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Bird migration continuing in CMAK?

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Hmmm...no matter which part of Europe CM has taken me to, it always seems to be the same species of birds twittering about in the background. Damned successful buggers...must be starlings or somesuch. Wonder if they winter in North Africa...

[i can hear it now: "make a bird wav mod ya smartass!"...or some bird grog will tell me that they actually aren't always the same and BFC went to the trouble of matching the bird sounds to the geography :D ]

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Originally posted by Speedy:

African swallows anyone?

Well it does appear time to repost Madmatt's explanation of how all this came about

Originally posted by the Bald One back in July 2000

(Ahem) all Pythonesque references aside I must come clean and give some history on this subject.

Ahh yes (cue dream sequence) it seemed like only yesterday...yesterday yesterday...

Steve: Ok, lets call this Beta Team meeting to order...Do we have any old business to discuss?

Rune: Yeah, where is the T-28?

Steve: umm, any OTHER old business? Anyone? Yes, go ahead Dan.

Kwazydog: Well we still haven't gotten that running MG team with the skipable HE rounds quiet hashed out.

Charles: Skkkipping? Skkipping?!!!

ALL: Oh no!


Madmatt: AGhh, let me go...Please!

Fionn: You know Charles if you use a loosen your grip around his throat slightly but press down your thumb at a 38 degree angle into his adams apple you will more than likely...

Madmatt: SHUT UP, HE ISgsssh Choking meeeee...help..

Steve: Get the Tranqs! Quick! Oh damn, who lit off the smoke round?

Wild Bill: I can't see him through this smoke!

Rune: Shoot Bill, SHOOT!

Wild Bill: But I can't!!!

Madmatt: aghhh glurbp...mother...

Charles: Skip this you piece of...

Steve: Crap! Charles, put Madmatt down! SNAP OUT IF IT!!!

Fionn: Perhaps if I analyze the implications that this behavior has as seen from a world perspective but with data drawn from various uber-sources that...


Wild Bill: The smoke is clearing, I got a shot!

Madmatt: aghhh glurblle GLUTE!

Rune: He's Hit!

Steve: Right on target!

Bil: Chew on this pineapple Fritz!

All: ???

Bil: Err never mind..

Steve: Damn, that's the fourth time this week we had to tranq Charles! Ok, meeting adjourned, somebody get the harness for Charles...


And unfortunately the topic of the American Songbirds never had the chance to come up after that...


[ October 25, 2003, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

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While I prefer anything to the infamous "chirp, chirp" of the previous CMs, I'm not sure if dogs or chickens would be any better for the Italian campaigns.

Most of my in-laws who lived in Italy during the war concede that the last thing you'd hear in any Italian town was a dog because it was already being served on a dining room platter. As for any farm animals, almost all were seized by the German army almost immediately making food shortages a common occurence on the boot.

Go with the flies.


[ October 26, 2003, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: jimcorrigan ]

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Originally posted by jimcorrigan:

While I prefer anything to the infamous "chirp, chirp" of the previous CMs, I'm not sure if dogs or chickens would be any better for the Italian campaigns.

Most of my in-laws who lived in Italy during the war concede that the last thing you'd hear in any Italian town was a dog because it was already being served on a dining room platter. As for any farm animals, almost all were seized by the German army almost immediately making food shortages a common occurence on the boot.

Go with the flies.


On the contrary, Strome Galloway of the Royal Canadian Regiment maintained several times that the only time he fired his pistol during the entire war (he was a company and part-time battalion commander in North Africa, Sicily and Italy) was to kill a barking dog just before H-Hour of one of the Regiment's Italian battles.
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I played a dusk scenario recently, and the chorus of chirping crickets combined with the beautiful hi res modded sky just made everything so picturesque and atmospheric that I completely forgot the war for a moment and decided to abandon all my responsibilities to take a leisurely evening drive along the lovely tree lined country roads in a Kubelwagon smile.gif .....Damn Russian machinegunners for ruining it all :mad:

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CMAK has all new background sounds which I am very proud of ( i think you will really like the new distant arty effects!). Unfortunately, we did have to combine a few of the sounds for particular weather conditions/regions in order to get everything to fit on a single CD.

I actually did have an early background sample for deserts which had flies buzzing around but it got REAL annoying, REAL quick, so I dumped it for a more generic and desolate sound.

After CMAK is released I will probably go ahead and release a sound mod which has some alternate backgrounds which for various reasons we decided not to use.

A more detailed and comprehensive overall treatment of sounds is a big priority with CMX2 but in CMAK I think we pushed it about as far as we could.

I don't have a list handy, but CMAK has new or improved sounds for just about everything, from rifles (axis and allied are seperate now) and mg's to engine idle noises and panzerfausts.

And don't forget the 2 thousand new voice samples!

I think the audio element of CMAK is easiest the strongest yet of the CM series.


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

On the contrary, Strome Galloway of the Royal Canadian Regiment maintained several times that the only time he fired his pistol during the entire war (he was a company and part-time battalion commander in North Africa, Sicily and Italy) was to kill a barking dog just before H-Hour of one of the Regiment's Italian battles.

Ahh, That must have lightened the mood on the Start Line: Picture it - the boys are shaken out waiting for the guns to open; lots of dry mouths; drawn white faces old before their time; nervous anticipation; tension almost palpable. Suddenly a shot rings out! 'What the Feck was that?' 'It's the CO.' 'He just shot a dog!' 'What fecking business is it of the CO to be shooting dogs at a time like this?'

It's the sort of stuff that people will talk about at regimental reunions for the next 50 years smile.gif

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Originally posted by Speedy:

Ahhh but you can never take a Canadians word for anything.

Hey, hey, hey there Aussie boy! That is slanderous talk. Don't make me have to start a new thread, I wouldn't want to lose my reputation as "Happy" chashm. ;)

BTW: What's the difference between yogurt & South Australia?

A: Yogurt has an active culture :D

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Originally posted by chashm:

BTW: What's the difference between yogurt & South Australia?

A: Yogurt has an active culture :D

BWAHAHAAHHAHHAHAHA!!!! Love it, damn croweaters! as Homer Simpson would say, it's funny cause it's true. tongue.gif:D

Anyway any chance of modelling casualties from march (biting) fly attacks? How about sunburn/heatstroke? Dysentery at all? don't tell me these aren't modelled ingame?!?!! ;)tongue.gif

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