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Good to see we’re getting back to the abysmal standards we have all come to expect, what exactly is a new SSN going to think (assuming it can think) when he or she enters this here thread?

If an SSN starting coming here mouthing off racist abuse about Australians, flirting with the ladies, challenging no-one in particular or Knights to games of Quake or what have you... I ask could we really blame that SSN? Or would we (as in the Justicar) all be partly responsible?

Either way I suppose I feel better now that the ‘unjustifiable’ thread has been closed, its very being represented only the most grievous of insults for the house of Morse and though that ‘slap across the face with a most unholy of kippers’ still remains in existence at least it is no longer being added to or detracted from.

However one item of note did occur amongst its foul pages and hideous incantations and that was this quote by Seanachai…

The Quest is complete.
Now as I complete my term papers* for Boo I’ve been forced into reading the archived threads and correct me If I’m wrong but does this not entitle me to be now known as…

Sir 37mm most flavoursome Knight of the house of JDMorse, wielder of the sacred HEAT doorknocker round and the official anointed one of Immaculate Conception’'?

* the latest paper was on ‘the deconstruction of ALL of dalems versifications’.

My results showed that 95% of them meant essentially “Dalem is a fool, He likes stew, what’s it like to be a tree?, do you like me?" the other 5% I couldn’t figure out but in my defence Boo didn’t seem to know either he just told me to buggar off & stop pestering him whenever he's ‘resting’.

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Originally posted by 37mm:

Now as I complete my term papers* for Boo I’ve been forced into reading the archived threads and correct me If I’m wrong but does this not entitle me to be now known as…

You're wrong. The only thing you're entitled to is a kick inna fork. Now sod off
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Originally posted by 37mm:

Good to see we’re getting back to the abysmal standards we have all come to expect, what exactly is a new SSN going to think (assuming it can think) when he or she enters this here thread?

If an SSN starting coming here mouthing off racist abuse about Australians, flirting with the ladies, challenging no-one in particular or Knights to games of Quake or what have you... I ask could we really blame that SSN? Or would we (as in the Justicar) all be partly responsible?

Either way I suppose I feel better now that the ‘unjustifiable’ thread has been closed, its very being represented only the most grievous of insults for the house of Morse and though that ‘slap across the face with a most unholy of kippers’ still remains in existence at least it is no longer being added to or detracted from.

However one item of note did occur amongst its foul pages and hideous incantations and that was this quote by Seanachai…

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />The Quest is complete.

Now as I complete my term papers* for Boo I’ve been forced into reading the archived threads and correct me If I’m wrong but does this not entitle me to be now known as…

Sir 37mm most flavoursome Knight of the house of JDMorse, wielder of the sacred HEAT doorknocker round and the official anointed one of Immaculate Conception’'?

* the latest paper was on ‘the deconstruction of ALL of dalems versifications’.

My results showed that 95% of them meant essentially “Dalem is a fool, He likes stew, what’s it like to be a tree?, do you like me?" the other 5% I couldn’t figure out but in my defence Boo didn’t seem to know either he just told me to buggar off & stop pestering him whenever he's ‘resting’. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But rules and procedures should never be used to further personal grudges and animosities. It simply wouldn't do, for example, to use the sacred rules and procedures against anyone simply because one had been, for further example, insulted beyond measure and to no good cause by anyone else regardless of their caliber. That simply wouldn't do, not at all.

However, rules and procedures MUST be followed to the letter, every "T" crossed (just ask Adm. Jellicoe) and every last single "I" dotted (just ask Boo, if I can think of ANYONE who should have the personal pronoun UNCAPITALIZED it would be Boo) ... crossed and dotted with a vengence in fact ... almost an OBSESSIVE vengence ... vengence being the key word.


So, are you sayin' Boo didn't cross his I's and dot his T's? 37mm is back to being a Serf? Far be it for me to argue with the wisdom of the Justicar. Sorry SERF Doorknocker, looks like ya gots ta start over... bummer
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But rules and procedures should never be used to further personal grudges and animosities. It simply wouldn't do, for example, to use the sacred rules and procedures against anyone simply because one had been, for further example, insulted beyond measure and to no good cause by anyone else regardless of their caliber. That simply wouldn't do, not at all.

However, rules and procedures MUST be followed to the letter, every "T" crossed (just ask Adm. Jellicoe) and every last single "I" dotted (just ask Boo, if I can think of ANYONE who should have the personal pronoun UNCAPITALIZED it would be Boo) ... crossed and dotted with a vengence in fact ... almost an OBSESSIVE vengence ... vengence being the key word.


