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My my, at Waterloo Peng did challenge

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You know Seanachai we haven't fully established YOUR bona-fidos when you get right down to it. I mean you CLAIM to be of Irish descent but we've seen no proof. You CLAIM to be gnome but we've seen ... no wait, we HAVE seen photos, okay scratch that one.

The point is that I think you are trying to hide something and your insistence on further data from lenakonrad is just your attempt to hide from our scrutiny.

So Seanachai, let's see some more of YOU (ohhh, I didn't care for the image THAT inspires) before we investigate others, eh?


p.s. Besides, the poor lad has enough to deal with ... having sprung from AussieJeff's loins ... in a manner of speaking ... damn there's another image that's going to ruin my day.

Bah! I don't care how crazed on barleywine AussieJeff becomes, or how much he blusters and rants!

Until we have full proof that lenakonrad has no WMDs, then they cannot be raised higher than Knighthood!

His incessant personal emails to me describing me as a monster are one thing, but this insistence that a foreign national of indeterminant citizenship not make full disclosure of their position regarding almost any inane thing that any of us can come up with is simply unconscionable!

How can we break the will of these people if we are not given a free-hand by their sponsors? And AussieJeff's descent into utter madness! Isn't this a sign that their constant exchange of emails has...well, actually, he was pretty much incoherent and given to raving long before lenakonrad strode mysteriously on to the scene, so I guess we can't lay fault there.

What is my point, you ask? No one knows! But I insist that we all get a chance to put the boot in on AussieJeff, with extreme, villainous sneers as we do so. Who's with me?!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Who's with me?!

With all due respect oh Great One if it be the same lot that joined your crusade against the Great State of Florida then I would suggest you change your request to:

Am I alone on this one, too?

[ March 20, 2003, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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What is my point, you ask? No one knows! But I insist that we all get a chance to put the boot in on AussieJeff, with extreme, villainous sneers as we do so. Who's with me?!
Now THERE'S a task that I think we can ALL turn to with a will. I'd even be willing to forego ... fourwent ... whatever, my personal investigation of YOU for the opportunity to put the boot to AussieJeff.

As to lenakonrad however, we need to realize that the poor lad has been harmed, likely irreparably, by his continued forced association with AussieJeff and is deserving of our forebearance for the nonce. I, for one, couldn't care less if he's Polish or Dutch or even Sengalese ... he's clearly from SOME goober nation and one's as good as another as long as it's not Australia in which case it would be as BAD as another ... or something.


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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I, for one, couldn't care less if he's Polish or Dutch or even Sengalese ... he's clearly from SOME goober nation and one's as good as another as long as it's not Australia in which case it would be as BAD as another ... or something.


Nationality complex, Joe ? But don't worry,living in US ,even as a Mordgage Wanker can't be that bad...at least this is what I hear..

Sir konrad

Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

What is my point, you ask? No one knows! But I insist that we all get a chance to put the boot in on AussieJeff, with extreme, villainous sneers as we do so. Who's with me?!

Looks to me like you're beside yourself, which (in binary) makes 10. And while you didn't ask for numbers but names, you can feel the "Safety in numbers" with a number like 10.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Who's with me?!


This seems mysteriously like his last famous crusade, the one to crown a king of the Pool . Remember the Meeks fiasco?

Just because AussieJeff is a loon, is no excuse to demean the Knighthood of lenakonrad. He is doing a fine enough job of that on his very own. I do not see where a validation of lenakonrad's or anyone elses Bona Fides makes one iota of sense in this demented place.

Once bitten, twice shy

The olde addage still rings true

Seanachai rants, to arms to arms!

a lone voice in a hollow room.

Is Konrad ying or yang

Pole or Dutch?

Friend or foe, crazy or sane?

Truly, does anyone care much?

Has the olde Gnome finally gone round the bend?

Is creating turmoil his only comfort now?

Is it insanity, or a moment so lucid

as to bring us all around.

To another great quest

so lads, turn over every rock

check every hiding place

question every new post.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Poor little ÜberGnome.....*sniff*.


For I'm called Little Ubergnome-- dear Little Ubergnome,

Though I could never tell why,

But still I'm called Ubergnome -- poor little Ubergnome,

Sweet Little Ubergnome I!

I've snuff and tobaccy, and excellent jacky,

I've scissors, and watches, and knives;

I've ribbons and laces to set off the faces

Of pretty young sweethearts and wives.

I've treacle and toffee, I've tea and I've coffee,

Soft tommy and succulent chops;

I've chickens and conies, and pretty polonies,

And excellent peppermint drops.

Then buy of your Ubergnome -- dear Little Ubergnome;

Sailors should never be shy;

So, buy of your Ubergnome -- poor Little Ubergnome;

Come, of your Ubergnome buy!

