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Gods! It's hot as Berli's breath out here... the Challenge is not sinking Peng deep

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Originally posted by Persephone:


Dalem...a devout worshipper of the porcelain Gnome's godhead.

The longer you look at this...the more disturbing it becomes...sort of a Dali-esque rendition of the sickness that is rampant in the MBT .

dalem where do you hide your phaser in that outfit???

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

What a horrid nightmare!

I dreamed tthat I got home from work and my wife told me that Joe Shaw had called from the Orlando airport needing a place to stay while in town on business and my sweet innocent spouse had offered to let him stay with us!!

My heart is still racing from that one.

Fortunately I was able to review this thread and the pictures of blood-spattered, sprawling, dead mimes did much to cheer me up.

While it would bump the property values to have me stay with you I must admit that it WAS only a dream.

Now if my situation would so easily go away. I'm stuck ... in a hotel room ON A SUNDAY! It was the only way I could ensure that I'd be available for the session Monday you see and one does what one must.

The GOOD news is that NEXT week I get to go to Helena, Montana, followed the next day by Billings and then Casper, Wyoming. Thanks to my DemiGawd Seanachai for arranging that respite.

But in the meantime I have to be HERE this week AND this weekend and I have to shoehorn in three local puddle jumper flights this week too.

I'm so frustrated ... I think I'll step out on my balcony and look at Diamond Head for a bit ... then I may take in the USS Bowfin museum, followed by the USS Missouri and, of course, the USS Arizona memorial.

Miserable damned job.


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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

What a horrid nightmare!

I dreamed tthat I got home from work and my wife told me that Joe Shaw had called from the Orlando airport needing a place to stay while in town on business and my sweet innocent spouse had offered to let him stay with us!!

My heart is still racing from that one.

Fortunately I was able to review this thread and the pictures of blood-spattered, sprawling, dead mimes did much to cheer me up.

While it would bump the property values to have me stay with you I must admit that it WAS only a dream.

Now if my situation would so easily go away. I'm stuck ... in a hotel room ON A SUNDAY! It was the only way I could ensure that I'd be available for the session Monday you see and one does what one must.

The GOOD news is that NEXT week I get to go to Helena, Montana, followed the next day by Billings and then Casper, Wyoming. Thanks to my DemiGawd Seanachai for arranging that respite.

But in the meantime I have to be HERE this week AND this weekend and I have to shoehorn in three local puddle jumper flights this week too.

I'm so frustrated ... I think I'll step out on my balcony and look at Diamond Head for a bit ... then I may take in the USS Bowfin museum, followed by the USS Missouri and, of course, the USS Arizona memorial.

Miserable damned job.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Miserable damned job.

I'm torn. On the one hand, I feel that as Joe's former squire, I should help him lose his job. On the other hand, that would give him more time to post on this board, which would get me torn and quartered by the grotesque creatures in the pool.

I think perhaps it would be best if we could somehow arrange for him to be stuck on that hotel room for the next twenty years.


[ October 19, 2003, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: SirReal ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Miserable damned job.

I'm torn. On the one hand, I feel that as Joe's former squire, I should help him lose his job. On the other hand, that would give him more time to post on this board, which would get me torn and quartered by the grotesque creatures in the pool.

I think perhaps it would be best if we could somehow arrange for him to be stuck on that hotel room for the next twenty years.


[ October 19, 2003, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: SirReal ]

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Originally posted by R Leete:

Is there no resolution to the Seanachai as a god issue? I'd like to propose that he is made one forthwith. Fanfare and pagentry (along with stenographers) should accompany. I shall explain:

Terry Prachett (bolded out of respect for his work) wrote a very fine book entitled "Small Gods". In it, he explains that the various dieties derive their power from the number and fervor of their followers. The lesser known gods, with few supporters, weaken in response. Those that have fallen out of favor become mere shadows, with little or no power. Many, little known and no longer worshiped, wander off to the wastlands to dream of past glories.

I believe this is the answer we've all been waiting for. Make The Gnome a god (or Gawd as the case may be), and ignore him. In due time, he wil lose any semblance of power or influence, and slink off. Never to be heard from again. It's a win-win situation, right?

The pagentry and stenographers part should be evident to everyone, even dalem.

Well, actually, the whole proposal seemed to go over pretty well. Instead of being met with a storm of protest and howls of derision, it garnered little more than insults, name-calling and a sort of dismissive 'sure, what the hell, let's make the Gnome a god.'

Boo! Begin work on the Temple!

