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Secret Weapons of the Peng Challenge


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Point the once: Mace, I am in no way associated with the office of the Justicar. I gave that up for a real job... banging a garbage pail lid against a rock out in a field. A heady step up, I know, but one I feel I can handle.

Point the more than once: Squire 37mm. Calm down or I'll have to give you YET another time out defoliating the Victory garden. This time with you in it.

Point the many: V23Skiddoo. He's mine. You got a problem with that, Sparky? I shouldn't think so, you being a blow hard of behemoth-like proportions, who is "full of sound and fury, yet signifies nothing".

I seem to recall a certain challenge from earlier this year, when after the first turn, you scampered off, not to be seen for months.

You may be able to "talk the talk", but the only walk you'll be doing is the odd, splay-legged one from having my <big><big>BOOT</big></big> wedged up your firmament.

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Originally posted by Mace:

That's only available for someone of MBT importance, like me!

So many (three no sorry four) points I don’t know where to begin…

(uno) I can of course self bold… I’m the Messiah (strange how people forget this it’s not as if I’m shy about the FACT)

(err… deuxo) An Australian if my notes are correct (I’ll need the worlds greatest Texan of course to confirm this) cannot actually be of ANY great importance… does that extend to MBT importance… I’m confused my training hasn’t gone that far

(triplexicoolo) Boo is my liege & he recognises me as NOT only the leading light of the house of Morse but also a potentially devastating ally against the ‘false Justicar’, ‘closer of grand threads’ and mortal enemy ( though I prefer nemesis) of ‘ The house of JDMorse' (who hopefully isn’t a lawyer as Shaw once eluded too)…

(fouthtexico) Sod off you damned colonial & next time you come back here… well, I’ll send you away… again… to back from whence you came… which is where we sent you… so we’ll send you from whence you came which is where we sent you from whence you couldn’t come but unfortunately (modern technology and all) you have indeed come (calm down Emyrs)…

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The house of JDMorse' (who hopefully isn’t a lawyer as Shaw once eluded too)…
Sorry to burst your bubble there lad (actually I'm not, sorry that is, thrilled to in fact) but the late, great jd was and presumably still IS a member of the legal profession and a practicing attorney.

That just REALLY felt good to tell him that ... I won't get into the whole "eluded" / "alluded" thing I feel so good about it.


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I gave that up for a real job... banging a garbage pail lid against a rock out in a field. A heady step up, I know, but one I feel I can handle.
AHA! I KNEW that my guess was right on the money ... couldn't resist could you Boo, it got into your blood didn't it, why I'll bet you RAN out the door and (after cashing in those sacks of cans you'd been collecting) you scurried your way down to the nearest game store didn't you?

Well good news Boo ... THERE'S A PATCH OUT!

That's right Boo no more getting your farm implements stuck near a building. I'll bet you've been having a devil of a time with your garbage pail lid haven't you? And no more getting Boo stuck in his combine for the same reason. Nosiree, it's all been fixed in the latest Retail v1.01 patch.

That's right Boo it can finally be the game you always wanted it to be ...


Kinda gives you shivers don't it.


p.s. Watch out for them pesky grasshoppers.


I've just received a screenshoot of Boo IN THE GAME ... ACTUALLY OUT IN THE FIELD BANGING GARBAGE CAN LIDS!


I understand that his "Game" name is "Jess T. Carr" ... poor lad ... he may never get over it, some don't you know.

[ December 10, 2004, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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The worlds greatest Texan wrote...

Sorry to burst your bubble there lad (actually I'm not, sorry that is, thrilled to in fact) but the late, great jd was and presumably still IS a member of the legal profession and a practicing attorney.

37mm checks directory… chuckling to himself nervously (surely Joe Shaw is just stirring up trouble)… …


37mm trembling nay convulsing with suppressed rage…. Only one thought… only ONE thought (that probably seems a lot to mace but nonetheless) burns through every synapse



<font size=5>JUDAS </font>



<font size=7>WHY BOOOO!!!!! </font>

<font size=6>BOO Why?</font>

<font size=7>Why?</font>

<font size=8>Why?</font>

Are you saying I’m a squire to a…. to a…. No it can’t be… surely not… I cannot write the words they are too horrible… how is it so… am I a squire to a…????

