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Gods! It's hot as Berli's breath out here... the Challenge is not sinking Peng deep

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Pictures, eh?

Well, here's a picture of Papa Khann laying down on the Seanachai. Not quite the same as Seanachi laying down on the job, but it's the closest I could get.

And here's a bunch of pics from one of the games MrSpkr and I played once. For a while there he was really writhing in the grip of my superior play, but his his unending waves of UberNaziTruppenGuys finally buried me in a tide of mediocrity.

Incidentally I will happily host and post any pics involving the humiliation of Seanachai. I will put a whole web page up if needed. Just email me the relevant ones.


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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Originally posted by Marlow:

Boo, how are you and Wildwoman enjoying the battle for Schloss Peng? Pictures and stories please.

I second that motion... where's the fun without stories and pictures... the agony... the travails... the trials... mmmmm, stenographers... the tribulations...
Oooooooh, so ye both will be wantin' your piccy's and stories, will ye? And ye'll be sitting doon in your comfy chairs, gumming your porridge soaked zweiback, cacklin' with glee while the monkeys dance afore ye, saying "Dance, monkeys, dance. Define me with your entertaining antics, for I am an empty husk."

Or something similar to that, I suppose.

Well, as we're only on the third turn, not a whole lot's happening, and with a return rate of maybe twice a week, I can't see this going very quickly.

I will say yet again, what a perfectly horrible map you gave us and that I really take issue with "Boo's Hovel". There is no building there, only swamp. The very definition of a hovel is:

Pronunciation: 'h&-v&l, 'hä-

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English

Date: 15th century

1 : an open shed or shelter


3 : a small, wretched, and often dirty house : HUT

Not quite sure how tabernacle got in there, but do you see how the underlying theme describes some kind of building?

But, I don't know why I'm surprised by this kind of sloppy, slapdash map making, especially from the likes of you.

I'd say something about the force selection, but it fills me with such ennui, that I can barely keep my eyes open.

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Originally posted by Marlow:

Boo, how are you and Wildwoman enjoying the battle for Schloss Peng? Pictures and stories please.

I second that motion... where's the fun without stories and pictures... the agony... the travails... the trials... mmmmm, stenographers... the tribulations...
Oooooooh, so ye both will be wantin' your piccy's and stories, will ye? And ye'll be sitting doon in your comfy chairs, gumming your porridge soaked zweiback, cacklin' with glee while the monkeys dance afore ye, saying "Dance, monkeys, dance. Define me with your entertaining antics, for I am an empty husk."

Or something similar to that, I suppose.

Well, as we're only on the third turn, not a whole lot's happening, and with a return rate of maybe twice a week, I can't see this going very quickly.

I will say yet again, what a perfectly horrible map you gave us and that I really take issue with "Boo's Hovel". There is no building there, only swamp. The very definition of a hovel is:

Pronunciation: 'h&-v&l, 'hä-

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English

Date: 15th century

1 : an open shed or shelter


3 : a small, wretched, and often dirty house : HUT

Not quite sure how tabernacle got in there, but do you see how the underlying theme describes some kind of building?

But, I don't know why I'm surprised by this kind of sloppy, slapdash map making, especially from the likes of you.

I'd say something about the force selection, but it fills me with such ennui, that I can barely keep my eyes open.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I think it's much safer to let dalem thaw in the refrigerator rather than on the counter.

You know, I just flashed on this image of dalem on the kitchen counter, you wearing an apron that says, "Kiss the cook." with a big bowl of raw oyster stuffing in your hands and I may just be ill for the rest of the day.

For that, I promise you will do nothing more than Die-A-Lot™ for the remainder of our game.


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Originally posted by Leeo:

I think it's much safer to let dalem thaw in the refrigerator rather than on the counter.

You know, I just flashed on this image of dalem on the kitchen counter, you wearing an apron that says, "Kiss the cook." with a big bowl of raw oyster stuffing in your hands and I may just be ill for the rest of the day.

For that, I promise you will do nothing more than Die-A-Lot™ for the remainder of our game.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You know, I just flashed on this image of dalem on the kitchen counter, you wearing an apron that says, "Kiss the cook." with a big bowl of raw oyster stuffing in your hands and I may just be ill for the rest of the day.

