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Coming Soon CM West


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Both your title screens are colour photos of armour not used in Northwest Europe - the Lee was used in NA and Italy only, and the British armour is using red/white/red recognition flashes that were replaced before Normandy, but were used in Italy and in the UK.


Not to be pedantic, but since the sole purpose of your total conversion mod is to change the look of the game from Italy to NW Europe, I thought you'd like to know.

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Morning Michael: Don't mind you being pedantic

. To be clear: CM West allows you to play early war years. That is as IF there were Sealion, or IF the French and British had held on In France and the low countries. When you note, correctly, that that neither splash were used in the ETO you speak of history. I dream "what if?" But don't worry there are Panthers and Churchills coming for your viewing pleasure.

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Oh. I just thought. My N.A. Valentine mods are camou'd. That would make it a bit difficult recoloring them green. Well, if I can't locate my base Valentine art (my HD crashed a couple years ago) I suppose you could renumber and repaint my CMBB Lend-Lease Valentines.

I LOVE the idea of BEF green Brit armor versus Panzer Grey Germans fighing it out in CM. BFC had once promised us a Blitz game but it may be a loooong way off.

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

Oh. I just thought. My N.A. Valentine mods are camou'd. That would make it a bit difficult recoloring them green. Well, if I can't locate my base Valentine art (my HD crashed a couple years ago) I suppose you could renumber and repaint my CMBB Lend-Lease Valentines.

I LOVE the idea of BEF green Brit armor versus Panzer Grey Germans fighing it out in CM. BFC had once promised us a Blitz game but it may be a loooong way off.

If you mean green camouflage, that would be suitable for the UK - in fact, vehicles there seem to have been camouflaged more often than not.


This covers all the Canadian (which was a copy of the British) vehicle camouflage schemes for the entire war - since they spent most of that time in the UK, this should help you with Sealion camo schemes for the British Army.

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