<font size=8>BBBBOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!??????</font>

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sigh... here we go again.

Calm down, Squire 37mm. It's not like our Patron is a bad lawyer. He's a... kindly lawyer.

Sort of like a white slaver made out of marshmallows.

And besides, why should YOU have to worry? Here in House Morse, we rarely eat our young.

Oh, and Joe? The alleged picture of me out in the field didn't show up. See, you really have to have a link for those kind of things. Just scribbling something on your screen and then clicking on it doesn't work.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

sigh... here we go again.

Calm down, Squire 37mm. It's not like our Patron is a bad lawyer. He's a... kindly lawyer.

Sort of like a white slaver made out of marshmallows.

And besides, why should YOU have to worry? Here in House Morse, we rarely eat our young.

Oh, and Joe? The alleged picture of me out in the field didn't show up. See, you really have to have a link for those kind of things. Just scribbling something on your screen and then clicking on it doesn't work.

Now I grant you that I'm not the world's greatest web ... guy. But it IS a link to a site and on MY browser if I paste just that link it does show up.

No doubt some kindly soul will further instruct me on what I'm doing wrong so that ALL can share in the wonder of Boo banging garbage pail lids ... not to mention the HORRIBLE thing you've hacked on the gamesite.


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A 'kindly'... kin... kindly... I am... a kindly la... law... lawy...

No I can't do it... I just cannot do it...

I can't have it... it's not possible surely...

I've decided JDMOrse is... is a... pigeon cleaner... YES thats it!


Ha ha ha... I'm a centipede....

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now I grant you that I'm not the world's greatest web ... guy. But it IS a link to a site and on MY browser if I paste just that link it does show up.

Too much like work. Specially knowing it's just another one of your Ensure fueled fantasies.

No doubt some kindly soul will further instruct me on what I'm doing wrong so that ALL can share in the wonder of Boo banging garbage pail lids ... not to mention the HORRIBLE thing you've hacked on the gamesite.


The only thing I've ever "hacked" is a compound loogy onto my screen when faced with one of your Ker Dessel* scenarios.

I mean, why did your keepers ever even let you play CM?

Were they tired of you eating all the other residents Play-Doh in the Activity Room?


(*Ker Dessel -- When you want to play CM in the worst way.)

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now I grant you that I'm not the world's greatest web ... guy. But it IS a link to a site and on MY browser if I paste just that link it does show up.

Too much like work. Specially knowing it's just another one of your Ensure fueled fantasies.

No doubt some kindly soul will further instruct me on what I'm doing wrong so that ALL can share in the wonder of Boo banging garbage pail lids ... not to mention the HORRIBLE thing you've hacked on the gamesite.


The only thing I've ever "hacked" is a compound loogy onto my screen when faced with one of your Ker Dessel* scenarios.

I mean, why did your keepers ever even let you play CM?

Were they tired of you eating all the other residents Play-Doh in the Activity Room?


(*Ker Dessel -- When you want to play CM in the worst way.) </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong.


Well, starting from the top the Donald Trump comb over is no good.

You have a Cheese Doodle stuck to your face.

Yoy really should only wear lobster bibs if you're in a seafood restaurant.

Chaps with no pants is a definite No-No.

The black socks are OK, but not with the shower thongs.

And I've just touched on your appearance. I haven't the time (or stomach) to go into your personality.

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lots of 37mm waffle:

Boo is my liege

No need to apologise. You must do with what you've been given.

he recognises me as NOT only the leading light of the house of Morse
I think you have dim bulb and leading light confused.

House of Morse, huh?

I know JDMorse quite well, not a bad bloke for a lawyer. But he would be dismayed by the 'quality' of his lineage.

Poor JD.

You should really latch on to House Berli or House Seanachai.

You get more brownie points for that.

Sod off you damned colonial & next time you come back here… well, I’ll send you away… again… to back from whence you came… which is where we sent you… so we’ll send you from whence you came which is where we sent you from whence you couldn’t come but unfortunately (modern technology and all) you have indeed come (calm down Emyrs)…
And what if I don't? You'll throw yourself on the ground, crying hysterically and stamping your feet in a fine display of a Serf tantrum?