For that, I promise you will do nothing more than Die-A-Lot™ for the remainder of our game.


Ugh! Damn glad I didn't eat lunch today...
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You know, I just flashed on this image of dalem on the kitchen counter, you wearing an apron that says, "Kiss the cook." with a big bowl of raw oyster stuffing in your hands and I may just be ill for the rest of the day.

For that, I promise you will do nothing more than Die-A-Lot™ for the remainder of our game.


Ugh! Damn glad I didn't eat lunch today...
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Originally posted by Leeo:

Just because dalem's little timer-thing pops out, it does not necessarily mean he's done.

Oh, make no mistake about it Leeo , he's done.... RRRHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! ...that one was set for WELL DONE.
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Originally posted by Leeo:

Just because dalem's little timer-thing pops out, it does not necessarily mean he's done.

Oh, make no mistake about it Leeo , he's done.... RRRHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! ...that one was set for WELL DONE.
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Just when you think that you can finally coast in life, fate has a way of laying you low...pulling the rug out from under you, so to speak. One can never be too complacent, a man has to always be on his guard, there are forces in the universe that are constantly conspiring to ruin your day. When I was in Nam, and someone we knew was killed or maimed, we never directly dealt with it...we would say stuff like "boy was his health record messed up" or "at least it wasn't a sucking chest wound". We knew that the same things could happen to us in a flash, but at twenty it would never happen.

As one gets older..you learn to appreciate some of the gifts that the Creator has given you, and allowed you to keep. Athletic prowess fades with age, not matter what your mind says you think you can do....the body simply cannot respond the way it did in your twenties. Being a martial artist, I can attest to the way my body protests when I attempt to do things that I used to be able to do with ease. That you can accept, its hard, but you do learn to realize the fact. So you sublimate it into success at work, getting promotions, being recognized for achievement, you know that your days as a hunter killer are over.

You learn to temper yourself...to use those strengths that you still have...to use years of training and experience as a substitute for raw speed and power. You say to yourself I can still do it , but you know at the age of 57 that is not the case.

About a month ago I noticed some disturbing symtoms in my left eye...flashes of light, large spots floating in my field of vision...things I recognized as symptoms of a retinal detachment.

I suffered one of those about seven years ago, so I knew what was happening. I was examined by an othalmologist, and he said there was no detachment, but I had suffered a shifting of the gel in the eyeball, and it had caused some internal bleeding. Seems I am prone to that.

About a week ago it happened again, this time much worse, the lower half of my across my whole field of vision went dark. I saw the doctor again, and this time I definitely had a detachment. I also have a condition call "Lattice Degeneration", this causes tiny holes in the retina which bleed and cause floaters in my field of vision. The doctor injected gas into my eyeball in a technique called "steamrolling"..pretty cool huh? The pressure of the gas is suppposed to flatten the retina back down onto the wall of the eyeball. I have to keep my head tilted to the left in order for the gas to cover the damaged area. I have been at this for four days now.

Yesterday I had laser surgery. Modern medical techniques are a wonder, but it is no fun sitting, pressed up against an apparatus while a green argon laser beam fries the tissue inside of your eye. Right now it is 99% reattached, but I still cant see well out of that eye.

The doctor says that there is no reason to believe that this will continue to happen of the course of the rest of my life. No lifestyle change or medicines are needed. When confronting the frailty of your own body, it requires some real thought, the kind of thought that one never wants to engage in. You think to yourself I've got more years behind me, than I do in front a very sobering revelation that sneaks up on you from time to time.

Of course this minor set-back does not influence the playing of CM...I could beat most of you with one eye anyway. So don't rub your hands together with glee and think you can take advantage of my temporary infirmity,

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Just when you think that you can finally coast in life, fate has a way of laying you low...pulling the rug out from under you, so to speak. One can never be too complacent, a man has to always be on his guard, there are forces in the universe that are constantly conspiring to ruin your day. When I was in Nam, and someone we knew was killed or maimed, we never directly dealt with it...we would say stuff like "boy was his health record messed up" or "at least it wasn't a sucking chest wound". We knew that the same things could happen to us in a flash, but at twenty it would never happen.

