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Mr Gopher ticked off Carl who Botched the Job in Typical Cheery Waffle Fashion

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Originally posted by Snarker:


WHO'S GOING TO FINISH THE JOB???? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

<font size=5>How about the Dalai Lama?</font size=5>

"So I jump ship in Hong Kong and make my way over to Tibet, and I get on as a looper at a course over in the Himalayas. A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock. So, I tell them I'm a pro jock, and who do you think they give me? The Dalai Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald . . . striking.

"So I'm on the first tee with him. I give him the driver. He hauls off and whacks one -- big hitter, the Lama -- long, into a 10,000-foot crevice, right at the base of this glacier. You know what the Lama says? 'Gunga-Galunga.'

"So we finish the 18th and he's gonna stiff me. And I say, 'Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know.' And he says, 'Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.'

"So I got that goin' for me, which is nice." :D

[ August 26, 2004, 06:23 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

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Danny Noonan: I'm gonna end up working in a lumberyard the rest of my life.

Ty Webb:What's wrong with lumber? I own two lumberyards.

Danny Noonan:I notice you don't spend too much time there.

Ty Webb: I'm not sure where they are.

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These Canucks are scary. First we have Dorosh the uniform grog, who displays his wares on mannequins. Now we have Axe the caddyshack grog, who appears to know every stinkin' line in the movie. I would not doubt it if he wears the same outfits that Rodney D. wears in that flick. Lord only knows what type of bizarre thing Pseudo is into.

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Originally posted by Watson & Crick:

These Canucks are scary. First we have Dorosh the uniform grog, who displays his wares on mannequins. Now we have Axe the caddyshack grog, who appears to know every stinkin' line in the movie. I would not doubt it if he wears the same outfits that Rodney D. wears in that flick. Lord only knows what type of bizarre thing Pseudo is into.

Xtreme Knitting. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Quick update on PBEMs:

Mace has evidently taken all jeeps in the BDLRM. Yes, the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> has mounted the ultimate jeep rush. I think this guy could give mike_the_wino lessons on gamey. I expect my guns to run out of ammunition before he runs out of jeeps. tongue.gif

Speaking of MTW, our battle in the streets of some city has turned into a daytime version of Inferno. I think we both have at least one of every unit in the game. Neither one of us has been too anxious to make ourself a target for the other. That is with the exception of my jeep that found a whole load of Axis reinforcements beamed in right on top of it. GRRRR!!! :mad:

My assault on Mike is going okay. He keeps wondering where his air support is. My tanks keep climbing, and my infantry keeps dying. What would really be great would be for a Stuka to show up and bomb his defenders on the hilltop. Come on, Luftwaffe! :D

Robohn's Italians are making my attack very costly. He's even managed to take out a Matilda, which I thought was impervious to his guns. Well, my Brits are putting the squeeze on his remaining positions, so somebody will probably break and run soon. I just hope it's him.

Snarker's defenders in rune's scenario are just on the verge of giving up. We've overrun two rows of revetments, and we're preparing to attack the buildings. An airfield is a big location to attack or to defend. I'm suspecting his Germans are fighting better than the real defenders did, and I'm positive that I'm no Major Frost commanding the British airborne. :D

The maggot Wubbits is attacking my GIs with assault guns in a Bulge scenario. I think my BAR has him stalemated for the moment. As a defender you always love the sound of attacking tank commanders screaming when they slam their hatches closed. Some Allied reinforcements would sure be nice about now. I'd settle for a bazooka. :D

Boo came up with a gamey scenario that has a "peculiar" map. It's crisscrossed with roads and railroads on embankments. As a result my Americans are having to cross ridge after ridge, in full view of his defenders. He's been going on about the bombing he's receiving from the Air Corps. Personally I think he's making it all up. I don't see any new columns of smoke, so it couldn't be too bad.

The suave Teddy Windsor has taken some Tigers to hold a village while I have armored cars and a few Shermans to dislodge him. Well, actually I had some armored cars. They started in full view of his tanks and took a few AP shells right through them. As a matter of fact, my Shermans also started - and one ended - in view of his tanks. :mad:

Axe tried to get a machine gun crew to assault my Soviet armored car. His men wisely declined his offer. This will probably be a draw, since both of us have lost almost everything. He has a couple of guns left, but they aren't very useful on the attack. I have an armored car and a scout car left, which aren't that great on defense. Everything else is out of commission.

