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Life's just like a box of Peng Challenges

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Originally posted by YK2:

Thanks to Egbert and Papa...

Now see? That's a sentence fragment that I would never expect to see, unless it was completed with something like"...I'll never be able to eat rigatoni again."


"...instead of dying by entropy, the universe died of boredom."

or my personal favorite,

"...Sigfried and Roy have real competition for once."

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

George Washington was NOT born today, (you idjit). He was born on the 22nd. I should know... And Lincoln was born on the 16th. Some years ago, the great and wondrous powers that be (now that's a laugh) decided we shouldn't get two holidays for presidents, so they combined the two and picked a day in the middle-ish.

Now ya know...

Hold on there, Sparky. Lincoln was born on the 12th, or else my world has stopped making any sense at all.
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Originally posted by Lars:

Hola, amigos!

Just got back from Mexico at midnight. Weather was great and had a fantastic trip.

Silly git. You remind me of Puncho out of that classic cowdies and injuns show ..... what was it? ah yes, the Crisco Kid. Ya should have stayed put in Tee-hee-you-wanna? I suppose YOU are now snowed under as well by now?

But found out my Uncle had died while I was gone so first thing this morning I had a funeral to go to. Should have stayed at the beach....
Bugger. That sucks big time :( . Sincere sympathies to you and your family on your sad loss there, buddy...

Ready for play to resume. If we have a game going, send a turn while I go back and read up on how much further this place has sunk into the mire.

Sank without a trace about 35 pages back.....

Now, pluck up some courage to continue getting your butt handed to you in that sick Rune inspired "Blowjob Relief" scenario, or whatever it was called - eg: SEND A TURN PILLOCK!

Oh and by the way, Seanachai, get any postcards?

With or without white powdery substances???


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

George Washington was NOT born today, (you idjit). He was born on the 22nd. I should know... And Lincoln was born on the 16th. Some years ago, the great and wondrous powers that be (now that's a laugh) decided we shouldn't get two holidays for presidents, so they combined the two and picked a day in the middle-ish.

Now ya know...

Hold on there, Sparky. Lincoln was born on the 12th, or else my world has stopped making any sense at all. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Hold on there, Sparky. Lincoln was born on the 12th, or else my world has stopped making any sense at all.

ahhh, yes...I sit corrected.

But at least I knew whose b'days were being celebrated...

Can't blame a girl for not being able to remember EVERYthing...that's what Hiram's for...it's all HIS fault! Always is when I'm wrong...

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"A short while ago I was hurrying across the street,and my masculinity slipped off me and fell onto the muddy asphalt pavement.I didn't have the courage to pick it up .But ,I said to myself ,every cloud has a silver lining.Now I can go about incognito,do bad things,and indulge in vulgar behaviour like ordinary females.Besides ,dignity bores me."

Sir ,I'm very happy you back, Sir

without you I am like a weary man ,whose eye sees nothing but disillusion and bitternes ,and before him nothing but a tempest which contains nothing new,neither instruction nor pain.


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Now, THIS makes perfectly GOOD sense.

<BIG>I WHOOPED BOO'S SCRAWNY BUTT BIGTIME</BIG> in my meticulously crafted TrenchWarfare V1.1<SUP>tm</SUP> scenario to the tune of 52% : 48%. A MASSIVE VICTORY <SMALL><SMALL><SMALL>draw<BIG><BIG> in any layman's language...

Having been suitably chastised on the glorious fields of battle, Boo will no doubt attempt to foist some disgustingly one-sided, totally biased scenario on me in a feeble attempt to extract some modicum of revenge. Well, I'M WISE TO THAT LARK, LADDIE!!

Do your WORST. It's bound to be better than your LAST effort... *snicker*

sIR flAMin' aussieJEFF

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Originally posted by aUSsiejeff:


Shouldn't you be out scaring your neighbors?

Or, why don't you tell all the nice people about our most recent battle? You know, the one YOU created (and I use that term very, very loosely) and was called Aussie Jeff's WW1 trenchfoot-in-mouth warfare, or somefink. The one where you could only get a draw. I really expected better of you AJ (No. That's a lie. I've never expected any better anything from you.), I mean, for the entire game, all I did was hit GO, repeatedly. Hardly ever looked at the screen.

