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New Mission Types


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New Mission Types:

The mission types remained the same throughout the CMX1 series, I hope we'll see some new types.

1. Commando type raids - go take out, blow up that supply dump, bridge, radar station, airfield, etc.

2. Real convoy movement, something that never seem to work in CMX1.

3. Recon mission - It sounds like the new spotting in CM2X, that recon will become a more important part of the game.

4. Real Para Drops - Hey come on Sudden Strike could do it. :D

5. Rescue - go find and rescue that lost officer, downed pilot, AKA saving private xx.

Tanks - one thing I realy disliked in CM1x was the gopher Tank comanders that would keep popping their heads out only to get shot even when I gave them orders to button up.

This maybe too much to ask but, I would really like to see something like the order types/options from Tacops in CM2x.

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1. This is a game of frontline battles, not sabotage.

3. What kind of recon mission do you mean (in historical terms)?

4. What does that have to do with Combat Mission? If drops directly to combat ever happened, the result was something very different from intact paratroop squads attacking in a coordinated pattern. The only way to model would be to make it playable as the defender only, and with lone AI paratroopers appearing scattered here and there, trying to get into contact with their buddies. Only after a fair amount of time had passed, could the Battalion commander use his unit effectively.

5. Oh, kewl. Could we also have "get the Nazi gold treasure" type mission where you have to arrange the capture of a bank where some bullion is kept and which is guarded by Tigers? tongue.gif

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I would love to see the 'destroy something' (commando type) mission option. This is actually perfect for company-sized engagements, and I think this would work particularly well with really mind-blowingly-huge-and-cool explosions.

'Pin down the enemy for ten minutes while we lay the charges'

then.... B-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really, what could be more fun than that?

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Originally posted by pad152:

New Mission Types:

1. Commando type raids - go take out, blow up that supply dump, bridge, radar station, airfield, etc.

2. Real convoy movement, something that never seem to work in CMX1.

3. Recon mission - It sounds like the new spotting in CM2X, that recon will become a more important part of the game.

4. Real Para Drops - Hey come on Sudden Strike could do it. :D

5. Rescue - go find and rescue that lost officer, downed pilot, AKA saving private xx.

I basically like and agree with these suggestions, but with the proviso that Type #5 could easily be folded into #1. It doesn't require a separate mission type. For one thing, it didn't occur all that often, so its utility to players would be insufficient to warrent working out special mechanics for it. Besides, in what way is it different from any other kind of raid anyway?


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Originally posted by Kip Watson:

I would love to see the 'destroy something' (commando type) mission option. This is actually perfect for company-sized engagements, and I think this would work particularly well with really mind-blowingly-huge-and-cool explosions.

'Pin down the enemy for ten minutes while we lay the charges'

then.... B-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really, what could be more fun than that?

I tend to agree. I think an accurate presentation of the Bruneval raid would be a gas. And doing a few SAS frolics in NA could be fun too.



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Originally posted by Sergei:

1. This is a game of frontline battles, not sabotage.

But who knows what it will be in its next incarnation. Steve has urged us to think beyond the cupholders.

3. What kind of recon mission do you mean (in historical terms)?
Here's my idea: Instead of trying to engage in destructive combat, the idea is to use stealth to infiltrate small units of from two men to a platoon close enough to enemy positions to identify them, their strength, and any important guns, AFVs, and/or support weapons. Then to return safely to their own lines with the information. That would be one type of recon mission.

Another in a more fluid situation would be proceed down a road or other avenue of advance ahead of the main body of your force to discover and identify any blocking positions and then to discover if they can be easily overcome or bypassed.

Then there is terrain reconnaisance, where the player starts out with a largely empty map and must trace routes, find crossing points, clusters of buildings that might be used by the enemy or alternately by your own side, etc. And don't forget that all-important wine cache!



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Back in the CMBO days, I suggested that we have a new battle type like "Breach Fortification" (I had a better name for it, but I've forgotten what it was). Basically, it would be like a regular attack/ assault, except that (1) the defender would get a lot more points; and (2) the vast majority of these points would have to be spent on things like wire, minefields, bunkers, etc.

I'm not sure how my 1962 Mustang-era description would fit into the 2005 CMx2 Ferrari, but I think it could be very interesting. Especially if there were more specialized engineering vehicles.

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Yes, there are various engineering type scenarios that could be interesting. Breaching exercises such as you mention, but also as part of an assault crossing, and obstacle removal as part of a road recce. I'm not sure this requires a completely separate mission type, but I've often felt that it should be integral to certain kinds of attacks.


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I would like to see mission types being chosen during Campaigns (or whatever Campaign holder is present in the new engine).

So for a 4-5 battle 'Campaign', the attacking player may choose RECON and the initial goals for that mission are superimposed. The overall goals (main objective) is there but small dynamic goals are present because he chose RECON. An example of a RECON goal is a small house that overlooks parts of the map presently not seen by the attacking players initial setup.

The type of Mission chosen could have effects on the overall morale/reaction to casualties/etc.

It would also act as a dynamic turn length (there will be turns in the new turn Holder?) generator. A RECON mission might generate only a 10 turn battle during the 'Campaign'.

[ February 17, 2005, 09:14 AM: Message edited by: Wartgamer ]

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Originally posted by Wartgamer:

A RECON mission might generate only a 10 turn battle during the 'Campaign'.

I confess I don't follow your thinking here. Why should a recon mission only last ten minutes? Recon was usually a careful, painstaking activity, unless it was being done on the fly as part of a mobile situation like an exploitation. It could take hours (though don't take me for plumping for all that to be shown in the game).


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Much of the RECON mission is not represented in actual game terms. Part of choosing a RECON mission would allow the setup lines to be moved forward dynamically. It would depend on where the enemy has picketed his lines.

So if you were to choose a RECON mission and the enemy had picketed the small house, you would not be allowed to 'setup' (actually this models your forces creeping up without combat pre-turn) very close to the house. So your RECON is likely to be unsuccessful.

What I want is more dynamic intermediate objectives that are generated as a function of the players 'Big Plan'. The main objective (however represented in the new engine) is the overall campaign goal but the smaller 'flag' type objectives are not so clear cut.

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A more detailed example could be:

1. Choose RECON

2. Three small 'flags' pop up. Each one is a point that would provide LOS into enemy held areas.

3. Pick one 'flag' (or whatever its represented as)

4. Front setup lines will move forward towards that area (a narrow corridor typically) but any enemy units will limit the actual 'penetration'.

5. Short term goal for that scenario in the campaign is to take the objective.

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Recon Missions:

In the current Cm1x series you are told about forces before the battle begins.

Recon Option off:

Same as Cmx1

Enemy Strenght 2 X reinforced Rifle Companys

Recon Option on:

Enemy Strenght Unknown

You launch a recon/probe mission to find out enemy strenght before commiting your forces and you get a look at the map before the battle.

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More realistic missions would be the various types of patrols, but arguably are not appropriate for a company/battalion level game.

Recce patrols, fighting patrols, prisoner patrols, contact patrols - there were a lot of different types, and rarely involved anything more than a section, though entire platoons were sometimes involved in fighting patrols.

The basic premise of CMX1 is that "missions" in game take place after reconnaissance has been done.

However, if CMX2 turns out to be as flexible as Steve says, there will certainly be a room for some nice platoon sized "missions" after the second release...

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