So, are you sayin' Boo didn't cross his I's and dot his T's? 37mm is back to being a Serf? Far be it for me to argue with the wisdom of the Justicar. Sorry SERF Doorknocker, looks like ya gots ta start over... bummer </font>
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I wonder what kind of fit he will throw now. He never got over the fact that they a.k.a. we a.k.a. Seanachai rejected his premature thread.

I hate to see grown men cry

Stickypiss I consider you nothing more than a half rotten pile of phlegm brought up from the filth ridden lungs of a TB ravaged leper… even worse you’re a Belgian half rotten pile of phlegm brought up from the filth ridden lungs of a TB ravaged leper!

But seeing as you are a squire of Nidan1 who was the former squire of my liege Boo who was the former squire of Croda who presumably was the former squire of JDMorse himself (I haven’t studied the lineage in as much detail as I should have) I consider you ,amazingly, in some respect... kind of like family!

When I say family, I of course mean the mostly forgotten half cousin of your former Brother in law who you’ve only ever met once in a drunken stupor and though you remember very little of that night you specifically remember that you never wish to meet that utter bore again... but nonetheless you’re like family.

And I’ll tell you now if you were ever to wake up one day & have a go yourself of restarting the thread, I’d of course cajole you & spit on you along with everyone else but if some uppity lawyer type fellow (not a real lawyer who although contemptible at least deserves that contempt, no I mean just a 'lawyer type') then slapped you & the great house you at least try to represent with a 'foul & stinking kipper' I would be there in a flash at your side, armed & dangerous, in your trench, ready to supervise you in your fight against oppression.

That’s what it means to belong to the house of JDMorse, that’s what I’ve learnt and it’s to your eternal shame stickypiss that you don’t feel likewise…

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Berlichtingen you are old and life itself must seem so very pointless to one such as you who looks only forward to the kiss, the final embrace, the post coital cigarette of death itself.

However we living things which are born, age & then die rather than just linger are easily wisped away, swayed, left floundered by the currents of fate & time & alcohol.

We need structure to our lives to give them at least the illusion of time whilst you need only wallow in delusion…

It is for this reason that the Peng challenge & the position of Justicar itself was created, although I have problems with some (read all) of the decisions made I still respect the need for someone to make them.

One such element of this structure is the hierarchy of Knights and squires and serfs and SSN’s…

These things do change as an SSN can become a serf but soon and mercifully death will end its existence.

But a serf cannot become an SSN. It would be madness to try, how could it be done?

No a decision once made cannot be reversed it can be eliminated by Coventry or by the desert but it cannot be reversed.

I expect the Justicar when he manages to totter along here will himself say that this is so... and besides considering the stink my liege made when my thread was closed I doubt it’d be worth the hassle to demote me particularly so soon after the completion of my quest & the blessings I hath received from Peng.

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Have to go with Berli on this one, 37. Serf you are again. get over it. stop your belly-aching and do as you are told. Else bugger off. Better yet just bugger off. Messiah my arse.

Oh, I promise I wont mention dalem... ooops! I mentioned dalem! damn. I mentioned dalem again! bloody hell once again I slipped up and mentioned dalem!!! OH, BALLS I REFERENCED dalem AGAIN!!! I've simply GOT to stop mentioning dalem or I'm sure there will be some sort of repercussions!!! damn, If I say 'dalem' one more time I have the odd feeling that dalem might take offense!!! bleedin ariels but I typed dalem dalem dalem again! dalem dalem dalem I just cant STOP daleming! I dalemed again. I dalem the dalems every day but sometimes my dalem falls off and I can't dalem anymore but then I dalem the dalems and everything's dalem again. dalem but dalem is dalem dalem.

dalem? no thanks I'm dalem to dalem down.

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Actually 37mm has the right of it ... hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day ... but decisions once made are DIFFICULT to retract at best and sometimes impossible.

It is for that very reason that the Office of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread has been charged with the awesome responsibility of determining the worth of Serfs PRIOR to their being taken to Squire. For once that is done, well Katie bar the door and the milk's all spoilt isn't it? It's a simple matter of just hanging on and the lad's virtually guaranteed to be a Knight of the CessPool and there's precious little we can do about it THEN.

Unfortunately 37mm, you've managed to stumble unwittingly upon the very BEST of the known methods and that's to annoy two of the three Olde Ones and have them declare that something's to be done or not done.

