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This is the Peng Challenge that never ends....It goes on and on my Friends....

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo Radely thou good and faithful if somewhat dim bulbed Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread, I have returned to take up my duties again.

Time to take the bullet out of the gun and put it back in the pocket ... be sure to point the muzzle at someone like, oh, any of the Australians when you perform that task.


Faint praise, yet it thunders in my ears.

Or perhaps that's the 4-barrel carb on my reconditioned '67 GTO as I take careful aim at your prodigious hinder area whilst you bend over to retie the granny knots securing your sensible shoes to those gnarled stumps that serve you for feet.

I'd wax more poetic on the possibilities of playing bumper car with your great and spotty arse, but I'm really here to gloat over the 80-20 pasting I just gave Lars in the Port For Patton scenario.

Oh, Martha! It was a thing of beauty! One AT gun took out 5 of his Shermans as he backed and filled his way over a ridge. And just when he thought he had knocked out enough of my panzers to take the citadel on the hill, what should show up on his right flank, but EVEN MORE panzers to plinkety-plinkety away at him.

Shoot, half of my troops spent the entire battle playing cards and singing barbershop harmonies.

And why he spent TONS of 105 ammo plastering some empty buildings far away from anything is beyond me.

He may show up here whinging all teary-eyed about how the map was a defensive dream and no one but no one would be able to attack and win, but don't believe him.

His is the puling of a bereft calf crying for it's mother.

Pity him.

But go ahead and mock him, too.

It's fun that way.

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Originally posted by Kobal2:

Oh feck, he's back. God ain't on our side...

God hasn't been on your lot's side since Joan of Arc, and MrSpkr and Hortlund would just call her 'another angry lesbian'.

What's the status of the bloody French lad? Anyone taken him as a Squire? He's shown a right good will to show up here and post endless idiocy, which I'm beginning to think passes for 'participation' with the Justicar, who was possibly a remedial school substitute teacher during his youth.

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Oh. I'll rephrase then : it's just his act. You know, pass for a doofus and all that. Pyskologikal warfare, as it were. Try and make his ennemy believe he lacks wit, tactics, and/or fecking eyes.

Only problem is, of course, everybody but him knows he lacks wits, tactics and/or a pair of eyes. But he insists on proving it. Don't ask me why. He's spent our last 8 turns shelling sand. Maybe he believes it makes him "different". It certainly does, in a "subgenius different" way.

Originally posted by Seanachai :

God hasn't been on your lot's side since Joan of Arc, and MrSpkr and Hortlund would just call her 'another angry lesbian'.

You seem to forget our Bard-sized general. He prod mighty buttock.
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

MrSpkr and Hortlund would just call her 'another angry lesbian'.

I'd need to see the photographic evidence first.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

MrSpkr and Hortlund would just call her 'another angry lesbian'.

I'd need to see the photographic evidence first.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Steve </font>

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by MrSpkr:

P.S. No llamas were harmed in the making of this post.

Never mind. I'm sure you'll manage to hit one eventually.
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Guest PondScum

As hard as it is for me to stomach the idea of helping any of you lot, I find myself in possession of a handful of Gmail invitations, and the strange idea that if more cesspudlians had a gigabyte of email space each then maybe turns would come more frequently.

So, front and center with any requests. Natural hierarchy will of course apply, viz Ladies of the Pool, Old Ones, Senior Kaniggets, Your Regular Common or Garden Kaniggets, Squires, and assorted scum.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Alright, which one of you bastards sent me an email inviting me to the peace and love forums?

Just when I thought I couldnt hate you anymore you bastards...

Stop angling after a hug and a kiss. Get a pet, fer God's sake!
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Yea...because if there is one thing I do on these forums its trying to get as many hugs and kisses as possible...Im truly pining for that.

Shouldnt you be out somewhere insulting ppl btw? Now begone little fella, Im sure you can find plenty of ppl in the GF to give the Rambo-treatment..

Edit to insert more colors

[ June 19, 2004, 07:15 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kobal2:

Oh feck, he's back. God ain't on our side...

God hasn't been on your lot's side since Joan of Arc, and MrSpkr and Hortlund would just call her 'another angry lesbian'.

What's the status of the bloody French lad? Anyone taken him as a Squire? He's shown a right good will to show up here and post endless idiocy, which I'm beginning to think passes for 'participation' with the Justicar, who was possibly a remedial school substitute teacher during his youth. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw :

Sadly the lad has been absent for some days and we've seen neither hide NOR hair of his AAR on the battle with Lars. Last we heard he was whining and moaning about mines or somesuch, as if a really GIFTED player would be bothered by such trifles.

Well, I *would* make an action report, if there was *anything* to report. Apart from his insistence on shellshocking sandsnakes, and my finding of enough minefields to call for a UN inspection, I'm just rolling forward without *any* resistance whatsoever. The whole thing could be named "The Memorable Battle of Sweet Fanny Adams".

As to that wispekt thingy, well, I *am* a pinko lefty secular traitor commie yoorow, y'ken ?

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Here's a serious question.

Is there a membership roster for this sad group of chattering posters (aka Peng Challenge Thread), and are there any official competitions, ladders or what ever they are called here? Never done one, might be interested.

My hope is that within pages and pages of illiterate drivel and cut and paste rhyme (of which the first two and last two lines have been read by the poster) I will find the answers to my questions. Or not.

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Originally posted by willbell:

Here's a serious question.

And here's a not so serious response. Serious? Pfffft. It's the weekend. We don't have time for 'serious'.

Is there a membership roster for this sad group of chattering posters (aka Peng Challenge Thread)
We did have a scribe Lorak who 'maintains' a peng website, but the slack bastage hasn't touched it for ages nor posted here - there's a lot of water under the bridge, time passes on, days come and go, and thus it's out of date.

MrSpkr however assures us that he is working on a new site, and it may very well be ready by the time man lands on mars, or visits Alpha Centuri, or somefink.

and are there any official competitions, ladders or what ever they are called here? Never done one, might be interested.
There are challenges.

We try to maintain coherence of sentence and actually put together a blistering taunt that so belittles and upsets the prospective opponent that he/she has no choice but to accept a PBEM (and seek professional counselling).

Thus we live only for continual warfare, on going, with no ultimate result or ladder....lad, this is HELL!

Oh, btw, the other challenge is the mentally challenged (and we do have a few here, except my fine self, and Kitty).

My suggestion, line up someone of junior status here and give them a 'serve' of hateful wit, you may get a battle.

*pats willbell's head*

Such a lovely lad.


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Originally posted by Mace:

Oh, btw, the other challenge is the mentally challenged (and we do have a few here, except my fine self, and Kitty).

Kitty is mentally challenged. Heck, she even acts as if she likes you. But, being a Lady of the Pool, we never speak of it, and just smile politely when she chops off her own fingers. You, you're a bleeding retard, make no mistake. My bet is that you are secretly a pommie.
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