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Peng to the left of me, Peng to the right of me, Challenge in front of me...

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Volley and Thunder!

And so it begins...

Step First: If you are an SSN, sod off now while you can. If you don't know what an SSN is, you are entirely too stupid to be breathing so don't waste our time.

Step Into the Light: If you didn't follow directions above and are still here, bugger off, we're an anarcho-syndicalist commune and you aren't welcome.

Step ChaChaCha: If you are *still* here, you aren't very bright, but at least make sure you have an email and a location in your profile or you will be ignored. If you have these things in your profile, you may *still* be ignored, but more than likely you will at least be mocked before we ignore you so entertain us while you have the chance.

Step Fox Trot: If you insist on hanging about against our wishes, expect to be reviled (and poked with pointy sticks). And if you wish to continue a presence here, you need to show some wit and panache with at least a modicum of anger. Challenge someone, but only someone of equally lowly status. The Olde Ones and Seniour Kanniggits will not notice you excepting to knock you out of their way as they head to the bar.

Step Twist: If you wish your dangly bits to remain intact, do NOT discuss them, but *do* at least act like you have a pair.

Step To My Loo, my Darlin': Tread lightly around we Ladies of the 'Pool lest you be trampled by our dainty footwear. We may seem the weaker sex, but we have taken lessons from Lorena Bobbit, so be polite to us or suffer our wrath.

Step Last: If I have left out anything, remember the law of the land: Ignorance of the law does not exclude you from it. In other words, SOD OFF!

And as for the young upstart, 37mm...better luck next time.

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Ahh perfection in itself....

Well done JJ Moraine ... ( Junior Justicar)

I say again re the execution...

I'm sharpening the blades now...

Hmmm will you don the cloak and mask rleete and be executioner?

We need a good strong man to do the job, last time it all went very wrong and well... let's just say there were quite a bit of loose ends left hanging....

Yes.. a nice clean CHOP this time...

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Thinking it over, this ought to make 37mm happy having yet a third thread of his usurped. Is not one of the requirements of messiah-dom to be denied thrice?

Works for me anyway, and that's what's most important here.

Well, that it works for me AND for our dear Queen.

Come to think of it...probably more important that it works for her than for me...


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Originally posted by **YK2**:

Hmmm will you don the cloak and mask rleete and do the job of executioner? We need a good strong man to do the job...

What ya asking me for, then?

I'll be happy to cheer and deride the condemned, though. Spitting and throwing of rotten fruit (no, not that kind, Speedy) is encouraged, right?

And it's about time we had proper law in these here parts...

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I'm NOT asking you rleete.. well, I was, but now I'm not, I'm telling you... yes... that's it. ...

* Throws cloak and hooded mask to roger *

Yeah, Yeah, I know there's still some slight staining, but hey... I doubt Sir37mm will notice...

Looks over to 37mm who is now sitting in a puddle not unlike Seanacoochies peppermint challenged one....

Btw.. Nice rules Moraine, I know Joe will be proud of you...

Now.... about the execution rleete , you have a strong enough arm for the job, I mean you exercise that on a daily basis no? all that pencil pushing and such....

Yes.... you'll do just fine....

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Originally posted by **YK2**:

[QB] I'm NOT asking you rleete.. well, I was, but now I'm not, I'm telling you... yes... that's it...

Yeah, yeah. I'm going. Hey, quit pushing!

Originally posted by **YK2**:

Now.... about the execution rleete , you have a strong enough arm for the job, I mean you exercise that on a daily basis no? all that pencil pushing and such....

A pencil? Man, that's harsh.
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Originally posted by rleete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

And yes, rleete dear, I think it's time to rid ourselves of this upstart Messiah wannabe...

Ooooh, she called me "dear". I'm all a fluttery now.

(better go find that box, right Ms. Moraine?) </font>

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Originally posted by rleete:

Actually, in your case it should be: "beg, lad".

The Messiah is staggered by yet another crushing betrayal by his troublesome flock…

Stunned, he looks around at the baying crowds & shakes his head…

“Is this what’s it come to Peng?” he calls out to the ground

The crowd parts to reveal a stand, a chopping block & a…

The Messiah rubs his eyes & looks again

“You can’t be serious!”

I’m going to be executed by a… and I quote… a ‘Computer aided designer from Nu-Yoik’?

The Messiah rises to his full height, looks down at the deranged crowd & bellows in a powerful voice…

“This is ridiculous, I challenge the right of this individual to execute me… either get someone PROPER to do it or I demand a trial by combat!”

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Originally posted by poor condemned guy:

trial by combat!

Sure. Hold this piece of paper. Yes, that's right, directly in front of you. No, just ignore the concentric circles, I was just doodling.

Boo, fetch me a crossbow, please?

Man, this UBB still screws me up.

[ March 12, 2005, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]

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Originally posted by **YK2**:

***Swings heavy chopper***

And a dull thud echos through the crowd..

What was that he said about a powerful voice ?

*Pours another glass of wine for herself and JJ Moraine *

*takes the offered wine and enjoys the night's entertainment*

Why thank you, M'Lady.

Y'know...even with all their ineptitude, I still don't think 37mm will survive the night.

As to BBQ...I took the liberty of catering the event. I don't mind burning the boy at the stake after he's been folded, spindled and mutilated, but I think he'd be too stringy and gamey to actually be the main course.

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