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Joe Has A Heart,Boo Has A Soul,Whatever Happened To Nip And The Peng Challenge Thread

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I was being a bit self deprecating.

And why not!! You're so good at it. :D

BTW Hiram

Have you tried coughing a few times?

It could be you have a hairball stuck in

your throat and it's obstructing your use

of words.. :rolleyes:

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Leave it to the Brits to screw up a perfectly good language, "fanny".....sheesh.

"Hey mate, open your "bonnet" I want to check your oil" blimey they all must be daft.

[ November 01, 2002, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Leave it to the Brits to screw up a perfectly good language, "fanny".....sheesh.

"Hey mate, open your "bonnet" I want to check your oil" blimey they all must be daft.

Now now Nidan don't get me started.

Or in other words.....

Hauld yer weesht.

Edited to add:

Shut yer gob....

Geese a break.....

Button yer lip....

And please, pleaseeeeeeeeee... Go fry your cackle.

[ November 01, 2002, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

"Hey mate, open your "bonnet" I want to check your oil" blimey they all must be daft.

This from someone who puts gas (as opposed to petrol) in his car.

Sheesh, the only time I get gas is if I eat too many beans the night before.


[ November 01, 2002, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Well. Seems like there's been a few things going on in my absence. Not one of them worth a hoot or a w00t, but things just the same.

The same things. The same damn things. The same stinking rotten pus-filled emanations. The same foul febril fetid pack of fanny fondling (take your pick of definitions: merkin {pun intended} or brit or ozzie) fools and oafs fouling the language with their ficticious, fractious pontificating. phuck it.

It is hard to be an odd duck. It is ducky to be a hard odd. Some ducks are hard and odd ducks are some. Then there are the ducks that are not. Some.

Pictures at an exhibitionist's nightmare on elvira's elmstrreeeet. elmhurst is a place in cleavland the land of cleave. cloven foot clove smokes i'll give youa four leafed clover if you just come on over ducks. There they are again the ducks in my head the ducks choke on bread so make sure you feem em cracked corn. Hiram on crack watching porn on GF's new monitor lizard king elvis peanut butter and banana sammich. yummy.

Where was I? erm. I forget. Oh yes that's right. I think it was Mace wot said I look like the type who says "just one more turn." He is correct. that is until I hit the wall that says "lay down your head now boy or you will be sorry" and then if all goes well I do not barf on my host's things. I sure could use a drink now. my skin is positively crawling. caffiene free diet coke just doesn't cut the goddam mustard.

glad that guy blew his own head off.

love and kisses to Emma and Persephone without whom we would feel less inclined to wade through the cess.

say g'night, elvis.


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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I sure could use a drink now. my skin is positively crawling. caffiene free diet coke just doesn't cut the goddam mustard.

The impressive thing about you, Peng, is that you seem to be able to achieve that certain level of existance one achieves from drinking lots of alcohol, without the alcohol.

That is one skill I wish I could achieve, my Nirvana perhaps?

btw, remember when I once said I'd like to pull a certain part of your anatomy over your head? I'd still do it, but in a gesture of friendship and good will.

Back to my beer.


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Originally posted by MrPeng:




- Sippity snip -

say g'night, elvis.


Dear Peng, perhaps you could limit you posts in the same way as Elvis ?

Short, and with the same effect. Vapid, volumouse prose from you is pointless. In the mean time...can you send the recipe for whatever it is that drives you nowadays ?


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Drifting to the bottom again !

Some updates :

AussieJeff and I had two games going...now down to one. He just surrendered in a QB complaing of leg wearyness and magic soft spots that his armour kept getting stuck in. That was the best part for those lucky troops as the rest blundered into a be-utifull ambush. The highlight being one shot from an ATG taking out an SP gun AND a halftrack parked just behind it. (I of course will keep THAT movie file for a bit longer).

In the other game he is losing too.

Pondscum answered the call to arms and has equipped his German tanks with special reversing options. I have never seen tanks go so quickly in backwards. He will lose.

