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"The Luga Breakthrough" Tourney Now COMPLETE

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German-------------> Russian--------> Turn

Walpurgis----------> jdsu-----------> Finished

Brent Pollock------> Andrew Kulin---> Finished

Tracks-------------> MrSpkr---------> Finished

Sgt Gold-----------> Victor Charlie-> Finished

a1steaks-----------> Neutral Party--> Finished

Wicky--------------> Malakovski-----> Finished

Preserved Killick--> Booz-----------> Finished

[ August 17, 2005, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]

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Turn 24 here. If we can get a bunch out this weekend, we'll make the deadline.

Unfortunately, TCP/IP is out for technical reasons.


UPDATE: Turn 25. All for today -- should be able to crank out 5 turns tomorrow . . . I hope!

[ August 13, 2005, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Hi I have the results from PK and Booz.

The best Allied results so far and all the games I have seen seem to have been bloody, well fought, battles with plenty of options for both sides.

Just the final three before I can announce the overall results for the tourney.

Keep at it...


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Hi Gents,

At work at the moment but I have seen an E-mail from a1-Steaks and Neutral party saying they are on turn 6.

They do not seem to be able to commit to a definite finish time of the game and I need to know what the other players want to do?

Option 1. I can exclude their results from the tourney and announce the results when Wicky and Mal finish their game?

Option 2. I could give an extension of a week if they were able to say for certain that they would finish the game. (Not sure they would commit, but an option if they posted here giving a definitive date for finish.)

Any other options?

What do people think? I will make a call based upon feedback on Tuesday.


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I don't mean to sound harsh but if they can't commit to a finishing date perhaps it's best to just exclude their results.

This way if they feel they want to finish the scenario just for the fun of it they can do it at their own pace.

I don't think either one has enough points to win the tournament.

I haven't seen a post from either one of them in a long time. Did they loose interest?

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Originally posted by Ted:

I don't mean to sound harsh but if they can't commit to a finishing date perhaps it's best to just exclude their results.

What Ted said, except I do mean to sound harsh. :mad:

Actually A1steaks was good in ROW about returning turns, even when things weren't going well for him so I'm thinking the problem was on the other end.

Either way, it would be a shame to wait for a slacker or 2 after there has already been an extension.

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Well gentlemen thank you for your understanding. I expect I would feel the same way if the boot was on the other foot.

We haven't finished for a variety of reasons and I fully accept responsibility for my part in this. I was out of town and did not have usable internet access for 3 weeks. This meant our start was delayed for that period. Since then I have been turning my turns round within 1 hour of receiving them. I did try to organize a tcp session over the weekend to finish the game off but unfortunately this did not occur.

I have enjoyed playing in the tournament so far. I think the scenarios have been well designed and my opponents have been sporting. I have also taken the time to write AARs during the course of the games I've played in order to provide useful feedback to the designers.

As Ted mentioned neither of us are going to win and having substitutes jump in will not change that. Probably the best idea would be exclude our game from the end results. At least that way us slackers will be able to enjoy the scenario at our own doddering pace.

Best Regards


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Well now, it sounds like you guys are moving right along and haven't faded into the ether after all.

I thought maybe you had caught summer fever, the surf was up and it was time to catch some gnarly waves instead of CM’ing. smile.gif

I have no problem waiting for the final score so long as progress is being made.

It's not like I'm going to win either ;)

And there isn't another scenario to start anyway.

Do you think you guys could finish in another week? What's your best time guestimate to reach a final score?

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My vote is to include their results in the overall tournament (it's the last round and shiite happens), but post the current scores and relative standing of completed games ASAP, with the understanding that it will change. I know I'm not going to win but I'd like to who won and see the scores from this round.

I second the man above: great tournament! smile.gif

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Ditto - as long as we have signs of life, let them finish...it's not as if we're chomping at the bit, waiting to start the next round.

Originally posted by Preserved Killick:

My vote is to include their results in the overall tournament (it's the last round and shiite happens), but post the current scores and relative standing of completed games ASAP, with the understanding that it will change. I know I'm not going to win but I'd like to who won and see the scores from this round.

I second the man above: great tournament! smile.gif

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Whilst we're all twiddling our thumbs, how about some post-mortem/AAR stuff on the other battles.

I am especially interested in how folks executed a successful German defense of that wee hill. I performed an excellent clinic on how NOT to do it. Frankly, I was expecting a small infantry force backed by T-34s - WHOOPS! So, splitting my infantry onto either wing and trying to move UP turned out not to be such a bright idea, as they got pinned and swarmed by Conscripts that wouldn't say "uncle". My ATGs didn't too overly much (I think I over-keyholed them...T-26s can be taken head on and long range), and the one good idea I had was to make certain that no one, and I mean no one, was set up in the trees on the hill. Everyone went into the craters. Made a huge difference in keeping my HMGs thumping away until they were overrun by T-26s.

Gadzooks, I suck at defending...and my opponent hit me with exactly the right attack to completely screw up my so-called defense.

How's'bout all-y'all?

[ August 16, 2005, 09:05 AM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]

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Right Gents,

I will tonight issue the results so far to those of you who have finished.

I have asked for A1 and Neutral to give me a date by which they can finish. If that is not too far into the future we shall wait on their result.

If no date can be given I will end it now and announce the winner.

As for the German Defence.

The 37mm AT guns could (and did) nail the Russian tanks at some considerable distance. This I would not have guessed and those Germans that did open up as soon as they saw the Tanks seemed to fair better.

Of course as a german you did not know if they had Arty or T34's which would give you a false picture.

Using the HNG teams at great distance also played merry hell on the Conscript Russians and delayed any assualts. Because of the time scales any delay is great for the defender.

The best defence deployed I saw was that of WN who moved his troops forward on the Russian left flank to take up the tree edge. This forward thinking made it very hard for the Russian attack, (or would have done).

Brent you had the right idea in some sense but the key was having enough to give the Russians a bloody nose and then pulling back swiftly through the trees on the German right flank.

IMO, I would not have moved a force on the German left as it did not offer such good withdrawal routes to the flags.


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