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Peng low, sweet chariot.....comin' for to challenge you all.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Boo, is there something you need to tell us? I'm not licensed to practice in Ohio, but I'll gladly come to your trial for the entertainment value.


If you had bothered to read the article, you would have noticed that the man was from OREGON.

Now, who do we know from Oregon, hmmmmm?

For Seanachai:


Truly a great album.

And for Oozing Pigger:


I want my Maypo!

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Originally posted by Noba:

Goes back and strategically places a tissue to stop drool staining clothes.... tiptoes away successfully - again.


*wakes up and looks in the mirror* HEY! WHO DREW THIS MOUSTACHE ON ME?!?!?! *glares at Noba*


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Originally posted by ozi_digger:

Oh, I get it now... another sweet breakfast treat for obese septics!

Yeh, but they work it off with 4 hours of pot scrubbing in the clean up afterwards.

...bloody messy stuff.

Mace (porridge fanatic)

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MMmmmmmmmmm Vegemite.

That makes me want to .......sing!!

We're happly little Vegemites

As bright as bright can be.

We all enjoy our Vegemite

For breakfast, lunch, and tea.

Out mother says we're growing

stronger every single week.

Because we love our Vegemite.

We all adore our Vegemite.

It puts a rose in every cheek!

- the vegemite song.


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Originally posted by Lars:

Great, a picture of the planet projectile vomiting....

Too many challengers for your Olympic title in Projectile Vomiting there eh, Lar? Maybe next I'll post one of a bum urinating on a wall. Will you get as jealous then too?


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Who is Peng playing these days? This is but one of the many questions that weigh heavily upon my little mind. It’s been a while since I really sat down and conversed with you all. The latest incarnations of the Peng thread have not really about challenges or battles in Combat Mission. So, I’d like to begin by expectorating upon you all repeatedly. Know that I abhor each and every person who reads these words or even worse, skims the paragraphs for their name. Look for your name bolded and perhaps you will be rewarded. You sicken me. Oh, where was I?

Think back to the time when MRPeng and Seanachai had that original battle. Who won? Were the results actually shown in your local newspaper? I still wonder if MRPeng tore the bard a new one. That was when CM was new and the sheep were scared (and painted purple). I visited the thread for a bit and was immediately shat upon. Ah, good times then. Since I am in the mood to type and none of you are in the mood to read, I shall do an after action for the past couple of years.

Seanachai He must be the most careful player I’ve come across. He seems to wait for the other person to make a mistake and then he capitalizes on it. We had some decent battles but he won in the end. He seems to excel when playing as the British.

Fionn I went for the hype and was too afraid to do much of anything in our battle. He thumped me and I’m a better play for it. He is a good guy.

MRPeng Play him when he is drunk. You will still lose, but at least it will be fun. I would recommend TCPIP because turn sending is not his forte.

Elvis He taught me so much about CM and life in general. I’m honored to have played him repeatedly. He constantly searches for weakness from so many angles and boggles my mind with his style. I was lucky enough to beat him a couple of times when he was wasn’t being gamey. (I kid, I’m a kidder)

Moriarty This guy is a very basic tactical player. He has his eyes on the flags throughout the whole PBEM and one can use that. He is honorable, through and through.

PeterNZer A remorseless, in your face, beat the crap out of you type of player in CM. He thumped me while I was still in my CM prepubescence. I wonder if he still plays and still feel badly that I missed him when he visited the U.S.

Speedbump Never finished our battle in CMBB - We played a frustrating scenario.

MarkIV We played a little TCPIP game where he was supposed to win but I somehow got a draw because of a Crack 50 call MG. I wonder if he is still bitter about that. Hehe

Meeks Oh, how I wish he had suffered during our battles. He was gamey to the Nth degree and hurt my brave troopies. Since he was insane, I don’t count that as a loss.

JShandorf Shandy Duncan was a fun person who loved to push me around the map and obliterate my forces. Not big on the giving tips department but still taught me how to defend against overly aggressive people.

Goanna The UberLizard is still on my ****elist. I want his pancreas fried and served with spinach.. Even though the scenario we played favored my forces, he still beat me senseless. We hates Goanna

Croda Although, he was my favorite target for ire, he is a decent person in real life. He is a bit dense and this was proven by one of his self made scenarios where I whooped upon his sorry backside.

Boo Radley He thinks he has mad CM skills but he is mistaken. He turned up in the Cesspool on the coat tails of Croda thinking that we would give him hugs and kisses. I’m still playing him and waiting for him to die…alot.

Berlichtingen I never figured out how to spell his username. We played a "pool table" battle of my making and he spanked me soundly with a greyhound. I would say that I hate him, but that would be redundant.

Leeo He sucks. No, really…he does. It warms my heart to know that there is someone out there who really sucks at CM. I shall keep him as my CM opponent and beat him a lot and often.

Geier I don’t have fricken clue what kind of battle we did. I think it was a nasty little city battle that we never really finished.

Lorak Speaking of not finishing battles…ah I have so much to feel guilty for in the Peng community. I wonder if he plays CM at all when he isn’t at the IHOP.