Well done lad.


p.s. A bit of major grovelling at this point might help ... oh, don't forget me in the process. While I'm not an Olde One I CAN have difficulty finding the copier toner and without that the records might reduced to the one original and, well, it DOES get damp down here in the CessPool.

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I simply did it to annoy 37. No other reason. I am working on having my first stalker and it seems like random acts of senseless stuffeses would nudge the little nutter along in the right - scratch that - correct direction for stalkernessitude.

And Joe while not technically an olde one you certainly on the verge of ancient crustiness and crotchety curmudgeounlynessification that are (is) the hall mark(s) of olde onenessility.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But rules and procedures should never be used to further personal grudges and animosities. It simply wouldn't do, for example, to use the sacred rules and procedures against anyone simply because one had been, for further example, insulted beyond measure and to no good cause by anyone else regardless of their caliber. That simply wouldn't do, not at all.

However, rules and procedures MUST be followed to the letter, every "T" crossed (just ask Adm. Jellicoe) and every last single "I" dotted (just ask Boo, if I can think of ANYONE who should have the personal pronoun UNCAPITALIZED it would be Boo) ... crossed and dotted with a vengence in fact ... almost an OBSESSIVE vengence ... vengence being the key word.


So, are you sayin' Boo didn't cross his I's and dot his T's? 37mm is back to being a Serf? Far be it for me to argue with the wisdom of the Justicar. Sorry SERF Doorknocker, looks like ya gots ta start over... bummer </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But rules and procedures should never be used to further personal grudges and animosities. It simply wouldn't do, for example, to use the sacred rules and procedures against anyone simply because one had been, for further example, insulted beyond measure and to no good cause by anyone else regardless of their caliber. That simply wouldn't do, not at all.

However, rules and procedures MUST be followed to the letter, every "T" crossed (just ask Adm. Jellicoe) and every last single "I" dotted (just ask Boo, if I can think of ANYONE who should have the personal pronoun UNCAPITALIZED it would be Boo) ... crossed and dotted with a vengence in fact ... almost an OBSESSIVE vengence ... vengence being the key word.


So, are you sayin' Boo didn't cross his I's and dot his T's? 37mm is back to being a Serf? Far be it for me to argue with the wisdom of the Justicar. Sorry SERF Doorknocker, looks like ya gots ta start over... bummer </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But rules and procedures should never be used to further personal grudges and animosities. It simply wouldn't do, for example, to use the sacred rules and procedures against anyone simply because one had been, for further example, insulted beyond measure and to no good cause by anyone else regardless of their caliber. That simply wouldn't do, not at all.

However, rules and procedures MUST be followed to the letter, every "T" crossed (just ask Adm. Jellicoe) and every last single "I" dotted (just ask Boo, if I can think of ANYONE who should have the personal pronoun UNCAPITALIZED it would be Boo) ... crossed and dotted with a vengence in fact ... almost an OBSESSIVE vengence ... vengence being the key word.


So, are you sayin' Boo didn't cross his I's and dot his T's? 37mm is back to being a Serf? Far be it for me to argue with the wisdom of the Justicar. Sorry SERF Doorknocker, looks like ya gots ta start over... bummer </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... that's my guess.


And you could not be more wrong.

You could try, but you would not succeed.


I really try to understand you, but understanding Joe Shaw is a little like trying to understand an onion, and by that, I don't mean that you are composed of many layers and just when you reveal one truth, you must remove yet another layer to reveal yet another truth. No, what I mean is an onion is an inanimate object and who wastes time trying to understand an inanimate object?

I mean, everyone knows that when you get that pensive look on your face, it's time to break out the Metamucil and that when you get that "thoughtful" look and begin to drum your fingers on the table, it's not because you are weighing heavy matters. It's because you're trying to remember your name,

"I think it rhymes with 'toe'... Shmoe?"

Give it a rest. Why not go back to trying to find agricultuarally based computer games that you can present to the Thread in general, so we can all nod uncomfortably and say, "Yes, Joe. Good job, Joe. Way to make valuable use of your time, Joe. Don't mind those men in the orderly's uniforms with the huge syringe, Joe."

Think about it, won't you? I know I will.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Berli, how in the WORLD do you get that from reading Shaw's post?

How in the WORLD can you get ANYTHING from Shaw's post other than a sinus headache?

And bored out of your skull.

And sad.

Well, I figured it had to mean somefink...

and after reading it a few times...

and drinking a few glasses of Scotch...

The meaning came to me in a flash

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