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AleMaster's Waffle of Cheery Threats

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Yeah that's right you sheep-breeding!, amoeba-pumping!, non-tnt-chucking!, non-bloody-limb-collecting!, non-cmbb-playing, grunt wannabes!! :mad:

I better see some bloody hands raised to fill my PBEM slot and some molten, fiery, sullen faces raised in agony pretty damn quick or I'm gonna start banging mamas! :mad:

I have some experience under my belt and it's time to start chucking some REAL TNT! None of this pretend **** anymore! :mad:

I want a victim who is willing to play with the big boys and the big guns and I aint talking about your mamas willy! :mad: Now raise that pathetic hand so I can blow it off!! :mad: :mad:

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Guess I'm not eligible since we're already in the middle of a "battle" chasing mountain goats all over the map. So how well do the engines of your T-34s operate 15,000 feet above sea level? Since I haven't seen one move yet, maybe not too well. tongue.gif

Any time now I'm expecting to run into Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood. Talk about your TNT chuckers!! :mad:

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:mad: :mad: :mad:

Goodale, you are a pus-filled GOAT SHAGGER!!

My game vs Teddy Windsor is going a treat! Not only do I have NO TANKS with decent weapons, so they are all unable to penetrate the Kraut armour, but Teddy has a frigging Brummbar to take out my handful of infantry!! What the flying arse cheeks is this scenario all about? You lunatic! When I've finished this match, I'm going to go medieval on your arse. :mad:

Hortlund and I are continuing to frot all over each other. His two T-34s (one gun damaged) are cowering out of range of my tanks like the jessy vodka-sucking perverts they are. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Soddball:

My game vs Teddy Windsor is going a treat! Not only do I have NO TANKS with decent weapons, so they are all unable to penetrate the Kraut armour, but Teddy has a frigging Brummbar to take out my handful of infantry!! What the flying arse cheeks is this scenario all about? You lunatic! When I've finished this match, I'm going to go medieval on your arse. :mad:

I have to admit, 25 turns into our test of endurance, I am beginning to enjoy myself (although I suspect I have lost my feeble grip on reality somewhere in the Black Forest).

It's a little harsh to write off your brave tankers like that - my poor PzIII crew is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. After bouncing their three special, lucky, magic tungsten shells off the turrets of your T34s to no effect, they pop smoke and disappear for a little lie down only to find a KV1 sneaking around in a ditch. I have a feeling this just isn't going to be their day...

Still, I have been pretty impressed by the Brummbar and the one round it's fired so far. I'm guessing from your wail of anguish and gnashing of teeth the movie I sent last night is kind of far out and groovy.

But if you think the TNT quotient is rapidly rising now, just you wait until the rockets I ordered half a lifetime ago start flying and the rest of my armour springs into action after finishing tiffin at Hitler's Secret Hideout. That's the beauty of playing one of MG's guaranteed "historic and balanced" scenarios - you just never know what's around the corner.

Really rather livid out loud,


BTW Nice thread title, Snarker.

[ January 21, 2003, 05:46 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

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That's it Soddball! :mad: I'm gonna kick your goat-loving ass maggot!! :mad: I gave you several good soviet tanks! You have a plethora of dirty, angry units with which to chuck, slather, spew, toss and down right splash TNT on your unsuspecting kraut opponents! :mad: DON'T make me give you a lesson in TNT-Chucking maggot!! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Becket:

Goodale, total PBEM newbie here (been playing 'gainst the AI since it came out) but if you have room for a game, let me know.

You're both on carrot Top and Becky!!

I swear by the holy TNT chuckers I'm gonna sling so much god damned TNT in your general direction you maggots won't know what to do! You'll be crawling to China in a river of molten TNT!!!

I'll call it . . . . . ."A River of TNT Runs Through It"!! HAHHAHA AHA HAHAH AH AHAH AHAH HA H!!!

Both of you maggots! Front and Center!!

We will play 2500 point quick battles on hilly terrain, 1943, clear weather, moderate tree coverage, mid-day, dry, 35+ turns, human unit purchase, Attack/defense! I'm the Ruskies as usual. You can buy whatever you like!