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

Sir ,I'm very happy you back, Sir

without you I am like a weary man ,whose eye sees nothing but disillusion and bitternes ,and before him nothing but a tempest which contains nothing new,neither instruction nor pain.


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

Fear not, Faithfull Squire {oh, apart from fearing my BRILLIANTLY commanded PANZER KOORPS that is turning your pixel army into Peck's Paste that is.. hehe}.

Like that other dashing duo of Min and Henry Crun, we shall sally forth and do unto others that which THEY cannot do unto US - namely THRASH THEIR CMBB HIDES INTO A BLOODY GRUEL!! {..oh, and no doubt annoy the HELL out of 'em in the process .. hehe} What more could an insane old man and his trusty side*kick* want out of life? Eh??

Foreward ... HO!!!!

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Originally posted by aUSsiejeff:

Now, THIS makes perfectly GOOD sense, i'll upper case the u, and the s in my name so i can pretend i'm from the United States!

Plain old Aussie jeff will be like Clark Kent, and then when things get tough, i can be all like, "this looks like a job for Clark Kent!", no wait i mean it go go like "this looks like a job for U.S Jeff !!!

My super powers will be that i can recycle old bottles of fosters, hop almost as high as a kangaroo, and throw boomerangs in a single bound!

That picture of the dog could be his trusty sidekick too.

[ February 17, 2003, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Originally posted by mike the wino:

Hey Egbert whilst we wait for Vadr to explain how that whole internet thing works to mcsomefink, care to have go at QB. 800-1000 points?

With the rate of turns coming out the drunken scotsman I imagine Vadr will be playing that same game when the new CM engine is released. As of now he is averaging 1 turn per 3 days and the average is dropping as time goes on. Even a Canadien could better than this.

Alas, I cannot, in fact Vadr is waiting on me. I have 11 games going right now and a setup from AJ waiting for me to return. While I am keeping up, I cannot start another.

I owe turns to a few that I got this morning. In all I have sent about 20 files today. The ROW takes precedence.

[ February 17, 2003, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Egbert ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by aUSsiejeff:


Shouldn't you be out scaring your neighbors?

Or, why don't you tell all the nice people about our most recent battle? You know, the one YOU created (and I use that term very, very loosely) and was called Aussie Jeff's WW1 trenchfoot-in-mouth warfare, or somefink.


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Originally posted by aUSsiejeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

But found out my Uncle had died while I was gone so first thing this morning I had a funeral to go to. Should have stayed at the beach....

Bugger. That sucks big time :( . Sincere sympathies to you and your family on your sad loss there, buddy...


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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

"this looks like a job for U.S Jeff !!!

*blush* "Well, ah'll be. A li'l ol' Fow-cker needs mah Soop-per poW-ers mow-est urgent-lee.."

My super powers will be that i can recycle old bottles of fosters, hop almost as high as a kangaroo, and throw boomerangs in a single bound!

Idiot! You got the words round the wrong way. It should read -

"My super powers will be that i can recycle old boomerangs, hop almost as high as a bottle of fosters, and throw kangaroos in a single bound!"

That picture of the dog could be his trusty sidekick too.
You sick puppy!!! Have you not impaled this, this Flocker thingy yet, Faithfull Squire?? If not, place 'im at the head of your "to DO" list!

Why, if'n mah "WHUP TH' EEJITS" dance card were'nt a'fullup at tha moment, ah'd give yer a Tango ya'll wooden soon fow-get, boy!

Later, mayhap...


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Originally posted by aUSsiejeff:

I know it hurts to lose so bad to a mental superiour.


<big>Stephen Hawking was there???</big>

Hey, he owes me money. Or did you mean YOUR mental superior??? Shoot, that could be anything up to and including a sack of doorknobs.

Speaking of which, Seanachai, send me a move. I feel the need to whup on you some more.

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

Why was'nt i born on the great wasteland continent of Aussie? Oh how i yearn for the new of Zealand!

Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

XenoCoatrack, you'll get your defeat don't worry, i'm going to send you crying all the way back to the refuge of your masters apron strings.

[ February 17, 2003, 11:01 PM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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