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The Peng Challenge Wonders: Where is Patrick Swayze?

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This is Pengworld.

Here on Pengworld, I make the best thread titles, I make the best versifications, and my opponents are often seen writhing in the grip of my superior play.

So what do YOU do on Pengworld?

If you're still reading this you are no doubt an SSN - which means you are weak and formless. You will be witty without being twitty. You will dance for our amusement. You will sound off as if you've GOT a pair, without sounding off ABOUT your pair. You will treat the she-kaniggets, i.e. Ladies of the Pool, with respect, and you will treat our Queen...

Well, I'm a Bloody Yank so I don't know how the heck to treat a queen. Check with the Poms.

And at the very least could someone besides myself yap about CM games a little? I mean, I know I just sniped one of Lars's SPGs at over 1000m with a Stuart - that made me feel yummy.

How about some pics? Anyone setting Boo on fire or killing 23 of 86smopuim's tanks? Other than me, I mean?

[ March 25, 2004, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

Anyone setting Boo on fire?

Boo and I are locked in a titanic battle to see who can waste the most uberkitties.

Boo has Soviet air support, I have none.

Boo has Soviet uberkitties, which are better than German uberkitties.

Boo is whining about lowly Panthers.

Draw your own conclusions...

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dalem, better to ask 'Where is Joe Shaw?'

Or 'Where is Speedbump?'

Or Lawyer, or JDMorse, or OGSF or any of the dozens of other fine, despicable villians that once graced this thread.

Or me, for that matter.

Reading the thread lately pains me. This was once a great and holy place, a pool of bile and venom unlikely any other. Friendships were made, insults tossed hither and yon like the seeds of a dandelion blown into the wind.

That was, it is now obvious, the Golden Age of the Cesspool, and it is no more.

Now, it is more of a teenage girl's chat room, full of idjits drooling over some text based game with all the depth and intensity of a game of Candyland ('Oh look! I got a free trip to the Lollypop Woods! How lovely!').


It is but one more manifestation of what has been termed The Emasculation of the Western Male*. No more talk of ripping your opponent's entrails out and leaving him to drown, slowly, in his own blood, his last thought being something along the lines of 'Damn! I didn't think that was REALLY a Tiger'. No more glorious stories of how pathetic your opponent was and how much more intelligent, and, dare I say it, evolved you are. Now, we toss casual, even mundane insults (though it is true that we shouldn't expect any more than that from the likes of Boo), afraid to rip into the jugular; afraid, perhaps, to stand against the tide once more.

Even the old traditions are gone. First, squires were here indefinitely -- promotion was slow, and rarely steady. Then, we adopted standards, rules that we agreed to follow, setting forth the path a knight would take. This was not only for our benefit, but for theirs. It gave everyone a chance to slowly get to know the others.

That's gone, now, too. Now, one can become a Knight of the Thread by the decree of one or two people, with no time put into the thread, and little protest from other knights, who either don't care anymore or don't want to (heaven forbid) offend anyone). Is it any wonder that the Cherry Waffles thread has grown in popularity of late?

Dear Gods, even Mouse was better than this current lot.

But perhaps that is the nature of all communities. Perhaps they all evolve, change from their roots into something more modern, more moderate, more feminized. I've seen it before in other organizations, and now it is apparently happening again.

Some of the Olde Ones (may hate ne'er lift it's lidless eye from their lives) have consented to these changes. Some have actively suppressed those who would speak against the changes. 'It is no matter', they say, 'for whatever reason.' But just because they say it does not matter; it does not make it so. This place was once vastly bigger than the petty egos of would-be tyrants; now, it seems, it is little more.

And that's sad, for I shall miss it. I will carry with me the memories of the way things were, back then, in a more brutal, yet more innocent time.

And someday, perhaps, this too shall pass, and we shall see a revival, a Renaissance, if you will, of the Muthah Beautiful Thread, a return to former glory and beyond.

Until then, I'll be here, to stick a needle in your eye, because that is what needs to be done.



* Link removed.

[ March 26, 2004, 01:23 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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MrSpkr, that's why I've been posting pics of your army in tatters and Boo's forces on fire. Because I hate you both and because you deserve to have your shame made public.

But it is a bit girly in here. I blame the Queen.

