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References for Hitlerjugend (12th SS Pz) in mid ‘44


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I’m trying to find anyone with links, references, etc. for 12th SS “Hitlerjugend“ Pz in mid ’44 (post OVERLORD) - trying not to re invent the wheel.

Basically I’m after ORBAT‘s (or ToO&E for our American cousins) for its main units and sub units so I can convert to CMAK structures.

I need accurate figures of units strengths too (not 100% parade ground strengths).

Something like “the Recce Bn was at 60% in late june ’44 and consisted of X companies each of which had ...” would be ideal.

Hope to hear from someone soon.

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Am winging it here, so may not get this spot on. Have you looked at or read STEEL INFERNO by Reynolds? I think that may be useful to you. I was going to suggest the Panzereil site, but all it has that seems potentially useful is a brief history of the Tiger battalions in both the east and the west.


John Kettler

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Thanks for the responses - reflects the helpfulness of the BoB community.

To refine the request somewhat, I’m not looking to recreate historically accurate engagements, but more a generic feel for the Division as it fought the Canadians around Caen.

So I don’t require accurate historic information on specific units strengths on specific days about how many Panthers were in I. Abteilung on date X when it attacked Canadian Bn Y at location Z (if such an attack ever took place).

From the site above, I know that the Division had “66 Panthers on 10 June” then its feasible that 17 of them say may have been available for an attack or at least were in the Division’s AO.

Similarly the infantry information on that site helps me with the weapons available and the possible artillery spt they may have had.

What I need to confirm is information like:

The structure of the Pz Abteilung (17 = 2 x HQ and 3 PL of 5 each?) and similarly for the:

Infantry Company

Specialist Companies

Recon Bn

I guess I need a wire diagram like the one on the site but at Bn / Coy / Pl level rather than the supplied Regt / Bn level.

Or can I just go with the structures supplied in CMAK purchase screens?

Again thanks for the interest and responses to date.

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Originally posted by gibsonm:

Or can I just go with the structures supplied in CMAK purchase screens?

If you aren't looking to recreate a historical engagement, as you say, then you're probably better off relying on the purchase screen OOB but with units at less than full strength. The 12th SS absorbed a hell of a lot of punishment during its time on the line, and as with every formation on the defensive the infantry suffers the most.
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Hetzer38 (and gibsonm),

A most interesting site and peculiarly organized and presented, notably the combat section in which no combat was described but in-depth loss figures of some sort are presented. The OOB was very detailed, but you'd better know your German unit organization--in depth. The alleged British war crime was pretty disturbing, too. What I found, though, that was really useful was this article, taken from a source I suspect Michael Dorosh would approve, CANADIAN MILITARY HISTORY.



John Kettler

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This "Flames of War" scenario is yelling to be converted to a CM-scenario:

Bretteville-l’Orgeilleuse: Kurt Meyer’s Night Attack

...briefings, TOEs, historical info + a little Battlefield-map... :)

Take also a look at these RAPID FIRE! scenarios (pdf format)


The Canadian Push on Carpiquet Airfield

...briefings, TOEs, historical info + good Battlefield maps... :)

And last but not least, another very detailed Oob:

12. SS-Panzer-Division 'Hitler Jugend' (pdf format)


Regards, Hetzer38.

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