I'll send the setups! get ready to die a miserable, hot, furious, TNT-Slathered death you skunk-banging, amoeba-licking puss sacks!! </font>

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You FNGs obviously have NO IDEA how much hot, bitter, furious, angry, molten, emotionally-disturbed, Paxil-Taking TNT I am capable of chucking, slathering, spewing, tossing, throwing, splashing, and propelling in your general direction scumnuts! :mad: I'm gonna show ya though. Oh yeah don't you worry yer pretty little arse because I'm gonna cover it with flaming blisters the size of your mamas ass! You best go prepare yourself for the TNT barrage by buolding a nice big pyramid of 300 mm shells on top of a big mountain then run down the mountain after pulling out the bottom shell because that's what it's gonna be like maggot! Nothing but hate and fury raining down on your skull!! :mad:

ARRARAGRGRAGRGRAGRAGR! I can't wait!!!! :mad:

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Goodale, you have one chance now to escape TNT laden death. Admit my daddyship, and all will be well.

Defy me not to my worst! For if I begin the battle, I will not spare your men from TNT until they lie buried in their own ashes! :mad: :mad:

My soldiers, wearing the flames of your feeble TNT, shall range to and fro, mowing like grass the infants you call soldiers!

Therefore, Goodale, take pity upon your men now, while my TNT is still in my command, and I can hold back the filthy clouds of murder, spoil, and villany!

What say you?! :mad: Will you yield, and this avoid? :mad: Or, guilty in defense, be thus destroyed!!! GRRARRGGHG! :mad: :mad:

(apologies to Bill Shakespeare :D )

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SODDBALL you scumsack-eating, amoeba-puss-licking, american flag burning, Saddam Hussein Loving, sheep banging, TNT Eating, TNT-Chucker Enslaving maggot!! :mad:

You're on BITCH!! :mad:

I'm gonna wrap every bitter grain of my hate for you into one big, bitter, fiery, furious, fiesty, emotionally disturbed, psychologically unstable TNT package and sling it like a used deuche at your dumb, non-fighting, cowardly kraut grunts maggot!! :mad:

I'm serious!! :mad: I'm sending your sorry, non-tactics-having ass a big fat setup tonight - medium size, dry, 1942, 3000 - 4000 points(depending on how angry I am when I make it scumbag!), clear, midday, moderate hills, human purchase!!


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Hey,Grandmama Upchucker! I'm gonna slop steaming, acidic TNT on your men!!!! Up close and personal so I see every face melt like peppermint patties left in a hot car MAGGOT!!!!!

"It burns! It hurts! Make the bad man stop! Help MEEEEEE...." GRRRRRRRR

SUCK IT UP!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Oh yeah, *bump*.

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Hey snarker, I just chucked a few cans of this grey soup my men whipped up for supper. We didn't taste test it ourselves so would you be so kind? It's kind of hot so you might want to blow on it first. :mad:

I have removed Thermoplae that lollygagging, non-turn-returning, non-tnt-chucking, flag burning maggot from my Harem until our 5 year battle is decided! One more delay like that scumsack and you're a bitch! :mad:

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Master Goodale wrote: I'll send the setups! get ready to die a miserable, hot, furious, TNT-Slathered death you skunk-banging, amoeba-licking puss sacks!!
Apparently, when you were unpacking your adjectives, you neglected to include "slow arriving" to describe the TNT-Slathered death! There is no TNT in my inbox! :mad:

('course, I have no way of knowing if that's your fault or if my friends at phpwebhosting have selected another random ISP from which to refuse email.)

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Game update:

Goodale has proceeded with a strategy involving the wanton chucking of TNT. Not neccessarily at anything in particular. Unfortunately the sheer mass of semi-bitter and apparently professioanlly counseled TNT (its a newer, kinder, gentler Goodlae TNT chucking force) is beginning to tell. I am sad to report that at leats one soldier now has a severe hang nail. And 6 others are dead, but that was due largely to being unfortunately elected for Super-Hazardous-Gung-Ho-airborne-Ranger-commando-cannon fodder pay and employment.

Of course, with at leats half a paltoon of german troops to call my own, I shall proceeded to to annihilate, destroy, and atomically cleanse(working on this part) MGs forces. And a little dance to assorted dark gods, and selling my sooul to bog a KV or two apparently is considered an alternate tactical solution. As a noted pro to this course of action, they (whose name swill eb undisclosed until the end of a week long orgy/sacrfice/war of conquest across the known universe and afew other dimensions ends well.) are throwing ina free copy of the CM 3 beta.

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