probably learn a lot. What did you say your name was again? I play a lot of CM, even though I'm interning (I'm going to be a doctor), so I sometimes forget who I am playing against. No offence, but the community just kind of expects it of me. I'm a bit like Stonewall Jackson that way.

Oh yeah, I'm really a chick and I've never played CM before, I sometimes forget details like that because I'm almost a doctor like Stonewall Jackson."

Now send me a turn, sweetheart and be quick about it!
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Originally posted by R_Leete:

So, it's really just Fiona?

I kid Roxy because I love, man. Mostly cause I know it bugs her when people speculate on who(m) she could be but really isn't. YK2 had the most inspired theory of all - that she is me, but even I wouldn't post a transparent satire of another forum regular while using my name, rather than my (her) fake name.
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

MD (not boldened because he has NO rank in the cess) you know that dirty laundry is nopt allowed in here. Dirty clothes, yes, but they must be worn!

I kid Fiona because I love, man. Mostly cause I know it bugs her (him) when people speculate on who(m) she (he) could be but really isn't. YK2 had the most inspired theory of all - that he (she)is Roxy, but even Roxy wouldn't post a transparent satire of another forum regular while using her (his) name, rather than our (her) fake name.[/QB]

[ August 12, 2002, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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I reckon (s)he is probably Sir Alphabet - his fingers probably go so tired of his inane and illegible twitterings that they revolted....which wouldn't change much I guess, wot with him being utterly revolting all over......but I digress.

anyway - now whenever he tries to type his tripe his fingers do a quick interpretation job on him.....and voila - we have Roxy - the more feminine, more caring side of Alphabet Soup

[ August 12, 2002, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Hi boys, and Ladies!

I redecorated my apartment today.


THIS is what the MBT has become?

In case some of you neanderthals missed it, that was....


(I don't care if you don't care.)

I don't. But thanks for thinking of me.

I took all the old stuff back to Wal-Mart

Was Joe there?

(remainder of post snipped to reduce the likelihood that my head will explode)


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I'm all for elevating Ladies high enough to take a good peek up their bloomers, but if RoxySoxyRobots is now a Lady in Waiting, and she should get promoted to full Lady, does that mean she'll have to stop playing? Not that I don't value the other values that our current Ladies make so, well, valuable, but I can't help but wonder.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

MD (not boldened because he has NO rank in the cess) you know that dirty laundry is nopt allowed in here. Dirty clothes, yes, but they must be worn!

I kid Fiona because I love, man. Mostly cause I know it bugs her (him) when people speculate on who(m) she (he) could be but really isn't. YK2 had the most inspired theory of all - that he (she)is Roxy, but even Roxy wouldn't post a transparent satire of another forum regular while using her (his) name, rather than our (her) fake name.[/QB]</font>
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It is finished...

What began in early March on the order of my most fabulous leige, Croda of the Crunchy Bits, is finally complete.

Crodaburg, that evil creation of M'Lud Croda, the veritable fruit of his looms, is dead, burnt, black.

I would like to give a Laurel and Hearty handshake to my opponent, U_R_Late.

But I won't because he's a gamey bastiche and an all around no-goodnik. He's as gamey as Slossie Jeff if Slossie Jeff had been tied up in a rubber bag and left in the bottom of an Arkansas outhouse for three months during a hot, wet summer. That gamey.

But here's the final tally: Crodabug.jpg?bcUMAg9A5R_J87e_

Now that this is over with, I just want M'Lud, the warm and fuzzy Croda to know that I'll be looking for him. Oh Yesssss, My Precioussss. We'll be looking for him, yesssss...

[ August 12, 2002, 10:19 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by YK2:

Come on now Papa why stop there? Spit it out I want to hear the rest.... You must feel ever so powerful sitting there

Actually, I hang suspended by my rear claws and type using my front claws. It's not so difficult once you learn to read everything upside down.

calling me names and trying to drag me down, do your best and if it makes you feel good then I'm your gal,
Technically, I don't believe I ever called you a name. I did purposefully, spitefully, hatefully, vindictively and rudely misspell your name, so we'll let that one slide.

And no, you're not my gal.

you see I'm so far past that depressed stage that nothing you say could possibly make any difference. so like I said I'm your gal take your best shot...
My best shot? My best shot!?!

My dear YaketetyYakSquared, my "best shot" can only be solicited in the midst of battle. Much like a performance artist, I require audience participation to work myself into a good frothing-at-the-mouth frenzy. (Some artists work in clays or oils, I work in Cess.)

Of course there are some Poolers who can evoke such a reaction from me by their mere presence (Boo-Boo comes to mind... like a recurring nightmare). But you're just standing there taking up space. Couldn't you at least hop around on one foot or something?


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Well that's a first for me. I post a devastatingly witty remark at 6:22pm. I sit back and wallow in the acclaim and honor heaped upon me as a result, and peek in on the lesser ones as they gambol about, but somehow my post is reposted at 9:48pm. Very strange, and not a little dangerous - I doubt that most of you simpletons can handle the full impact of even one of my posts. Surely seeing the same one twice in one MBT will cause you to explode like the Nazis at the end of Raiders when they looked inside the Ark.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

*snort* *yarble* ..Couldn't you at least hop around on one foot or something?


An' wha' hae we go' here? As at noo tha wee fat boy ain tha horizontally streeped rugby shirt pickin' on Fair Emma, a bonnie Lass o' tha Pool? Hae ye noo gi' anythun better tae di' wi' ye wasted life, mon? Ah'm thinkin' tha' Georgey Porgy here as noo match fer a Glaswegian lass, an' at's ainly tha safety o' tha 'net tha keeps haim fra' bein' de-bollocked. Noo tha ye'd lose tae much there Georgey, eh?

Are ye squired? Di' ye hae a Kanniget? Name tha blaggard an' Ah'll disembowel tha fool fer e'er botherin' wi' ye.

Pillock. Tha Ladies o' tha Pool are noo fer tauntin'.

Sir MacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy

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