Athkatla has found some of my troops in a QB. He will lose.

Berli is making it devilishly hard for my Matildas in a cemetary that was designed by a mad German. A bit closer is this one.

Nidan1 is in the same boat as Athkatla, lost in a QB he will lose.

Speedbump has foisted a night operation on me and is floundering around trying to find my troops. Of course he will lose as well.

Dear Joe promised me a game after his loss ......tap tap tappity tap.


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Must have been a big night in the "land down unda" A dearth of posts from the assorted, dysfunctional, knuckledragging, Ausssies and Kiwis.

I was hoping that their usual dim-witted contributions to this thread would rescue us from the English, "colloqial usage" discussion, that drifted through the Cesspool last evening, like a wiff of sewer gas.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Must have been a big night in the "land down unda" A dearth of posts from the assorted, dysfunctional, knuckledragging, Ausssies and Kiwis.

I was hoping that their usual dim-witted contributions to this thread would rescue us from the English, "colloqial usage" discussion, that drifted through the Cesspool last evening, like a wiff of sewer gas.

Thank you for excluding me from your list. Shouldn't you be sweeping snow of the streets or somefink ?


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Dear Joe promised me a game after his loss ......tap tap tappity tap.
Noba you aren't STILL picking your nose while you type are you? That can lead, so I'm told, to sticky keys. I can only assume that to be the case for otherwise I can't explain the Dear Joe line in your missive.

Have I given you reason to believe that I hold you in anything other than complete and utter contempt? If so, kindly allow me to dispel that notion.

You sir, are an idiot, and not just any old idiot (of which we seem to have an inordinate supply here in the CessPool) but an Australian idiot and not just your common, garden variety Australian idiot (I mean, look at Stuka) but a truly dim Australian idiot.

You sent the following on Oct. 20th ...

I will certainly play a CMBB game with you. Any preferences.... ?
I responded as follows ...
Smaller is better, other than that not really. I haven't played hardly any of the canned scenarios so if you prefer one of those we can do that or another QB if you like.
So you see, dim Australian idiot Noba, the ball is in your court. Return it or not at your pleasure.


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Joe Shaw

You sir, are an apostle of the obvious, if you read its previous post in reponse to me.....

"Thank you for excluding me from your list. Shouldn't you be sweeping snow of the streets or somefink ?"... it was displayed there that Noba is clearly not functioning on all cylinders, since I thought my post included all Ozzstraylians, and New Zoolanders to boot. Perhaps it is not his fingers that are shoved up his nose, maybe crayons?

Edited to add: Oh my suppose "crayons" means something entirely different is Ozzstraylian English?

[ November 02, 2002, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Joe Shaw

You sir, are an apostle of the obvious, if you read its previous post in reponse to me.....{snipped various tripe ... which ain't easy, trying snipping tripe sometime and see how well you do}

What are you anyway. a Serf, a Squire? In any case you've no standing that allows you to berate me for my treatment of Australians. I've been bashing Australians long before you even KNEW about CM lad, and frankly I do it better than you ever could.

You probably belong to a clan don't you?


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:


(All sorts of really vapid, boring, self-important lip flapping <big>SNIPPED</big> because reading it was giving me a sinus headache.)


Just like an expert fisherman, I knew if I just sat back and relaxed, that by and by, you'd come swimming over like the bottom feeder that you are.

Now, for all the truly horrible things you have said concerning my beloved liege, Croda the Cantankerous, of whom you are not even worthy enough to suck the lint from his cavernous navel, Croda who stands head and shoulders and head again over you, I will meet you on the field of battle.

Even though his spiffiness, my leige Croda rarely ever wanders by and has left management of the House up to me, I am still his loyal under-kanniget.

For casting aspersions and espresso, you will pay.

When I win, you will post a glowing report on how wonderful Croda is. I would demand that it be a sonnet, but I doubt that any denizen of Noo Joisey even knows what that is.

Prepare to meet your doom, cur. For with someone like you, I won't even bother to spit out the bones.

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