Senior Kiinigit, House Mace

Elder Australian (or somefink, ask Seanachai)

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Originally posted by 37mm:

37mm trembling nay convulsing with suppressed rage…. Only one thought… only ONE thought (that probably seems a lot to mace but nonetheless) burns through every synapse

One thought, that does seem a lot?

I thought it would be a bit of a struggle for some one of your mental capacity to put a single thought together.


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btw lad 3.7mm,

*takes 37mm aside*

...we do have certain 'rights of passage' here, certain 'SOP's, one of which is to bold the name of all the Kinnnigets and Ladies and Old 'uns, whenever you mention them.

Yes that's right, 37volts, those of high standard (ie. everyone but yourself).

Now Boo has been somewhat remiss in these teachings....but no doubt he was out playing American Farmer or something and waiting of course for his agricultural subsidies to come through.

Regardless, you need to bold the name of we Kinnnnigets

Now there's a good lad, 370db, go play for you liege.


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Originally posted by Mace:

btw lad 3.7mm,

*takes 37mm aside*

...we do have certain 'rights of passage' here, certain 'SOP's, one of which is to bold the name of all the Kinnnigets and Ladies and Old 'uns, whenever you mention them.

Yes that's right, 37volts, those of high standard (ie. everyone but yourself).

Now Boo has been somewhat remiss in these teachings....but no doubt he was out playing American Farmer or something and waiting of course for his agricultural subsidies to come through.

Regardless, you need to bold the name of we Kinnnnigets

Now there's a good lad, 370db, go play for you liege.


Mace, Mace, Mace, I know, I know, I know (Egads! I'm stuttering in thirds!).

I've told little 37mm time and again who to bold, who NOT to bold, who to spell correctly and who to just beat over the head with monotonous regularity, but does he listen?

Sadly, no.

I've tried putting more and more Ritalin in his Vegamite, but he just rubs it all over his face and I don't think it works as well by osmosis.

Tell me, can you get Thorazine online?

If not, I may just have to put him down.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Point the many: V23Skiddoo. He's mine. You got a problem with that, Sparky? I shouldn't think so, you being a blow hard of behemoth-like proportions, who is "full of sound and fury, yet signifies nothing".

I seem to recall a certain challenge from earlier this year, when after the first turn, you scampered off, not to be seen for months.

You may be able to "talk the talk", but the only walk you'll be doing is the odd, splay-legged one from having my <big><big>BOOT</big></big> wedged up your firmament.

Dear Blosom Rosy,

(I'm presuming from your misspelling of my name you have dispensed with the custom of spelling and bolding knights' and squires' names, so I shall do the same)

If he's yours, quit whining about our unfinished game (last time I checked there was no minimum time frame within which a turn must be returned, so I'll take my time, thankyouverrymuch), take him down to the nearest pound and put the poor sod out of his misery. It is obvious that the strain being put on his puny brain by the desire he has to fit in here, combined with the lack of his ability to do so, is too much for the lad. He is spraying expletives (not to mention his saliva) left right and centre in no particular pattern, offending the Ladies of the Pool (ok, so it was one Lady, but who's counting) and has beaten himself half to death in a rather perplexing attempt to converse with me. In a word, he's just too much like you lately and it's freaking me out, please fix or do somefink.

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* Wakes up bleary eyed & head thumping…*

Right now I have to save several PBEM from myself (I tried to spell my name with dust clouds, wouldn’t have been so bad but I made a spelling mistake… sigh)

… Alcohol the great CM leveller…

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Too much like work. Specially knowing it's just another one of your Ensure fueled fantasies. Techie SSN here

The reason that it shows up on the infamous though allmighty-compared-with-me Joe Shaw's browser and not on any other of th emultiverse is that Joe has the image cashed on his machine. if the site that he has linked to has its images locked they will not download to the rest of the world for their enjoyment. If the inestimable Joe placed the image into a site that allowed other to download the image and posted that link, the rest of us could enjoy what he's enjoying. (Not that that fills me with any anticipation, but there you go..)

I shall now sod off. Good day *Bows to the ladies*

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