(good thing he's such a large, stocky sort of lout. He should be able to put up something fairly magnificent in short order, I would think...)

Now, in keeping with another recently read Pratchett novel, I think we should begin with the 'Abominations'. R Leete, ready a peacock quill pen and a sheet of the finest lambskin (check with Berli, I think he kacked a number of them in a recent RPG battle) to begin taking down my pronouncements on Abominations. We'll have Boo transcribe them to a stone monument with a chisel later when he's got a decent temple built.

First Pronouncement:

1 Australians are an abomination in the eyes of Seanachai. Abominate them with great energy. If you would be seen as righteous in my eyes, you will bereft them of all their beer, and offer it up onto me, but not 'on' me, just setting it in front of me in a decent pint mug, or else just setting the open tinnie in front of me is acceptable as well.

2 If any man should offer comfort to an Australian, or speak well of them, or buy them a round, you shall cast him forth from your company, with a boot in the fork for good measure.

3 Should any woman go unto an Australian and have congress with him, even providing she could find one not too busy with the stock to give her a moment's notice, she shall be judged 'unclean', and no man may after speak with her, nor embrace her, and certainly no snogging, until she has been ritually cleansed with turpentine, a fire hose, and antibiotics, while ritual prayers are recited involving the word 'tart' used in a non-dessert orientation.

4 Vilify the nation of Australia in all your words, and offer up prayers that those 'roight bastards' shall get what's coming to them.

5 No man who would be right with Seanachai shall play cricket, nor rugby, nor football with any Australian, and 'Aussie Rules Football' is right out!

[ October 19, 2003, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by R Leete:

Is there no resolution to the Seanachai as a god issue? I'd like to propose that he is made one forthwith. Fanfare and pagentry (along with stenographers) should accompany. I shall explain:

Terry Prachett (bolded out of respect for his work) wrote a very fine book entitled "Small Gods". In it, he explains that the various dieties derive their power from the number and fervor of their followers. The lesser known gods, with few supporters, weaken in response. Those that have fallen out of favor become mere shadows, with little or no power. Many, little known and no longer worshiped, wander off to the wastlands to dream of past glories.

I believe this is the answer we've all been waiting for. Make The Gnome a god (or Gawd as the case may be), and ignore him. In due time, he wil lose any semblance of power or influence, and slink off. Never to be heard from again. It's a win-win situation, right?

The pagentry and stenographers part should be evident to everyone, even dalem.

Well, actually, the whole proposal seemed to go over pretty well. Instead of being met with a storm of protest and howls of derision, it garnered little more than insults, name-calling and a sort of dismissive 'sure, what the hell, let's make the Gnome a god.'

Boo! Begin work on the Temple!

(good thing he's such a large, stocky sort of lout. He should be able to put up something fairly magnificent in short order, I would think...)

Now, in keeping with another recently read Pratchett novel, I think we should begin with the 'Abominations'. R Leete, ready a peacock quill pen and a sheet of the finest lambskin (check with Berli, I think he kacked a number of them in a recent RPG battle) to begin taking down my pronouncements on Abominations. We'll have Boo transcribe them to a stone monument with a chisel later when he's got a decent temple built.

First Pronouncement:

1 Australians are an abomination in the eyes of Seanachai. Abominate them with great energy. If you would be seen as righteous in my eyes, you will bereft them of all their beer, and offer it up onto me, but not 'on' me, just setting it in front of me in a decent pint mug, or else just setting the open tinnie in front of me is acceptable as well.

2 If any man should offer comfort to an Australian, or speak well of them, or buy them a round, you shall cast him forth from your company, with a boot in the fork for good measure.

3 Should any woman go unto an Australian and have congress with him, even providing she could find one not too busy with the stock to give her a moment's notice, she shall be judged 'unclean', and no man may after speak with her, nor embrace her, and certainly no snogging, until she has been ritually cleansed with turpentine, a fire hose, and antibiotics, while ritual prayers are recited involving the word 'tart' used in a non-dessert orientation.

4 Vilify the nation of Australia in all your words, and offer up prayers that those 'roight bastards' shall get what's coming to them.

5 No man who would be right with Seanachai shall play cricket, nor rugby, nor football with any Australian, and 'Aussie Rules Football' is right out!

[ October 19, 2003, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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And so it begins ... the temple first of course, fairly innocuous especially since it will be Boo_Radley and not one of us important ones building it ... and most especially, say the rest of you lot, ME building it. Then come the proclaimations, oh sure the first is one we can ALL agree to, but mark my words lads, it'll not end there, oh no, not at all.

