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Cheery Waffle v1.03 patch, molten TNT now available

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Holding two flags apiece with the middle one uncontested, Mace won in the battle of the maggot's tourney game. His kraut's dished out more than they took. But I tell you Mace had somefink to do with the CMAK patch. He put in an easter egg to make my troops behave like ostriches. One of my routed pommie's squad imbeded into the mountain, head-first, wih their feet dangling above the canyon floor. I wish I could post a screenie of this.

I must say losing to an Aussie makes me feel like a pubic hair in a prostitute's mouth after oral sex. :mad: But at least I crushed that maggot Snarker. Now I'm down to three matches, one with Wally, one with DaveH, and one with the crazy Canucki.

[ November 29, 2004, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: Watson & Crick ]

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Originally posted by Watson & Crick:

...the crazy Canucki.

Isn't that redundant? :D:D

Mace, I'm still waiting to patch until my PBEM with Soddball is finished. Since my games with W&C and MTW still have 10 or more turns, we can finish after I patch. I think all you have left in the BDLRM is a handful of surviving jeep crews, so we'll finish shortly after the upgrade. How did your job interview go? Did you provide the beer? :D:D

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Shouldn't be long now, Dave. I've got a bazooka with 3 rounds left and a 4% to-hit chance on each of his three remaining Panzer IVs at 195m range.

Judging by my luck so far in this game, we should be seeing three smouldering barbecues in about sixty seconds time, and I just wish I could be there to hear the mewling whimper of distress escape Dave's lips as the third round punctures the third tank. :mad:

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Shouldn't be long now, Dave. I've got a bazooka with 3 rounds left and a 4% to-hit chance on each of his three remaining Panzer IVs at 195m range.

Judging by my luck so far in this game, we should be seeing three smouldering barbecues in about sixty seconds time, and I just wish I could be there to hear the mewling whimper of distress escape Dave's lips as the third round punctures the third tank. :mad:

The way this game has gone, the single hit on your first shot will cause one tank to explode, in turn causing gun damage to the other two. If you KO all three of them at 4% odds, you will hear my whining all the way across the Atlantic, without a telephone or internet. Mike and Mace will hear it down under. Again. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Hey everybody! Our very own Dave H is a slum landlord! He even has raw sewage running through one of his rental units! And he's going to evict the people living there in the middle of the winter!*

*<font size = 1>While based in fact, the above shows the effects of selective editing. </font size = 1>

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Hey everybody! Our very own Dave H is a slum landlord! He even has raw sewage running through one of his rental units! And he's going to evict the people living there in the middle of the winter!*

*<font size = 1>While based in fact, the above shows the effects of selective editing. </font size = 1>

Hmmmm.....looks like MasterSewerlog moved from New Hampstah to hoosier land. How did he break the sewer line, TNT swirlie?

[ November 29, 2004, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Watson & Crick ]

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Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

Wasnot&Irck, re your suggestion in the GF, I have decided to forgo the homework and have chosen a scenario. Fortunately for your fragile ego, your destruction will have to wait until I finish my last CMAK PBEM before I patch it. Patience! :mad: :mad:

GRRRRRRR! :mad: Perhaps one day your testes will descend :mad:
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Originally posted by Watson & Crick:

Hmmmm.....looks like MasterSewerlog moved from New Hampstah to hoosier land. How did he break the sewer line, TNT swirlie?

Here's the story. Three years ago Becky and I sold this very nice little house on contract to another investor. He had three years to make payments to us, and he could refinance the house any time in that period to pay off the contract. Simple, eh?

Unknown to us, a year and a half ago our buyer rented the house out to some other guy who apparently fell off a building and suffered some pretty major brain damage. He gets disability money, so he paid his rent on time. Unfortunately, he is also the proverbial bull in a china shop who pretty well demolished everything inside the four walls.

On October first, Becky and I received a letter from our buyer telling us he's backing out of the sale and he's giving the house back to us. Since then we've been trying to put things back together again. Our plan is to keep all of our receipts and then sue the investor for damages, since he allowed the house to be destroyed in violation of the contract he had with us. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Good news? Our contractor took lots of "before and after" pictures. :D:D:D

Apparently the tenant tried to "adjust" the toilet and broke the sewer line. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Mace, I'm still waiting to patch until my PBEM with Soddball is finished. Since my games with W&C and MTW still have 10 or more turns, we can finish after I patch. I think all you have left in the BDLRM is a handful of surviving jeep crews, so we'll finish shortly after the upgrade. How did your job interview go? Did you provide the beer? :D:D

Oh man. Like most traumatic life experiences I had completely blocked all memory of the 'scenario' you chose to foist on poor, little, innocent me!

Oh well, back to the psychiatrist and more electric shock treatment. :mad:


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Anyone who wants to know what 2 companies of Germanic infantry and 2 platoons of Germanified tanks look like after Soddball's Rampaging Army of Death has shoved cannisters of simmering Molten TNT up their tailpipes should ask Dave H :mad: :mad: :mad:

I've done some serious Angryolizing!! Angry out Loud!! :mad: :mad:

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Ha ha ha. Turns out Tim the Enchanter was Focker.

Now if only it would turn out all of you are merely figments of my imagination.

"Because . . . a little thing affects them. A slight disorder of the stomach makes them cheats. You may be and undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!"

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Ha ha ha. Turns out Tim the Enchanter was Focker.

Well, aren't the moderators the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Fux sake. I knew it was Focker as soon as it started posting. :mad: :mad: Maybe that's because I'm smarter than the whole lot of you guys thrown together.

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