DOWN WITH THE QUEEN!!!!!! (Sorry Emma, but it's time for a change)

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!?!

I hereby declare myself Lord High Hullabalooster of the MBT!

May rampant persiflagellossificationismisticismation begin!!!!

Now, first order of business...

index cards... index cards.... I keep 'em here in these fatigues somewhere...

Oh yes, bring me a cigar! And a footstool, Boo will do.

And a fire! Lessee, set phaser to "heat", aim at pile of Seanachai's discarded pointy hats, Rheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! - WHOOSH! -

Ahh, very nice, very nice.

pulls up chair next to fire, puts feet up on Boo, settles back

So, MrSpkr old bean, let us sit and discuss the mighty arse-bashing that I committed upon your panzers in the scenario you designed, whilst the other lesser denizens of the Pool writhe about us in exquisite and slightly off-putting agony...

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

When The Cat's Away The Mice Will Play.

Bah and humbug. I am a Seniour Kanigget. I have held the reins, well, stolen them actually, once before when I declared the Reign of Pants. I think that period is now known as The Trouser Times by those few who remember it. I barely remember it - there were lots of decrees and much rum I believe.

Now. How does a stickypokey react to a phaser set on "get me some frikkin' brandy now!"?

Let's see... fiddles with phaser

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Ye gads, it's been months since I've been here. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose as the [insert adjective here] French would say: you all still suck golf balls through garden hoses and dalem is still fiddling with his "phaser", as he likes to call it. No doubt it is one of those Old Trek garage-door-opener mini-phasers, as opposed to the more manly phaser rifles. Mind you, I don't see any cabana boys to dismember. Good times, good times.

Now clear a spot by the fire and I'll warm my hairy ass. Mine's still a large single malt, spring water on the side.

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Give me an old fashioned Romulan disrupter over a phaser anyday....but seriously folks...its getting too serious in here, but I agree with MrSpanker ....what was it he said again?

Real men don't eat quiche? something like that ,I think.

A woman simply is, but a man must become. Masculinity is risky and elusive. It is achieved by a revolt from woman, and it is confirmed only by other men. . . . Manhood coerced into sensitivity is no manhood at all. no, thats not it....oh well, time to make dinner.

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Happy Birthday YK2...

Thanks for caring....

I don't get grief like this from my enemies never mind my friends (IRL)..

You'll be pleased to know I'm hurting like hell right now... but hey... why the **** should anyone care eh?

I mean after all... She's just that stoopid woman right?

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Originally posted by YK2:

Happy Birthday YK2...

It ain't in the profile, how would we know? Sheesh, another case of wimin thinking we are supposed to know what they're thinkin'.

And it was the wife's b-day yesterday, I'm tapped out. Not to mention that I'm soon to be on the dalem employment program.

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*pedal* *pedal *squeak* *pedal*

*Pedal* *Squeak* *Squincy* *Pedal*



*clatter* *scrape*


Ah feckin' hate yoo Dalem, ye scruffy jowled sniffer o' library handrails! Ah hae a crap bucket full o' old pre-patch CMAK games, whuch Ah didnae finish through sheer boredom. Wid ye noo lak tae saind a wee setoop fer mae tae wipe ye spotty arse with? Wun an' only game fer tha time bein'; tae ease mahsailf back aintae the routine o' slappin' yoo poxy bastarrrds aboot lak a gaggle o' errant cross-eyed ROTC cadets.

An anoother thing, Ah didnae recognize any King or Queen excaiptin' a feckin' Scottish wun, an' Ah'll bae keel hauled under a scabby wildebeest afore Ah curtsy tae tha curraint.....ne'er meend.

Dalem ye're a stainer o' porcelain, a grimey ring on tha bowl o' common decency, an icky streak on tha white cotton grundies o' Life. Saind mae a feckin' setoop, unlaiss ye're hung lak a gibberin' rat. Ye cloudy-eyed, spondulescent speckle-backed clump on mah wee span'ls hind quarters! Rat boy! Brrrang at on, mon!!


*scrape* *wobble*



*Pedal* *Squeak* *Squincy* *Pedal*

*pedal *pedal *squeak* *pedal*

[ March 25, 2004, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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