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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kitty:

I have the game I've just never really played it. Maybe about 30 turns total over 3 different scenarios all vs. Mace.


Hmmm, then you've still never played. </font>
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Gamey Update!

The forces of all that is right and true, the Nefarious Legions of House Morse-Croda, have triumphed in a Major Victory of Mssr. Boggs! His Shermans huddled together for safety, as they crept forward. My cunning plan placed a single Panzer to shoot and scoot at him until his men were all jittery! Then I cleverly crept the remaining panzers forward, into a bog!

This mind-boggling tactic turned into a real boon-doogle for Boggs, as he drove headlong into the teeth of my panzers, and after a short and desperate firefight, I had two tanks left, and he had one immobilized can o' ready to make Instant and Horrible death-aroni! Boggs, with his plans bogged down, hoped to do unto me as I had just done unto him, and undo me as I drove to meet the last tank.

Alas for poor bugger, that boggled Boggs! It was not to be, as his last tank burst into flame like a happy, screaming and writhing bonfire.

Let the shrill denouncements and recriminations begin!


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Originally posted by Kitty:

*pupils dialate and tail get bushy . . . jumps off Mace's lap and, claws extended, scurries up Boo's curtains. The curtain rod crashes to the ground. Arching back and hopping sideways with fur standing on end I dash to the couch and began shredding it with my claws! Boo, still crying out in pain from his coffee-scalded crotch is unable to react!! I continue my spree of destruction!!! Leaping onto the window screen like a spider and pulling it down into the kitchen sink, breaking dishes and International Coffee mugs. Scampers across the room and under the couch*


Don't know who's house you may be in, but it aint mine. No window over the sink.

And please don't shred the furnishings. That really upsets SheWhoMustBeObeyed.

And believe me, no one wants that.

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

(Boo wanders in wearing a bathrobe and moccasins, drinking a cup of International coffee

It doesn't quite go with the John Deere tractor baseball cap, does it?

*sniff* [shuffles, moodily]

Ohian haute coiture, pathetic.

Yeknod </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kitty:

*pupils dialate and tail get bushy . . . jumps off Mace's lap and, claws extended, scurries up Boo's curtains. The curtain rod crashes to the ground. Arching back and hopping sideways with fur standing on end I dash to the couch and began shredding it with my claws! Boo, still crying out in pain from his coffee-scalded crotch is unable to react!! I continue my spree of destruction!!! Leaping onto the window screen like a spider and pulling it down into the kitchen sink, breaking dishes and International Coffee mugs. Scampers across the room and under the couch*


Don't know who's house you may be in, but it aint mine. No window over the sink.

And please don't shred the furnishings. That really upsets SheWhoMustBeObeyed.

And believe me, no one wants that. </font>

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Arghhh It was great, me and the Swastika team we're off to bomb the quaint Soviet seaside town of kerch. Turns out Lorak lord of the pool was bumbling around in a rata trying to defend the place, I had my wingman dispatch him, while shooting down some nobody called soukie or sukio, who has decided to become my very own stalker, impugning my hetrosexuality and manhood. Ahhhhhh flight sims, all one has to do to engender lasting hate is mearly shooting some pillioks wings off.

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Originally posted by Bastables:

Arghhh It was great, me and the Swastika team we're off to bomb the quaint Soviet seaside town of kerch. Turns out Lorak lord of the pool was bumbling around in a rata trying to defend the place, I had my wingman dispatch him, while shooting down some nobody called soukie or sukio, who has decided to become my very own stalker, impugning my hetrosexuality and manhood. Ahhhhhh flight sims, all one has to do to engender lasting hate is mearly shooting some pillioks wings off.

Bastable!! =)


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well look what happens when the betters anmong us lose broadband.

Hey Mace it's been a while since I bhave given you a good hiding, maybe it's time us good old South Aussies taught you Vics how to play the game again.

I can't believe my spelling has been so good considering it's worjk chrissy show noight.

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Originally posted by Kitty:

as one of two SheWhoMustBeRespected I say there IS a window over the sink and I'll shred anything I want to. =)


Ps - claws up the rug


Okay, if you want to fling yourself at the space above the sink, hoping you'll shred the non-existent window screen (BTW, it's winter here and the window's are all CLOSED.), go right ahead.

But don't come caterwaulling to me when you smack your head into the very real, medium blue porcelain tile.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kitty:

as one of two SheWhoMustBeRespected I say there IS a window over the sink and I'll shred anything I want to. =)


Ps - claws up the rug


Okay, if you want to fling yourself at the space above the sink, hoping you'll shred the non-existent window screen (BTW, it's winter here and the window's are all CLOSED.), go right ahead.

But don't come caterwaulling to me when you smack your head into the very real, medium blue porcelain tile. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

Doobie, doobie, doooobie, booga bbooogga boogga

I can't understand the last post either.

I blame Seanachai.

I blame Joe Shaw.

Kitty </font>

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Originally posted by Speedy:

Hey Mace it's been a while since I bhave given you a good hiding, maybe it's time us good old South Aussies taught you Vics how to play the game again.

You're on. Send setup...any time, any where, any points.

PS you're p*ssed! lucky bastard.


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*Climbs up Mace's leg, digging claws in the whole way. Jumps off. Sprints to over to Seanachi and attaches self to back of his head. Leaping off Seanachi's head, taking bits of scalp with her, she randomly pulls over some of Boo's table lamps.*


[ December 13, 2003, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Kitty ]

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Originally posted by Kitty:

*Climbs up Mace's leg, digging claws in the whole way. Jumps off. Sprints to over to Seanachi and attaches self to back of his head*


*rubs legs*

strewth that hurt.

*looks at Seanachai*

Hey Seanachai, nice rug mate!


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