Watson & Crick has me attacking a village in Normandy. At least I thought it was an attack. Now it looks more like a meeting engagement. Time to play Nathan Bedford Forrest and get there fustest with the mostest. :D

Still waiting to hear anything from Keke, Thermopylae, and Lurkur about finishing their BDLRM games. If any of you hear from them, ask them to contact me.

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Hey Dave, what scenario are you playing against Robohn? Axe-<font size = -2 font color = red>even a loss would be better than another stinking draw</font>2121 and I are just finishing up some crap scenario where my woefully inadequate Green Wops held off a division of Kiwis on a beer run. Sorry lads no beer served on Sundays. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

Hey Dave, what scenario are you playing against Robohn? Axe-<font size = -2 font color = red>even a loss would be better than another stinking draw</font>2121 and I are just finishing up some crap scenario where my woefully inadequate Green Wops held off a division of Kiwis on a beer run. Sorry lads no beer served on Sundays. :mad: :mad:

I have a scenario that I would like to be tested by two bumbling virgins. I have won against Pseudo as the attacking Krauts and against Wally as the defending Yanks (we are playing again and the outcome is not certain). Of course, I'm a two bit hoor.

It is a fictional desert scenario, with the axis attacking, around 40 turns I think. Plenty of 'splodies and clankies. I can send it as a tourney save so that you gamey maggots don't peek! Tell me what side you want, and I'll send it your way. Same goes for any of ye maggots.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

Hey Dave, what scenario are you playing against Robohn? Axe-<font size = -2 font color = red>even a loss would be better than another stinking draw</font>2121 and I are just finishing up some crap scenario where my woefully inadequate Green Wops held off a division of Kiwis on a beer run. Sorry lads no beer served on Sundays. :mad: :mad:

It's not a scenario. This is a QB Robohn came up with for his BDLRM-revenge game. I got to select all of my own units, so naturally I took lots of trucks. :rolleyes: He could tell you which map he's using, or if it's a randomly generated one. :D:D
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Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

Hey Dave, what scenario are you playing against Robohn? Axe-<font size = -2 font color = red>even a loss would be better than another stinking draw</font>2121 and I are just finishing up some crap scenario where my woefully inadequate Green Wops held off a division of Kiwis on a beer run. Sorry lads no beer served on Sundays. :mad: :mad:

Ha! If they were really on a beer run, none of you would be around to have a tipple. :mad:
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Game Updates:

Wino's Brits are dying in biblical proportions at Bieville. The Kraut shelling has stopped momentarily. He has a few tanks left, I have more. Not many turns left, which is too bad. I enjoy killing his troops.

Wally has pushed some Kraut tanks through the oasis town. His infantry is pressing on. He now occupies the ridge. But all of this has taken a very heavy toll on his men and machines. My force will hold and will counterattack. He will die.

Axe has picked a CMBB scenario in which russian armor and a few grunts attack a kraut occupied town. He thinks he has me surrounded. So far he has lost two tanks to demo charges and is about to lose another one (hehehehehe). He knocked out a gun and killed a few krauts, trivial losses.

DaveH and I are starting a meeting engagement on an Italian village. No forces sited yet, just dust clouds.

Pseudo must be busy knitting or at school. If he grows weary of either, he can send me a set-up.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Boo came up with a gamey scenario that has a "peculiar" map. It's crisscrossed with roads and railroads on embankments. As a result my Americans are having to cross ridge after ridge, in full view of his defenders. He's been going on about the bombing he's receiving from the Air Corps. Personally I think he's making it all up. I don't see any new columns of smoke, so it couldn't be too bad.

A) Has it ever occurred to you that maybe your airplane hit stuff that doesn't smoke??? Maybe it hit stuff that's on the patch, ever think about that, Alfalfa?

II) The only "peculiar" thing about the map is that although you've been whining about exposing yourself (ewwww....) on the embankments, not a single one of your skulking, whey faced, inbred mongrels has suffered so much as a broken cuticle, have they Darla?

Charlie) Where's me feckin' turn, Weezer?

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Hey Axe, come on out and show the lads yer purty new dress.

Hey ding bat, you must have me mistaken with someone who agreed to play for sigs.</font>
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