Dalem This guy is a whiney, stank ho with a bad IV drug habit. No, wait. We were talking about CM. I don’t have the scoop on this tactical abilities yet. I sat down with MRPeng once and as he drank my beer, he asked "what is a Dalem? I still wonder.

JDMorse There was never, ever a possibility that I would beat him. I finally have come to that conclusion. I’m glad he doesn’t read this drivel any more, so I’m safe. Do I hate him? Is water wet?

Moraine Sedai She is very careful and hesitant to do much of anything, but I love her with all my heart. I mention her last because I can’t remember anyone else’s username. She and I have had some very memorable battles and I’m trying to get her to play more CMAK.

I forgot many of my opponents because I have little to work with in the brains department. That was a major reason why many of you challenged me in the past. I was the "easy win". How I hate you and hope you trip and fall face first in a pile of fresh dog poo.

So, to test your memory, who can say the final winner of the MRPeng, Seanachai battle that started all this idiocy?

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Who is Peng playing these days? . . . rambles on and on ad nauseaum . . .

Is this a suicide note? Good. Thanks for not mentioning me and Mace in it. Now go kill yourself. *hands revolver*

*turning to Mace* Get his wallet when he's done.


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*going through Hiram's wallet*

...5 dollars...50 dollars...100 doll.. *urk*

errr What? Wait until he's dead? Where's the challenge in that?

btw I have never played Hiram. I think on both occassions that I approached him for a game he said something about 'hearing mom calling' and then fled.


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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Who is Peng playing these days? . . . rambles on and on ad nauseaum . . .

Is this a suicide note? Good. Thanks for not mentioning me and Mace in it. Now go kill yourself. *hands revolver*

*turning to Mace* Get his wallet when he's done.

Kitty </font>

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Oh, isn't that just a little bit of precious!! I wouldn't mention you and Mace, silly rabbit because I was talking about CM opponents. Get it? CM opponents!!

Where is that cat mod??

Yeah, and aren't you such a sissy that you never even challenged me? Too late now. Go hide in the weeds over there with the others.


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The Question:

What is wrong with everyone who is not me?

The Answer:

I've given this some thought, and of course the easy answer is simply "The thing that is wrong with everyone who is not me is that they are not, in fact, me."

But on reflection this is too easy, and not really fair to those who are not me (and we all know that I am fair). I am now exploring the probability that there must be many deeply-rooted problems inherent in each and every person who is not me.

I agree, a fascinating topic.

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Too many challengers for your Olympic title in Projectile Vomiting there eh, Lar? Maybe next I'll post one of a bum urinating on a wall. Will you get as jealous then too?

Only if he beats my high water mark.
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Originally posted by dalem:

The Question:

What is wrong with everyone who is not me?

The Answer:

I've given this some thought, and of course the easy answer is simply "The thing that is wrong with everyone who is not me is that they are not, in fact, me."

This is Fred’s gift to you. See, if they were you, you’d see just what a miserable excuse for a human being you are. Fortunately for you, you’re an athiest and still wouldn’t believe it.

But the rest of us, we have faith.

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Originally posted by Lars:

But the rest of us, we have faith.

I have faith in AC/DC

Highway to Hell

Living easy, living free

Season ticket on a one-way ride

Asking nothing, leave me be

Taking everything in my stride

Don't need reason, don't need rhyme

Ain't nothing I would rather do

Going down, party time

My friends are gonna be there too

I'm on the highway to hell

No stop signs, speed limit

Nobody's gonna slow me down

Like a wheel, gonna spin it

Nobody's gonna mess me round

Hey Satan, payed my dues

Playing in a rocking band

Hey Momma, look at me

I'm on my way to the promised land

I'm on the highway to hell

(Don't stop me)

And I'm going down, all the way down

I'm on the highway to hell


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I'll give you black sensations up and down your spine

If you're into evil you're a friend of mine

See my white light flashing as I split the night

'Cause if good's on the left, then I'm stickin' to the right

I won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives

Nobody's puttin' up a fight

I got my bell, I'm gonna take you to hell

I'm gonna get you, Satan get you


Hell's Bells

Yeah, Hell's Bells

You got me ringing Hell's Bells

My temperature's high, Hell's Bells

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Leeo He sucks. No, really…he does. It warms my heart to know that there is someone out there who really sucks at CM. I shall keep him as my CM opponent and beat him a lot and often.

Egads! Hiram, you insufferable mook. We started to play a CMBB game, in which you were in the process of kicking my arse. However, you sent turns like an old lady gives oral sex (i.e. next to never) and then gave up before it was over. Now you, with your flitting mayfly-like attention span, have decided start a CMAK scenario with me. We are somewhere near turn 4.

Let's face it. Your superiority lies mainly in your hirsute-ness, and not in the tactical realm. You've yet to prove otherwise, you sporadic sender of turns. And as far as you beating me, well, there's loads of sub-text there that we need not go into, but I'm not that type of guy.

Oh, and that warmth in your heart? Merely a precursor to myocardial infarction.

Silly bastige.

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