Just you wait, you'll be required to pledge allegiance to Minnesota before it's done and even, it may come to this, rubbing the tummys of ALL gnomes you should come across.

We thought we had issues with the pretender king Meeks ... that will be nothing to the tyranny imposed by the DIETY Seanachai. It's time to put an end to it lads before we have to TITHE!



p.s. The USS Bowfin was wonderful, the USS Arizona memorial was moving but we ran out of time before we could see the Missouri ... thanks for asking.

I'd post photos but I can't remember my bloody website since I'm on the company laptop.

[ October 19, 2003, 11:32 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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And so it begins ... the temple first of course, fairly innocuous especially since it will be Boo_Radley and not one of us important ones building it ... and most especially, say the rest of you lot, ME building it. Then come the proclaimations, oh sure the first is one we can ALL agree to, but mark my words lads, it'll not end there, oh no, not at all.

Just you wait, you'll be required to pledge allegiance to Minnesota before it's done and even, it may come to this, rubbing the tummys of ALL gnomes you should come across.

We thought we had issues with the pretender king Meeks ... that will be nothing to the tyranny imposed by the DIETY Seanachai. It's time to put an end to it lads before we have to TITHE!



p.s. The USS Bowfin was wonderful, the USS Arizona memorial was moving but we ran out of time before we could see the Missouri ... thanks for asking.

I'd post photos but I can't remember my bloody website since I'm on the company laptop.

[ October 19, 2003, 11:32 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

How'd you manage Hawaii, Shaw? Get some dirt on upper management?

AND I saw the Banzai Pipeline (not that the surf was really up but that's not the point) and Sunset Beach and Waimea Bay ... man I was humming Beach Boy and Jan and Dean songs ALL day.

The heavies at the pipeline are okay,

But they can't match the savage surf at Waimea Bay,

It takes a lot of skill and courage unknown,

To catch the last set and ride it in alone.

{sniff} ... it was beautiful man.

AND I got a photo of the USS Missouri ... through the aft TBT on the USS Bowfin!

Unfortunately I have to work for it now.


oh yeah ... Death to the False GAWD Seanachai! ... no offense man, it's not personal, it's just CessPool business.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

How'd you manage Hawaii, Shaw? Get some dirt on upper management?

AND I saw the Banzai Pipeline (not that the surf was really up but that's not the point) and Sunset Beach and Waimea Bay ... man I was humming Beach Boy and Jan and Dean songs ALL day.

The heavies at the pipeline are okay,

But they can't match the savage surf at Waimea Bay,

It takes a lot of skill and courage unknown,

To catch the last set and ride it in alone.

{sniff} ... it was beautiful man.

AND I got a photo of the USS Missouri ... through the aft TBT on the USS Bowfin!

Unfortunately I have to work for it now.


oh yeah ... Death to the False GAWD Seanachai! ... no offense man, it's not personal, it's just CessPool business.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

snipped out useless crap

... Death to the False GAWD Seanachai! ...

Cole Slaw ,you intrepid, insipid nong, you wouldn't know a living legend if he came up and kicked you square in the privates. Hey...that's a great idea, Seanchai kick him square in the privates and show him who is GAWD.

On to more important matters...

Lars has been runed and has lost the will to send turns. His defeat will be glorious and total.

Boo has figured out the email thingy and the Death Match is proceeding.

Jim Boggs is learning that drunk DOES NOT equal inept...you have to be a Floridian to earn that honor. His loss will be akin to that of the Chicago Bears.

Speaking of football, the glorious Vikings are undefeated. w00t!!!

[ October 20, 2003, 02:46 AM: Message edited by: mike_the_squire ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

snipped out useless crap

... Death to the False GAWD Seanachai! ...

Cole Slaw ,you intrepid, insipid nong, you wouldn't know a living legend if he came up and kicked you square in the privates. Hey...that's a great idea, Seanchai kick him square in the privates and show him who is GAWD.

On to more important matters...

Lars has been runed and has lost the will to send turns. His defeat will be glorious and total.

Boo has figured out the email thingy and the Death Match is proceeding.

Jim Boggs is learning that drunk DOES NOT equal inept...you have to be a Floridian to earn that honor. His loss will be akin to that of the Chicago Bears.

Speaking of football, the glorious Vikings are undefeated. w00t!!!

[ October 20, 2003, 02:46 AM: Message edited by: mike_the_squire ]

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