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Originally posted by rune:

Have I tortured you with La Foce yet?

Yes, yes, you did. A truly vile piece of work. Reminds me of my grandmothers infamous turkey butt stuffing. Too much ends up on the plate and they both lead to stomach cramping.

Oh, and Nidan, I am fully v1.03 compliant. But I will be doing your turns in v1.02

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Originally posted by 37mm:

Hmmm 'Crodaburg' if I remember my notes correctly didn't rleete (!!!!!!!!) hand your ass back to you in that one?

In a word, no. In more than a word, I always keep my arse as far away from rleete as possible. And then some.

Has anyone made an AK update, could be laugh?

I really doubt it.

I will continue to unleash my crazed Vietnamese at your Verdun-esque defences once another PBEM game is over & done with (probably in a day or two) then I'll upgrade to V1.03 & I'm away again.

Can only handle one PBEM at a time? Some might call that focused. I'm not one of them.

My PBEM with Nidan1 won't last much longer I'll post a nice AAR afterwards with pretty pictures & everything...

Do try to stay in the lines with your Crayolas this time. People are beginning to think you're slow.
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Originally posted by Stuka:

Just do'in a little fly by....



Ouch, that would have hurt. If he survived, I'm sure that the next fly by he does will be at a slightly higher altitude than the top of Seanachai's pointy hat.

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Judging by your presence here, you were obviously not standing close enough to the bucket. Next time make sure you do it in an extremely small room with all the doors and windows closed. Preferably place the bucket on top of a good sized pile of explosives prior to commencing fire. A webcast of the proceedings would also be much appreciated.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

How dare you speak to me directly.

Quite right, our Stuka isn't used to having people speak to him directly, or even make eye contact. At best it's a mumbled "Uh, yeah, here's a couple bucks" to his slurred raspy whine for any spare change a passerby may have.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Sir Boo the Foo ... by GAWD I like that. Hey Berli can we make Boo the Official FOOLE of the POOL ... he'll have to fit it in with his duties to the Justicariate as Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread but you can never have enough titles, that's my motto ... my sig too come to think of it.


Foole of the Pool...

Damn, I like the sound of that.

Let it be written, Sir Boo the Foo shall forever more known to all as The Foole of the Pool

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Good morning The Worm, Your Hon... Um, hey Berli,

Is there really a need for this redundancy in titles? I mean, really... if you've said Justicar, you might have already said FOOLE, however spelt or bolded...

Shhhhhh... ya want him to hear?
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Originally posted by dalem:

When Neil Diamond is rocking out Cherry Cherry, it's sure a foot-tapping, head-nodding good time, ain't it?

What is this, Halfwit Possession? Tim the Enchanter gets banned, so you start channeling his persona onto the Peng Challenge?

Someone get a bloody Priest...

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So I'm stuck here, unable to get back to sleep.

This is the hour of the Aussie, or so I'm to believe from the timestamps of the normal jungle rot that post here.

Is this what it feels like to be an Aussie? Frustrated at one's malfunctioning circadian? Mildly perturbed to know that the rest of the day will be nothing but a reflection on the sleep that should have been? Awake enough to do awake things yet groggy enough to wish that you couldn't?

No wonder you're all so sub-par.

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Originally posted by dalem:

So I'm stuck here, unable to get back to sleep.

This is the hour of the Aussie, or so I'm to believe from the timestamps of the normal jungle rot that post here.

Is this what it feels like to be an Aussie? Frustrated at one's malfunctioning circadian? Mildly perturbed to know that the rest of the day will be nothing but a reflection on the sleep that should have been? Awake enough to do awake things yet groggy enough to wish that you couldn't?

No wonder you're all so sub-par.

If you don't have anything to do in four hours time, let me know. I've got a TCP/IP slot free at 4:30pm GMT.
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