Sorry, but I couldn't help myself...

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

Poor little ÜberGnome.....*sniff*.


For I'm called Little Ubergnome-- dear Little Ubergnome,

Though I could never tell why,

But still I'm called Ubergnome -- poor little Ubergnome,

Sweet Little Ubergnome I!

I've snuff and tobaccy, and excellent jacky,

I've scissors, and watches, and knives;

I've ribbons and laces to set off the faces

Of pretty young sweethearts and wives.

I've treacle and toffee, I've tea and I've coffee,

Soft tommy and succulent chops;

I've chickens and conies, and pretty polonies,

And excellent peppermint drops.

Then buy of your Ubergnome -- dear Little Ubergnome;

Sailors should never be shy;

So, buy of your Ubergnome -- poor Little Ubergnome;

Come, of your Ubergnome buy!

Sorry, but I couldn't help myself... </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

What i've learned today is that Gaylord Focker is a supreme tactician, i've run out of options so i'll just hope he forgets i owe him next turn

Well once again your calculations are off Ni did'nt do it 1. </font>
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So far, it's been almost a complete sweep.

No one will stand hip to shoulder with the Gnome, except the loyal Justicar.

looks at the last sentence for several moments

Have I fallen into some sort of Parallel Universe where Peng is going to show up with a beard and reveal himself to be some sort of 'Mr Rogers' creature of unmitigated good, or something?

Roight, then! You've all turned into a bunch of Australia huggers, you have! Well, I'm not having any of that 'old world' thinking around here.

If necessary, I will 'go it alone' in my bashing of AussieJeff and those others who insist on being Australian. But I won't really be alone, do ya' see, because I am currently working on a 'Coalition of the Willing', which is a great new concept and which I have just now coined all on my own. Support for this new Coalition, as I have named it, will be massive. Already, a great many Knights of the Thread actively support it, although almost all of them wish to remain unnamed. Doubtless for fear of reprisals from Australia, and Australia's supporters, amongst which we will have to include those who pursue a craven policy of Appeasement of these Down Under Ruffians.

But I am not a Gnome who is inflexible. If, within the next 48 hours, AussieJeff, Mace, Noba, Speedy, Stuka (wherever he's gotten to), Goanna (same thing), and any or all other Australians of the Thread, as well as Lars (for no good reason at all) agree to move to France, then further violence at the hands of the Coalition will be unnecessary.

I urge all Australians to consider this proposal carefully. Further slanging of you lot must follow should you prove intransigent.

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Seanachai :

Well if you mean ALL Australians. That would certainly be more sporting! Serf 3rd Classless Boggs reports available for muster. If we allow the Aussies to gain any sense of respect for themselves, they would probably start demanding Human Rights.

[ March 20, 2003, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

Goanna (same thing)

Last heard of in Siberia, with a broken leg, feeling sorry for himself, and (MOST IMPORTANTLY) unable to finish our game.

You all sent him get-well cards, right? RIGHT??

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I was lowered to knighthood on a whim of the elf Lorak after one squire battle that I lost.

"Lost", Jimmy??? "Lost"??? Ye didnae lose sae much as snatched defeat fraim tha jaws o' VICTORY!!! Ye haid mae on tha ropes laddie, wi' mae wretched scraps o' conscript rubbish foisted upon mae bah tha bastarrrd Meeks. An' thain ye surrendered. Pillock.

An' welcome tae Sir Lenakonrad. As surreal as mae ain prood prodigy, Sir Yeknodathon. Lang mae ye frisk! (Didnae ask, Ah haeve noo idea).

An noo a wee poem fer ye...


Feckin' mongrrrel wee span'l as ain tha bin agin,

"GI' OOT O' AT!!" Ah curse tha yelpin' bugger!

Shae hae tha soft broon eyes o' tha misty morn,

An' eats tha rubbish ain mah bin!

Wha tender snout di' e'er carry a scrap tae at's Master?

Boot at's noo a stankin' scrap o' soggy refuse!

At's feckin' Lars tha skanky diggin' bastarrrd fraim tha ubliette!!!!!!!!!!

*sweepin' bow*

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Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I was lowered to knighthood on a whim of the elf Lorak after one squire battle that I lost.

"Lost", Jimmy??? "Lost"??? Ye didnae lose sae much as snatched defeat fraim tha jaws o' VICTORY!!! Ye haid mae on tha ropes laddie, wi' mae wretched scraps o' conscript rubbish foisted upon mae bah tha bastarrrd Meeks. An' thain ye surrendered. Pillock.

An' welcome tae Sir Lenakonrad. As surreal as mae ain prood prodigy, Sir Yeknodathon. Lang mae ye frisk! (Didnae ask, Ah haeve noo idea).