As one gets older..you learn to appreciate some of the gifts that the Creator has given you, and allowed you to keep. Athletic prowess fades with age, not matter what your mind says you think you can do....the body simply cannot respond the way it did in your twenties. Being a martial artist, I can attest to the way my body protests when I attempt to do things that I used to be able to do with ease. That you can accept, its hard, but you do learn to realize the fact. So you sublimate it into success at work, getting promotions, being recognized for achievement, you know that your days as a hunter killer are over.

You learn to temper yourself...to use those strengths that you still have...to use years of training and experience as a substitute for raw speed and power. You say to yourself I can still do it , but you know at the age of 57 that is not the case.

About a month ago I noticed some disturbing symtoms in my left eye...flashes of light, large spots floating in my field of vision...things I recognized as symptoms of a retinal detachment.

I suffered one of those about seven years ago, so I knew what was happening. I was examined by an othalmologist, and he said there was no detachment, but I had suffered a shifting of the gel in the eyeball, and it had caused some internal bleeding. Seems I am prone to that.

About a week ago it happened again, this time much worse, the lower half of my across my whole field of vision went dark. I saw the doctor again, and this time I definitely had a detachment. I also have a condition call "Lattice Degeneration", this causes tiny holes in the retina which bleed and cause floaters in my field of vision. The doctor injected gas into my eyeball in a technique called "steamrolling"..pretty cool huh? The pressure of the gas is suppposed to flatten the retina back down onto the wall of the eyeball. I have to keep my head tilted to the left in order for the gas to cover the damaged area. I have been at this for four days now.

Yesterday I had laser surgery. Modern medical techniques are a wonder, but it is no fun sitting, pressed up against an apparatus while a green argon laser beam fries the tissue inside of your eye. Right now it is 99% reattached, but I still cant see well out of that eye.

The doctor says that there is no reason to believe that this will continue to happen of the course of the rest of my life. No lifestyle change or medicines are needed. When confronting the frailty of your own body, it requires some real thought, the kind of thought that one never wants to engage in. You think to yourself I've got more years behind me, than I do in front a very sobering revelation that sneaks up on you from time to time.

Of course this minor set-back does not influence the playing of CM...I could beat most of you with one eye anyway. So don't rub your hands together with glee and think you can take advantage of my temporary infirmity,

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Well Nidan, while everyone else is feeling sympathy for you I am going to sneak up on your left side a la Kirk in "Gamesters of Triskelion" ("Kloog's left eye is weak - approach him from that side") and TAKE MY BLOODY PHASER BACK.



That was my phaser set on "pistol-whip Nidan's misshapen skull".

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Well Nidan, while everyone else is feeling sympathy for you I am going to sneak up on your left side a la Kirk in "Gamesters of Triskelion" ("Kloog's left eye is weak - approach him from that side") and TAKE MY BLOODY PHASER BACK.



That was my phaser set on "pistol-whip Nidan's misshapen skull".

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Originally posted by dalem:

Well Nidan, while everyone else is feeling sympathy for you I am going to sneak up on your left side a la Kirk in "Gamesters of Triskelion" ("Kloog's left eye is weak - approach him from that side") and TAKE MY BLOODY PHASER BACK.



That was my phaser set on "pistol-whip Nidan's misshapen skull".

I had no idea you were trained as a Thrall... I have new found respect for you.

However I will wager 500 Kwatloes that you can't do it.

[ October 13, 2003, 06:58 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

Well Nidan, while everyone else is feeling sympathy for you I am going to sneak up on your left side a la Kirk in "Gamesters of Triskelion" ("Kloog's left eye is weak - approach him from that side") and TAKE MY BLOODY PHASER BACK.



That was my phaser set on "pistol-whip Nidan's misshapen skull".

I had no idea you were trained as a Thrall... I have new found respect for you.

However I will wager 500 Kwatloes that you can't do it.

[ October 13, 2003, 06:58 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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