An noo a wee poem fer ye...


Feckin' mongrrrel wee span'l as ain tha bin agin,

"GI' OOT O' AT!!" Ah curse tha yelpin' bugger!

Shae hae tha soft broon eyes o' tha misty morn,

An' eats tha rubbish ain mah bin!

Wha tender snout di' e'er carry a scrap tae at's Master?

Boot at's noo a stankin' scrap o' soggy refuse!

At's feckin' Lars tha skanky diggin' bastarrrd fraim tha ubliette!!!!!!!!!!

*sweepin' bow* </font>

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Roight lads!!

As newly formed members of "The Coalition Of The Unwilling To Put Up With Megalomaniac Gnome's" are we all in our pre-determined attack positions?

Good! Prepare to administer a massive, pre-emptive <BIG>*BOOT* to Seanachai's beligerent botty.

"5..4..3..2..1..<BIG><BIG><BIG>*BOOT*<SMALL><SMALL><SMALL> WOOOSH!.....

... local residents of Akron, Ohio hear a sonic boom, stop clubbing, and race outside their caves to see a small, misshapen missile in the form of a disfigured COMMON garden gnome with a pointy red nose cone, hurtling through the tropposphere, destination north Pole ....

All things come to pass ....

Sir AJ

Coalition of etcetera, etcetera....

<small>[ March 20, 2003, 11:03 PM: Message edited by: AUSSIEJEFF ]

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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

"5..4..3..2..1..<BIG><BIG><BIG>*BOOT*<SMALL><SMALL> WOOOSH!.....

... local residents of Akron, Ohio hear a sonic boom, stop clubbing, and race outside their caves to see a small, misshapen missile in the form of a disfigured COMMON garden gnome with a pointy red nose cone, hurtling through the tropposphere, destination north Pole ....

All things come to pass ....

Sir AJ

Coalition of etcetera, etcetera....

Oh, now that they've used a WMD, I certainly will continue to toss a little hate and discontent towards the Wallaby lovers.


"May the fleas of all the robbies infest your armpits."

There, that aughta do it.

<font size = -2> edited to remind Vadr the end of the ROW is getting closer</font>

<small>[ March 20, 2003, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: Egbert ]

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Before rushing headlog into the fray, let us pause a moment and learn some Geography of the Australian Continent. There will be three points of interest that we shall explore one by one.

1. What do Australian men carry on their shoulder?

Answer: Their Perth

2. Where can you find an Australian's toilet?

Answer: Outback

3. Where do Australian men keep their brains?

Answer: Down Under

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

So far, it's been almost a complete sweep.

No one will stand hip to shoulder with the Gnome, except the loyal Justicar.

looks at the last sentence for several moments

Have I fallen into some sort of Parallel Universe where Peng is going to show up with a beard and reveal himself to be some sort of 'Mr Rogers' creature of unmitigated good, or something?

Roight, then! You've all turned into a bunch of Australia huggers, you have! Well, I'm not having any of that 'old world' thinking around here.

If necessary, I will 'go it alone' in my bashing of AussieJeff and those others who insist on being Australian. But I won't really be alone, do ya' see, because I am currently working on a 'Coalition of the Willing', which is a great new concept and which I have just now coined all on my own. Support for this new Coalition, as I have named it, will be massive. Already, a great many Knights of the Thread actively support it, although almost all of them wish to remain unnamed. Doubtless for fear of reprisals from Australia, and Australia's supporters, amongst which we will have to include those who pursue a craven policy of Appeasement of these Down Under Ruffians.

But I am not a Gnome who is inflexible. If, within the next 48 hours, AussieJeff, Mace, Noba, Speedy, Stuka (wherever he's gotten to), Goanna (same thing), and any or all other Australians of the Thread, as well as Lars (for no good reason at all) agree to move to France, then further violence at the hands of the Coalition will be unnecessary.

I urge all Australians to consider this proposal carefully. Further slanging of you lot must follow should you prove intransigent.

Seanachai you're a right fool and no error, but in this you have the right of it.

It was YOU who first directed our attention to the peril that IS Australia. It was YOU who first turned your scorn and derision on the Australians. It was YOU who first began the crusade (only in the most politically correct and ahistorical sense of course ... like I care) against everything that IS Australian.

Now we see Berli allied with the Australians ... it must be a GOOD feeling to see your teachings vindicated. EVIL is, after all, as Evil does and a goober nation deserves a goober supporter.


[ March 21, 2003, 12:15 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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[... and in the dim morning light something grey and heavy is inspecting anything that should crawl or creep on its belly across the paddock]

Bugger... an axis of weevils... Nobbit weevils... N. Korean weevils... *sniff* Morman weevils... weevils of slightly diminutive depth and breadth...


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